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Author Topic: Venting.  (Read 1341641 times)
The Luminous Shadow
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 530
Posts: 3262

Be who you are and say what you feel

« Reply #1200 on: August 01, 2015, 05:34:45 AM »

No offense was taken by Groovidad's post - we've discussed via PM.

Now then, back to venting.

I don't like this either!  And not because someone's little Shmoopsie-doodle may decide to decorate my lawn - no, I'm of the opinion that with cars in suburban neighborhoods, it isn't always safe for your pet to roam about.  If your animal got hit, it'd be an awful day for all involved.  Why not be careful for their sake?

But you know what I love?  When my team at work goes from 3 experienced people to 2 (with me as senior) and the next most senior person decides to (a) take an unscheduled holiday twice in one week, leaving ME to cover for her, but decides to quit in the same week.  And quits 3 weeks before bonuses are paid out at a company that was very clear that one has to be present at payout to earn said bonus, with plans to return to school, IN THE NEXT MONTH.  NOTHING GOING ON IN BETWEEN.  AND DECIDES TO CHECK OUT MENTALLY THE LAST WEEK?!?

First, you frak me over, AND you idiotically leave money on the table that you earned?!?

Okay, so maybe she had a reason none of us know about but uh . . . wow.  WOW.  How the . . . . wow.   Yeeeaaah, no.

Speaking of "what the hell just happened ??" things, how about this?  I'm at the gym last week, minding my own business, and this guy comes up to me and is frantically waving at me.  I pull out one earbud and raise an eyebrow and he points to one of the racks and says to me that he's "loading it up"  and begins explaining to me why he's doing it (Spoiler:  I don't give a damn) and I'm just staring at him saying, "Yeah? So?"  He says VERY emphatically to me, "I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I AM OKAY."

. . . . what, now?

He goes on for a while about "this is how he trains" and "if I see him struggling, not to worry." 

I tell him that I seriously don't care what he does and he says VERY loudly to me, "I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I AM OKAY!"

And I said, "Fine. When you drop 300 pounds on your face, I won't call 911. "

He repeated his mantra to me (WTF???) and at that point?  I just went waaaaaaay to the other side of the weight room because no.  Just no.    (Fun fact:  After all that, he couldn't lift it.  GOLLY GEE.  Roll Eyes  )     Seriously, don't talk to me when I'm at the gym.  Just don't do it.  I don't care what you want.   It's Gym Time, not Talk Time.  BYE.

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 340
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Founder - The Underfunded Force (Light Points)

« Reply #1201 on: August 01, 2015, 01:31:19 PM »


I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar!

Dominix v2 Fire Orange
Aeon v3 Guardian Blue/Obsidian

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -385
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Darth Cronfios

« Reply #1202 on: August 01, 2015, 03:12:22 PM »

But was he OK?

MR Vader - ANH
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The Luminous Shadow
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 530
Posts: 3262

Be who you are and say what you feel

« Reply #1203 on: August 01, 2015, 03:27:29 PM »

But was he OK?


Game Master
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« Reply #1204 on: August 02, 2015, 10:39:02 AM »

So my brand new (as in one week old) tablet died this morning. My pet rat also died this morning. Thats obviously far more upsetting than the tablet.

Then had to go to a public costuming event that I couldn't really get out of and put on a brave face. Only to be running late and hubby got lost twice (don't ask). But that was okay, because we still had half an hr to get ready as opposed to the full hour.... or so we thought until we arrived and discovered no, we were given the wrong time. The event had started half an hour before we got there. I guess I should be glad the event itself went well.

I've been emotionally struggling (and failing) for weeks as it is, between work, my ankle and whatever other shavit is going on in life atm. Only just started improving at the end of the week. Well, that's been canned. I just cant deal with anything right now.

I dun normally go on about this shavit here, but I just had to say something. RPers, my apologies to you but if you need me, talk to Krace.

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Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 340
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Founder - The Underfunded Force (Light Points)

« Reply #1205 on: August 02, 2015, 11:11:33 AM »

So my brand new (as in one week old) tablet died this morning. My pet rat also died this morning. Thats obviously far more upsetting than the tablet.

I too lost a pet rat this week, Friday in fact.  Made for a rather not good day for me.  He was very good at shoulder sitting and talking in your ear.  He'd tug your earlobe to let you know he had to potty, which generally meant sitting him down on a paper towel on a flat surface.  He'd do his thing and go back to shoulder riding for the day.  I miss the little fuzzball.

I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar!

Dominix v2 Fire Orange
Aeon v3 Guardian Blue/Obsidian

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 48
Posts: 397

« Reply #1206 on: August 02, 2015, 11:52:17 AM »

So my brand new (as in one week old) tablet died this morning. My pet rat also died this morning. Thats obviously far more upsetting than the tablet.

Then had to go to a public costuming event that I couldn't really get out of and put on a brave face. Only to be running late and hubby got lost twice (don't ask). But that was okay, because we still had half an hr to get ready as opposed to the full hour.... or so we thought until we arrived and discovered no, we were given the wrong time. The event had started half an hour before we got there. I guess I should be glad the event itself went well.

