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Author Topic: Only Light Can Cast Shadow (A KotOR AU FanFiction) (Part I)  (Read 41994 times)
Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2018, 01:37:05 AM »

I loved the opening section with Malak and Halin/Revan that was very poignant – the regret of it saying how he misses Halin….the loss of naivety….Atris was also well done the seeds of what we know from KOTOR 2 planted in multiple ways with the holocron…
Anyway this…
“Sorry doesn’t alter the past….”
“I know that… but it can alter the future…

Was just a BRILLIANT line, simple but rich with meaning.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. The opening scene between Malak and Halin/Revan has been one of my favorite to write so far and ended up with a lot more happening than I realized I was getting myself into T^T It's what prompted the "Times you felt bad for your characters" thread.

I'm trying to slowly incorperate more of Atris, since she becomes so important later on, but I'm still figuring out her character. She always seemed elusive to me in KOTOR II, so she's been tricky to figure out so far.

I might have the next part of Chapter 13 up later tonight (I suppose "today" for you though).... but I have to force myself to finish my homework in the next 2 and a half hours first so I can turn it in on time >.> It's not hard, or long, just... really boring and I'm an expert at procrastination.

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2018, 02:02:11 AM »

Well Chapter 12 was one incredible installment: one remarkable scene after another!

LR, I like what you've done with Revan and Malak, incorporating canon while making the narrative all your own.  To wit: seeing the adversity that both of them are going through and how they deal with it, nothing seems like a foregone conclusion.  These scenes elicit some strong feelings as well: the disgust at the Jedi Council for their apathy and hypocrisy to the grim events of Demagol's "experiments."  And all the time, we know that the Mandalorian Wars are ravaging the galaxy.

No wonder the Revanchist become so fiercely loyal to Revan, body and soul.  She's the only Jedi who's assertiveness isn't blunted by self-deluded blind fools.

On to Chapter 13!

I'm so glad that you enjoyed chapter 12! It ended up much longer than my initial intentions, but there was just so much happening simultaneously that I'm not sure I could have condensed it any more.

My initial concept starting this was a re-writing of what's canon (as ambitious as it is, much of what was once "canon" has been retconned or reworked or all sorts of twisting around lately, and nearly everything of legends or expanded universe or accepted canon is technically no more than fanfiction that happened to get published and accepted by the masses). Therefore, I've always tried to write with the intention of making the reader question what they thought they knew. Who knows--maybe one day it can be an "alternative canon" lol.

In every source I've been able to find about the Council during this period (the time following the Great Sith War) there's a certain level of hypocrisy that's gone beyond (in my opinion) any other Era in the Star Wars universe. Not just applicable to the Jedi's involvement in war, but also the concept of familial and emotional attachments. In the time before the Great Sith war, you have MANY Jedi with very open families (best example is Nomi Sunrider, who was the wife of a Jedi Knight, became a Jedi herself after taking up her husband's lightsaber to defend herself and their daughter after he was killed, who went on to become Grand Master of the High Council, and whose daughter also became a Jedi Knight)... and yet thirty years later, Masters who are found to have secret families are cast out of the Order for such (Master Arren Kae). It's a weird period in Jedi History, but it's also a time when you start to see many who openly choose to identify neither as Jedi nor Sith (Kreia, Jolee Bindo, the Exile, and eventually Revan). You can't help but to question both sides with the information you're presented with.

I think that, for the Revanchists, Revan was the catalyst that allowed them to find the courage to do what they thought was right even at the risk of being cast out of the Jedi. Oftentimes, it takes one person to be brave enough to stand up and openly say that something is wrong before others are willing to state so themselves, even if they've thought it the whole time.

A decent potion of 13 is up already, but it's not quite finished yet. I'm about half way through Serrocco right now, but there's still a LOT more that needs to happen (first visit to Cathar, Adasca Affair, the vision of the Cathar Massacre, and a couple other things all still need to happen x_x). Cursed parallel events *shakes fist at timeline*

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2018, 06:36:09 AM »

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter contains multiple depictions of mass genocide, weapons of mass destruction, graphic violence and mutilation, and psychological torture. Reader discretion is advised.



While the battle had yet to start, the situation on Serrocco was far worse than Opela had initially anticipated. She couldn’t say that she agreed at all with the Republic’s decision of Tactics in the matter. They had chosen to place their surface-side outposts and camps near the cities of the native Stareb species. Their reasoning was that they assumed the Mandalorians would not want to possibly destroy anything that could be valuable for looting after the battle.

Opela could not follow this logic. After all, the Mandalorians were not space pirates. In her opinion, all conflict should have been kept away from both the Stareb cities and human settlements alike. It was selfish for either side to knowingly place innocents in danger because of their fighting. What was the point in conquering a planet if there was nothing left by the end of it to be conquered?

Opela sat aboard the Williwaw, waiting for a reply to her transition for a request of audience with Admiral Karath of the Republic Navy. He was the one who was in charge of the Republic’s fleet in this sector, ad so any and all negotiations would have to ultimately pass through him if they were to be of any consequence. So far, there had been no such luck.

The woman let out a frustrated sigh, debating whether she should take a break from waiting in order to check out the camp. She was quite curious to see what a Republic military camp would look like up close. This transmission was important though. She couldn’t risk missing it.

Finally, a sound came over the communicator. “This is Darrick Kilvaari, communications aboard the Courageous. We’ve received a transmission request from you, Williwaw, over?”

“Yes, Courageous. This is Lieutenant Opela Moraf, Jedi Knight, representing the Revanchists. I wish to speak with Admiral Saul Karath, over.”

“The Admiral is busy with preparations for the battle I’m afraid…”

“Tell him that the Revanchists are looking to aid the Republic in any way possible during their fight. I have both healers and combat specialists aboard. We are ready to provide Jedi support immediately if permitted to do so, over.”

There was a short pause on the line followed by: “Please stand by, Williwaw. We’re contacting Admiral Karath now, over.”

The silence resumed and the anticipation that came with it caused the absence of sound to become deafening. So much of their mission relied on being able to cooperate with the Republic military forces. This meeting was important for them. It was important that it be successful. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, Darrick Kilvaari returned over transmission.

“Admiral Karath is heading planetside. He’s agreed to meet you at one of the army commissaries in four standard hours. Name is Little Bivoli, over.”

Opela breathed a sigh of relief. Finally there was some progress. “Got it. Tell the Admiral I’ll be there. Thank you so much, Kilvaari, over.”

Finally, she could afford to step away from the communications consol. She would have to prepare for her meeting with the Admiral. She changed into fresh robes, checked her general appearance, and then set out. After all, it would reflect poorly if she were late, and should she miss the Admiral, there would perhaps not be a second chance to make the Revanchists’ appeal…


When the time came, Opela Moraf went out to the commissaries ship known as the Little Bivoli. The place was rather a bustle. It seemed to be quite popular with both the soldiers and locals alike. So much so that Opela began to wonder whether it would even be possible to get a table at the place. Beyond that, she had never met the Admiral before, and so she wasn’t exactly certain what he looked like. With this many people around, it might prove difficult to actually find him. That was, at least, until she heard a commotion coming from the area around one of the far tables.

“You’re lucky you’re a finger, boy! On the Courageous, the Admiral would space you for that!”

It seemed that the Admiral was already here. Opela acted quickly. After all, she did not want to miss him. She headed to the location of the commotion and found the Admiral walking away from the situation to his own table with a rather stern look on his face. She approached him.

“Admiral Karath, I take it?” she asked him.

“I am he. And who might you be?”

“My name is Opela Moraf. I am a Jedi Knight and lieutenant with the Revanchists. I was in contact with the Courageous earlier and they informed me that I should meet you here in order to discuss future negotiations between the Revanchists and the Republic military…” She reached a hand out to shake his.

“Ah yes, Lieutenant Moraf. Welcome. Please pull up a seat. Tell me more about your proposal,” he said, accepting her handshake.

While certainly official in his proceedings, the Admiral seemed amicable enough. Following his gesture, the Jedi Knight sat at the table. “Well,” Opela began, “I fear I must begin with a disclaimer…”

“Oh? And what sort of a disclaimer is that?”

“Our movement of the Revanchists is not sanctioned by the Jedi Council. I must inform you that we are acting on our own.  However, I assure you that, even so, our intentions lie purely in the protection of the Republic and its people…”

The Admiral groaned and Opela could not help but to be put back by his reaction. “Great,” he said. “The last thing I need is to be dealing with more rogue Jedi…”

More? The statement caused the woman some confusion. Had other Jedi approached him with similar proposals previously? And if so, why had the Revanchists not heard of them until now? “I beg your pardon?”

“Recently I’ve had to deal with a troublesome Padawan who turned and killed his classmates. I was bringing him in to the Council when the ship was ambushed and he escaped. I’m sure you’ve heard the news recently….”

“Not really,” Opela admitted. “Our investigations haven’t left much time for keeping up with anything outside of the war. I find it difficult to believe that such a thing could happen though. Jedi are pacifists by nature….”