I've been emotionally struggling (and failing) for weeks as it is, between work, my ankle and whatever other shavit is going on in life atm. Only just started improving at the end of the week. Well, that's been canned. I just cant deal with anything right now.

I dun normally go on about this shavit here, but I just had to say something. RPers, my apologies to you but if you need me, talk to Krace.
That sucks.

Real life can grind you down. I can relate as I am dealing with several separate health issues. Normally can cope but every now and then the combination can feel overwhelming.
We all need to vent every now and then just for the release of pent-up pressure.

Hope you can find something to take your mind off things, even if as simple as spinning your Saber.



The Luminous Shadow
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 530
Posts: 3262

Be who you are and say what you feel

« Reply #1207 on: August 02, 2015, 01:29:20 PM »

Aww, so sorry to hear about your rat, Blonde!  I had a few pet rats myself and I loved them dearly.  So smart and cute and really affectionate, too.  Sad   I really hope your week improves.  That sounds like a pile of horrible.   Undecided

Dauntless Seven
Lady of the Sage Order
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« Reply #1208 on: August 02, 2015, 06:35:43 PM »

BIG TEDDY BEAR HUGS for everyone who can use one and for those that need to know that they matter to the forum community.  Smiley

Knight Major

Force Alignment: 48
Posts: 397

« Reply #1209 on: August 02, 2015, 07:12:07 PM »

Back atcha D7

Jev Moldara
Knight Commander

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The Mad Professor

« Reply #1210 on: August 03, 2015, 08:29:32 AM »


But was he OK?

Annie, are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?

Mad Science means never stopping to ask "What's the worst that could happen?"

Nothing is forgotten. Nothing is ever forgotten.

The Luminous Shadow
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 530
Posts: 3262

Be who you are and say what you feel

« Reply #1211 on: August 03, 2015, 02:23:33 PM »

Every time I hear that song, I think "Ani" like "Anakin" and I am like, "NO.  Ani is NOT OKAY!"   Cheesy

Also, that same guy was back at the gym last night and was yet again fervently explaining to another girl just what he was doing.  I notice he doesn't feel the need to tell any of the men that he's "okay."  Roll Eyes 

Which brings me back to venting.  If you're not using the machine, don't sit there and play on your phone while you take up space.  That's so freakin' rude.  Also, if you're done with a bench, don't leave your sweaty towel draped over it until you're done with your circuit.  I wipe the bench down anyway, but I really don't want to have to touch your sweat rag because gross.  A shocking amount of people don't know basic "gym etiquette."  Makes me wonder about other things!

Knight Ensign

Force Alignment: -32
Posts: 192

« Reply #1212 on: August 03, 2015, 02:34:16 PM »

Which brings me back to venting.  If you're not using the machine, don't sit there and play on your phone while you take up space.  That's so freakin' rude.  Also, if you're done with a bench, don't leave your sweaty towel draped over it until you're done with your circuit.  I wipe the bench down anyway, but I really don't want to have to touch your sweat rag because gross.  A shocking amount of people don't know basic "gym etiquette."  Makes me wonder about other things!

Which is why I don't use gyms, if I want an exercise I'd like it to be on a long trail, outside with my training weights and my mp3 player not inside with a bunch of sweaty dudes who're probably already in shape...

Dark Side Points please~!

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The Luminous Shadow
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 530
Posts: 3262

Be who you are and say what you feel

« Reply #1213 on: August 03, 2015, 03:46:12 PM »

Which is why I don't use gyms, if I want an exercise I'd like it to be on a long trail, outside with my training weights and my mp3 player not inside with a bunch of sweaty dudes who're probably already in shape...

It's 115 degrees here on a good day, so that's not an option for most people, unless you like heat stroke. Wink   Also, I've never been a fan of the whole "only people who are already in shape go to the gym" mantra.  They don't start out that way.  It takes a lot of work and then, you have to maintain it.  Some people are jerks about it, yes.  But most aren't. 

You've got all kinds of people from trainers like myself who do it for a living to 70-year old grandmothers who just come to walk on the treadmill.   But it IS the younger men who seem to need the gym etiquette the most, so maybe it's an age thing.  Just keep your sweaty towels to yourself and we'll be fine.   

On a completely different note, I didn't realize this mint I was about to eat was completely shattered in the wrapper and when I opened it, it went EVERYWHERE.  My keyboard is now sticky, but minty fresh.   Cheesy 

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -385
Posts: 4171

Darth Cronfios

« Reply #1214 on: August 04, 2015, 02:10:29 AM »

Also, that same guy was back at the gym last night and was yet again fervently explaining to another girl just what he was doing.  I notice he doesn't feel the need to tell any of the men that he's "okay."  Roll Eyes 

Have you considered asking the Gym to request that this man stop harassing other patrons?

MR Vader - ANH
MR Vader - ESB
Dark War Glaive - Blazing Red - "Belligerence"
Standard Issue Grab Bag - Guardian Blue - "Bastion"
2 Shock LEs - Violet - "Perseverance" and "Integrity"
Archon - "Insight"
Dark Initiate - "Harbinger"

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