“And yet here we are, discussing your involvement with my company during the war.” And with this, he gave a laugh. “It seems rather ironic, don’t you think, that you of all people should be lecturing me about the peaceful nature of the Jedi. As much as the support would come in handy, I’m not going to risk the Republic’s relationship with the Jedi Order just to satisfy the desire for combat of a few young Knights.”

“But you yourself admit that the Republic needs Jedi support…”

“Even as an Admiral, there’s only so much I’m sanctioned to make decisions about when it comes to the finer political points of this war.”

“You mean like how close your troops are setting up to the Stareb cities,” the woman said, turning her focus to the stone spires only a couple of miles away.

The Admiral grew red in the face, slamming his hand on the table before standing up. “Look, Lieutenant, guys down here are army. My business,” he said, pointing upward, “is up there with the naval positions. I don’t choose the placements of ground troops, and I don’t question the authority of those who do. Now I suggest you show yourself out of this camp before I decide to call up your Council and tell them all about this.”

Opela inhaled deeply, being careful not to allow the Admiral to intimidate her, and stood as calmly as she could. “That will not be necessary,” she said. “I thank you for your agreeing to meet me. If you will not accept our aid here, then we will find alternative means of supporting our cause. Goodbye, Admiral Karath. May the Force be with you and with your fleet. I shall leave you to conduct your battle strategies as you see fit.”

If there was nothing that could be done in conjunction with the troops directly, than perhaps it would be best for them to re-focus their efforts toward protecting the Stareb cities, or to assisting injured left on the battlefield once the fighting commenced. Sure it wasn’t the sort of involvement that there had initially been hoping for, but at least it was something they could do that might make a difference in the battle, however small that difference might be.


Opela Moraf returned to the Williwaw with a report of her meeting with the Admiral. She sent a transmission to the Stalwart Nightingale, explaining to the Cathar company their lack of success thus far. It was a frustrating time just getting the Revanchists to be recognized in the war. The Republic respected the Jedi Council, and largely depended on their support. Unfortunately, it would take more for them to be willing to risk upsetting them…

The day was a rather frustrating one. The Serrocco Company was forced to remain apart from the military camps. Instead, they split up, making their way to different camps across the planet’s surface, each one positioned near a different Stareb City… They did what they could in subtlety to encourage the troops to move their positions, but no one was willing to risk the consequences of disobeying orders from the higher-ups in the chain of command, and after the conversation that Opela had had with Admiral Karath, a warning had been issued to avoid Jedi scouts trying to become involved in the war effort. Needless to say, the military was not very cooperative.

The Starebs themselves were no more receptive of the warnings. Gullible as they were, they did not seem to believe that, without the warning sirens going off, there was no reason to consider evacuation. It seemed as though everything the Serrocco Company tried was a wasted effort.

According to the soldiers they had been able to speak to, the Mandalorians were expected to drop within the next day. Time was of the essence.

It was around sunset when the thing finally happened. Warnings began to sound. The dark shapes of ships in the atmosphere above increased. Flashes of light began to appear in the sky. It was happening. It was happening all so quickly… The Mandalorians had arrived!


   Cathar was a lush planet, thick with vegetation and non-sentient species. It was strange that somewhere so seemingly teeming with life should feel so very void. Even the abandoned buildings were alive, carved directly into the great ‘city-trees’ as Ferroh said they were called. It was all so beautiful, yet so morbid. So alive… and yet so dead.

   The Revanchists searched through every empty hall, down every winding road, in every abandoned tent and hut… and found nothing. Nothing but silence—an eerie and unnatural silence.

   “It’s just as it was when I last visited… it appears as though everyone has simply vanished,” Ferroh stated.

   The Revanchist pulled her cloak around herself in order to better keep the native insects away. This place made her uneasy. The Force felt strange here. In the cities, there was no sign of life… but also no sign of death. No sign of battle, or conflict… Nothing! No clue as to what could have possibly happened to the Cathar people. It was as if someone had deliberately washed away any trace of its history.

   It was their intention to extend their search beyond the cities when they all felt it. All at once, billions of voices crying out in horror…


   It was a planet of mostly dessert landscapes, tall stone spires stretching toward the orange sunset. It was all so beautiful… Like dancing flames, their light reflecting off the glassy mirror of sand. All was calm, all was still. Lights began to appear in the sky. More and more until…

Honor… Without honor, let them burn! Let all of them burn! Let Serrocco burn!
   All at once, the lights in the sky grew closer, larger, until everything was consumed in one brilliant flash. Suddenly the flaming orange of the sky engulfed the entire surface, burning wildly out of control. Screams of children pierced her ears so sharply that she thought her eardrums would surely burst. Pieces of stone mingled with blood and limbs flew in every which direction, the great stone cities crumbling into mere ruins of glass and sand.

   And through all of it, slipping through like an oil, oozing over the flames and feeding their destruction, a laughter began to resonate in that place. It was everywhere! Everywhere


   They all felt it. All at once, billions of voices crying out in horror… and then all being silenced at once.

   The Revanchist was bent over clutching her abdomen and seemingly wreathing in pain. The shock of the experienced vision coupled with the great disturbance that all of them had felt in the Force had caused her to vomit. Her entire body was trembling.

   Her apprentice seemed to notice the difference in her reaction compared to the others immediately, for he rushed to her side. Unable to help himself, her name sprung from his lips. “Halin—!”

   She was in too much of a state of shock to protest. She looked as though she could very well vomit a second time. She had grown quite pale, as if every ounce of blood had been drawn from her veins in an instant. Her eyes were wide and pupils dilated, silent tears flowing down her cheeks. All she could do was to repeat, almost incoherently: “I feel it… I feel it… I feel it….”

   Seeing that she was in no state to continue forward, Malak decided to take charge in her stead. He was sure that he wouldn’t hear the end of it from her later, but right now, they had all experienced great pain. They needed someone to direct them from there, and Halin Chan was in no condition to do it.

   “Cathar Company,” Malak said, addressing the group. “We need to return to the Stalwart Nightingale, now! We should make contact with the Williwaw and ask if Serrocco Company has sensed the same… If they’ve had any developments…”

   “Serrocco,” the Revanchist breathed. “I feel it… I feel it….”

   The company regarded their debilitated leader with concern. Malak glanced among them, trying to read their expressions. Halin was in a very vulnerable state. It had seemed she’d experienced another one of her visions, and if it had coincided with the great loss which all of them had felt, it could have very well accounted for her intensified reaction. His fear, however, was that it would be seen as a weakness in her leadership.

The movement was barely holding together as it was. After all, all that they had was their leader and their cause. Take away one of the two, and the whole structure would be left on the brink of collapse. Malak had determined that he would not allow for this to happen, even if it meant he had to take over himself. Protectively, he placed an arm around her as if to shield her from the threat of judgement, and encouraged her to rest her head on his side.

“What are you all waiting for?” he said, addressing the others with as much authority as he could muster. “I said move out. To the Nightingale!”

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #48 on: October 12, 2018, 06:36:49 AM »

It's still not finished, but there's another good chunk. I ended up dividing the two sections into smaller ones.

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #49 on: October 14, 2018, 04:05:54 AM »

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter contains multiple depictions of mass genocide, weapons of mass destruction, graphic violence and mutilation, and psychological torture. Reader discretion is advised.



The meeting after Serrocco was a difficult one. Because they had been spread out attempting to assist the Starebs, many from the Serrocco company were not physically close enough to a transport to make it off-planet in time. Even so, Many ships had been grounded, unable to lift off before the nuclear warheads from the Mandalorian fleet had come raining in from above. It was unlikely anyone survived on the surface. Opela and Fiolli were close enough to the Williwaw that they were able to save themselves and the ship. Nisotsa and Xaset had made it off-planet, but with a group from the Republic army, and were being send back to Coruscant to face the Jedi Council for ‘attempting to interfere with Republic military activities.’ No one had heard word from Tavlon.

The war had only just begun and their numbers were thinning with each battle. The Revanchist sat with her head hung in her hands. Another… Another, and there was nothing that she could do to stop it. She felt powerless. She hadn’t even been able to command her own company during the occurrence. The shock of Serrocco and the vision of the attack had happened so suddenly that it was as if someone had bashed her over the head with a plasteel cylinder. If it hadn’t been for Malak, she wasn’t sure how she would have been able to even get back to the ship.

Opela approached the Revanchist and seated herself alongside her. She was unsure how she could console her friend in such a situation. The loss of another among their ranks had upset all of them greatly… “There was nothing you could have done….”

“But I could have…. I saw it happening… If only I could have seen it sooner, I could have stopped all of it… I could have saved Tavlon… I could have saved all of them…. If only I could learn control….”

“Tavlon died a hero. He died trying to protect innocent lives… He was a true Revanchist.”

A silence passed. Opela placed her hand on the other woman’s back as if to comfort her.

“Malak told me about what happened on Cathar when Serrocco was destroyed…. He was worried—and still is. He cares very deeply for you, you know…”

“He is my closest friend,” the Revanchist replied simply. “I don’t know what I would do without him sometimes. It’s like we’re two sides of the same coin.”

Opela smiled at this response. She was glad that the other was finally beginning to see the connection between the two of them. She hoped that, for Malak’s sake, the Revanchist would come to realize on her own the way in which he felt about her. Even if it were nothing more than a mutual understanding, at least he wouldn’t have to hide it any more.

After the groups had rejoined following the investigations on Cathar and on Serrocco, Malak had approached Opela again about the situation of his special ‘bond’ with Halin. He’d been increasingly worried for her lately, particularly because of a series of ‘visions’ she had been having. Lately, they had seemed to grow more and more intense, completely incapacitating her at times, as the one had at the time of Serrocco.

It was Serrocco which had forced Malak to take action. He’d had to assume command over the Cathar Company when it had happened and practically carry Halin back to the ship she was so incoherent. He constantly felt her distress and pain since they had left from Dantooine several months prior, and it bothered him. While Halin was the sort of charismatic idealist that took to inspire people to follow, whatever shadow of darkness was threatening her had stifled her capacity for leadership. He was concerned as to whether the pressure of being the ‘Revanchist’ was what was causing her deteriorating mental stability. He knew he couldn’t convince her to stop, but he thought that perhaps he could at least convince her to share more of the responsibility.

He had hoped that, with his and Opela’s combined persuasion, he could convince her to allow them to handle much of the effort in her stead. So far, there had been no luck, but the fact that she was still weakened from Serrocco had only increased the necessity.

“You certainly are,” Opela said to the Revanchist’s comment about herself and Malak. “You know, he’s only trying to help you… Maybe you should let him…”

The Revanchist simply shook her head. “I can’t ask that of him… He’s always been so shy around others when I wasn’t there, and I don’t think he’s fully forgiven me for what happened on Flashpoint… I couldn’t put him into that sort of a situation again.  It makes him uncomfortable…”

“I think seeing you like this makes him feel even worse…”

The Revanchist sighed. “There’s just no winning either way, is there?”

“At least until you’ve recovered… Give him a chance. He might just surprise you.”

Opela watched her companion, waiting to see how she would react. It was what was best for all of them… she only hoped that the other would see it that way.

“I suppose… but just until I’m well again… You know, I’d hoped for his sake we would have been able to join the Republic in combat by now. It’s where he truly shines…”

“There will be a time,” Opela said, patting the Revanchist on the back. “It’s a big war, and there’s a role for everyone to help. Try to rest. We need you battle-ready when the time comes… It would make Malak feel better.”

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #50 on: October 14, 2018, 04:06:54 AM »

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter contains multiple depictions of mass genocide, weapons of mass destruction, graphic violence and mutilation, and psychological torture. Reader discretion is advised.



The news channels were all abuzz in the Republic and across the entirety of the Outer Rim Territories. Taris had finally fallen under siege from the Mandalorians, and it didn’t look as though the Republic were going to be able to repel them. All of the Jedi had been recently pulled from Taris by the Jedi High Council following a recent tragedy with the deaths of several of the Padawans there, presumably by one of their own, so there were none to aid on-surface when the invasion came. This happening so soon after the destruction of Serrocco had made it a dark time for everyone.

The Republic was growing desperate for a way to defeat Mandalore the Ultimate’s growing army of Mandalorian neo-crusaders. Likewise, the Revanchists were growing desperate to find a means to be able to officially enter the war. It seemed as though their entire effort thus far had been running from shadow to shadow trying to do what they could, but not be caught doing it.

“Halin?” Malak said gently, tapping on the doorway to the chamber in which the Revanchist had been meditating. “There’s someone on the Communicator… says they want to speak to you directly…”

It was then that he noticed how pale she was. Sweat was pouring from her temples. Her body was stiff and she didn’t seem to be breathing. Not again…. Swiftly, he went to her, kneeling down and taking her hands. They were like ice. “Halin! Halin, you need to snap out of it! Focus on my voice. Open your eyes… Dammit, Halin, open your eyes!”

Finally, her eyes flew open and she gasped for air. Malak gave a sigh of relief. It must have been another vision. He didn’t like how frequent they were growing, and they were taking a toll on her both physically and mentally. He wasn’t sure how much longer she would last if this kept up… When she had decided to first set out, she seemed to have attracted the attention of some sort of dark power. Slowly, whatever it was that she had awakened was trying to take hold of her.

“Calm down,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close, as he had when he had seen her on Dantooine the night that she had decided to leave. “What did you see?”

“Space,” she said, softly. “I saw space…”

“And what else was there?”

“Asteroids…. Debris…. And strange creatures….”

“Creatures? What sort of creatures?”

“I…. I don’t know…. I had never seen anything like them before…. It was like some sort of an eel, or a snake…. But they were massive! And they lived in open space… They filled me with a sort of dread, though I wasn’t sure why at first. They had seemed to be asleep…. But then, there was a light…”

“A light?”

“Yes… It looked like… Like some sort of a dying star…. And when the creatures felt the light, they began to awaken…. And when they did… When they did, they began to feed… They consumed everything… everything in sight…. And then…. And then they traveled further… deeper into space. They were approaching systems… systems I recognized… Inhabited systems with billions of people…”

It was at this point that he could hear tears threatening to fall from the way that her voice broke. He held her tighter. “Shhhh…. Did you hear the voice again?”

“Yes… It started when they approached the system, but you broke my trance before I could make out what it was saying….”

Malak was somewhat relieved that he had come when he did. Who knew how much worse it would have been had the vision continued… It seemed to him that this voice was the thing that truly terrified Halin, even more so than the visions themselves…

“I’ll tell the person calling that you’re unable to respond at the moment…”

“No…. No, if they’re trying to speak to me directly, then maybe it’s important. Maybe it will finally be something to turn things around for all of us…”

“You’re in no condition to receive calls right now. You look like death…”

“They don’t have to see me,” she protested, pushing her way out of his arms. “I’ll wear my cloak and over holovid they won’t notice a thing!”

Malak sighed. He’d wished she would have stayed like that a little bit longer, there in his arms. These were stressful times and having her so close made him feel a little better. He hoped that he made her feel just as safe as she had made him feel.

He watched her pull herself up. Her legs shook at first, like a newborn animal that was trying to stand for the first time, and so he put his arms out to catch her in case she were to fall, but she managed to stabilize herself on her own. She pulled her cloak from where she had lain it and put it on, pulling its billowing hood over her head.  Neither her face nor frame were visible when she was like this. She was like some sort of specter of a figure, ambiguous, yet unquestionably authoritative in appearance.

“Come, Malak,” she said. “Put me through with the caller… did he give his name?”

She was already walking toward the communications array and so Malak was left with no choice but to follow. “He said he represents Lord Adasca of Arkania, and says he has a proposal for you, but that he could only present it to the Revanchist leader directly…”

What he didn’t tell her was that he had claimed that he was the Revanchist when the call had come through, but that his lie had not been believed. He’d hoped to save her from the trouble by doing so, but the ruse was seen through immediately. Apparently the caller had anticipated that the Revanchist would not be so easy to reach, and suspected the falsehood when he’d first answered.

The Revanchist sat in the seat at the communications array and pushed the button to accept the call that had been on hold. A hologram of a Duros Male flashed before her. “Ah, greeting, Revanchist Leader. I’m so happy that you have decided to accept my call,” he said upon seeing her cloaked figure. “My name is Eejee, and I’m calling on behalf of Lord Adasca of Arkania.”

“So I’ve been told,” the Revanchist replied. “I’ve heard that he has some sort of a proposal for me?”

“Yes,” the Duros replied. “He insisted that I only give the invitation to you directly.”

“A bold request, given that he has chosen not to call me himself.”

“The Lord apologizes, but he has been busy entertaining a special guest as of late, and has had little time, so as his secretary I’ve been keeping up with his business work as able.”

“What sort of an invitation is this?”

“To view a new weapon that has been in development.”

Halin further paled under her hood. A new weapon… The timing of it all… It must have had something to do with what she had seen in her recent vision.

“And just what sort of a weapon is this?” she managed.

“I’m sending over files with the details now. It’s quite an interesting thing, really… You see, Lord Adasca wants to be certain his project does not fall into the wrong hands… He’s asked me to contact specific groups who he think might be responsible enough to control such a thing.”

“I see… and who else has he contacted about this?”

“Now now, that information I am not at liberty to disclose freely. If you wish to see, then I suggest that you consider meeting us in the Omonoth system in five days time aboard Lord Adasca’s flagship, the Arkanian Legacy. We look forward to meeting you in person, Revanchist.”

The transmission ended and data was displayed from what the Duros Eejee had sent about the weapon in question. Halin removed her hood so she could more clearly view the information. Her apprentice could sense the disturbance in his friend and Master and moved closer to view the information with her. It was information on a species of large space-dwelling beasts called ‘Exogorths.’

“It’s just as it was in my vision…. I have to go,” she said, standing.”

“Halin, you can’t. You’re still recovering…”

“I told you what I saw, Malak! If those things are there as he says, and if someone were to release them into an inhabited system…” She stopped. She couldn’t bear to think of the results that might come from such a thing. “I have to go…”

“No you don’t,” Malak said firmly. “You’re staying put—I’ll go!”

“Malak, don’t be ridiculous. You heard already. Lord Adasca is only willing to deal with me directly…”

“He sent his secretary to call us. I say we return the favor. I’ll say you were busy with other matters and sent me in your place.”

“It’s too risky. If we fail…”

“It’s too risky for you to go on your own! Send me on the Williwaw with Fiolli to pilot. We don’t need a large group for the task.”

“Malak, no! My decision is final!”

“Any chance I could bribe you?”

The woman gave him a look of disbelief. “Bribe me? Malak, you can’t be serious. We’re not kids anymore and this isn’t any time to be playing around! Now as your commanding officer and as your Master, I am telling you no!”

“And as your friend I am telling you that I won’t let you go running off again when you’re too weak to fight back if something goes wrong.”

“I can fight just fine if I have to. As I recall, the last time we sparred I had you bested after only a few minutes.”

“The last time we sparred,” he said, growing rather exasperated with her persistence, “you weren’t barely coherent from the after-effects of your visions! You’re not going!”

“Just watch me!”

“Halin, don’t make me do something we’ll both regret…”

The woman laughed. “Are you threatening me?”

“No,” he said, using the Force to pull her closer to him and swiftly applying pressure to a point on her neck, rendering the woman instantly unconscious. “I’m making you a promise.”

He set her back into the communications array chair and downloaded the data from the Consul regarding the information from Lord Adasca. He knew he would be in for an earful when she woke up, but it was for her own good. He would go to the Arkanian Legacy and see exactly what this proposal from Lord Adasca was all about…


The Williwaw was regrouping with the Stalwart Nightingale after Malak’s meeting with Lord Adasca on the Arkanian Legacy. Things certainly hadn’t turned out the way that anyone had expected during the deal. To Malak’s surprise, the other parties invited by Lord Adasca included not only the Republic Military’s Admiral Karath, but Madalore the Ultimate himself! As expected, things went very much awry…

However, as badly as the situation there had turned out, what Malak was dreading even more was his return. He’d not spoken to Halin since leaving on the mission, and given the circumstances of his departure, he couldn’t imagine that she would be very happy to see him again. Whatever he had imagined couldn’t have possibly prepared him for the sort of welcome which he received.

The fire in her eyes when he saw her was unlike any which he had seen in her before. And despite their obvious difference in size, he could not help but to feel intimidated. She marched straight up to him and slapped him across the face.

“Ack!” Malak exclaimed, rubbing his cheek. It would seem as though she had finally recovered from the Serrocco vision. “What was that for!?”

“For being a disrespectful nerf-herder!”

“I missed you too,” he muttered.

“You know, in a real military setting, a stunt like that would have you spaced!”

Malak rolled his eyes. “Guess I should feel lucky I have such a benevolent Master then… Are you feeling better now?”

She turned away. “You know, I would have been fine, going on my own…”

Malak sighed, “Somehow I doubt that, Halin… I’m almost surprised I’m even back myself after how things went there. Mandalore himself was there.”

With this, Halin’s eyes widened and she swiftly turned back to him, practically lunging at him as she grabbed the utility belt suspenders of his body suit and pulled his face closer to hers so as she could look him in the eye.

Mandalore the Ultimate!?

“Yes,” he said, slightly dazed by the ferocity of her reaction. “Lord Adasca called him there under a flag of truce. Apparently he wanted to see who would offer him the best price for the weapon that he’d been able to develop.”

Halin paled and let go of him. If Mandalore were to get hold of such a thing…

“Please tell me….” She stopped, afraid to finish her thought.

“No… No, Mandalore doesn’t have it. No one does. One of the scientists responsible for its development seemed to have a higher moral ground than the rest of the bastards involved… Sacrificed himself playing hero by baiting the creatures away to some part of the unknown regions,”

Halin breathed a sigh of relief. “I suppose things turned out for the better then… Whoever the scientist was, he’s saved more lives than he probably could have imagined… It’s a shame we never got to meet him… He will be remembered though as a hero of the Republic…”

Malak nodded. “I didn’t come back empty-handed though.”

“Oh?” she said, raising an eyebrow.

Malak pulled something out of a bag that he had been carrying with him and tossed it to Halin. “Catch,” he said.

She caught the thing, which was a rust red colored droid head of some sort.

“Lord Adasca had several of the things aboard the Arkanian Legacy and they attacked us at some point. They resembled the model I found you schematics for a couple years back, and so I thought you might be interested. Consider it an apology present.”

Halin examined the droid head. The memory core still seemed to be intact. With such a thing, she could probably study the droid enough to replicate one should she choose. The war was growing more and more complex with every passing day. Any advantage that they could gain would be for the better…

“Don’t think I’m letting you off the hook that easily,” she said to him, looking up from the droid head.

“Wouldn’t dream of it, Master” he said, bowing to her in a mocking fashion.

Halin rolled her eyes. “All right, nerf-herder, you’re on probation. Any more stunts like that and I’ll have you spaced for real.”

Malak grinned. He liked it when she was spirited like this. It reminded him of how she had been before they had left to form the Revanchists. And even though she had claimed that Halin Chan was dead, for a while, it felt as though he had Halin back there beside him.

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #51 on: October 14, 2018, 04:08:17 AM »

That was all supposed to be one part (still chapter 13) but it was slightly over 20,000 character after I added the formatting in -_-'

Anyway, I think I can finish the chapter in one more section, assuming it doesn't pull this formatting stunt on me again

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #52 on: October 14, 2018, 05:45:33 PM »

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter contains multiple depictions of mass genocide, weapons of mass destruction, graphic violence and mutilation, and psychological torture. Reader discretion is advised. This Chapter contains quotes of dialogue from the Knights of the Old Republic comic series published by Dark Horse. I do not own this series.



“Let me through!” the Revanchist demanded, pushing her way past her apprentice in an attempt to get to the Communications Consul. “I want to speak to them myself!”

Malak grabbed her arms, dragging her backward. “Halin, don’t you think it would be best if Opela handled the situation…”

“I don’t care if it’s what’s best! Those fools have no right to make demands like this!”

“Whether you agree with them or not, they’re still the High Council.”

“Whether they’re the High Council or not they’re still a bunch of Gammorian-faced hypocrites!”

A call had come recently from Coruscant. It was the Jedi High Council contacting the Revanchists with a formal cease-and-desist order. After hearing about the Adasca Affair, they had decided that there was no place in Jedi dealing in arms deals for weapons of mass destruction. While they had turned the other cheek until this point, this was a situation which they felt that they could not ignore.

“Hundreds of Systems would have suffered the consequences had that situation gone any differently!” the woman continued in protest.

“I know that better than anyone!” the man replied. “I was there, after all!”

“What we are doing is right, and the Republic will fall without us!”

“Halin, please…”

“Don’t call me Halin! They’re the ones who killed Halin!” And with this, she let out a sob.

It was at this point that Opela approached them. She had finished the call with the Jedi Council and wore a somber expression on her face. It couldn’t have gone well…

“They won’t be swayed,” she said simply. “If we don’t go back, they’re going to have an arrest warrant issued for all of us… Honestly, I don’t see any way out of this…”

“No,” Halin said tearfully. “No, we can’t… Not now…. Not yet….”

“I’m sorry,” the other woman continued. “I did what I could… They say that, if we come willingly, there will be only minor suspensions for all of us…”

“No,” the Revanchist repeated, swallowing hard and managing to contain the rest of her tears. “No, we continue our course back to Cathar.”

“With all due respect, I don’t think that’s the wisest decision at this point…”

“There is something there that we missed, I can feel it! All we need is something! Some shred of a thing that will show to them the importance of the Jedi in the outcome of this war… If Cathar is where it all started, then Cathar will be our best option…”

“But with the communication having been open, it’s possible that they were able to track our signal and already know where we are headed. They could come after us themselves if they choose…”

“Then let them come! Let them come and let them see for themselves, but I will not be taken back and branded as a traitor for doing the right thing. Others have already given their lives for our cause. We cannot stop now…”

There was a moment of silence between all three. Either decision they made, there was much at stake. So much to be lost…


The Revanchists made their way through the grassy planes and marshlands of the planet Cathar. After a vote among the crew, they had decided to press onward. While there was much for them to lost in continuing, there was also much to be gained. If, as the Revanchist had said, they were able to find something to justify their actions to the Council, then they would be forced to hide no longer! And if the Council approved, then others would help them! They would no longer have to hide from both sides. They would openly be able to help and fight alongside the Republic’s military forces. They had to at least try.

The cities of Cathar were just as they had left them before—eerily empty with no trace of life or death to be found. There were no battered or battle-scarred buildings or piles of rubble anywhere. It was all so very strange…

“Ferroh,” the Revanchist said, addressing the native Cathar within their company, “is there any place where your people might have fled to in the event of an emergency situation?”

“Maybe the beaches,” he replied, “but they wouldn’t have been able to stay for long if they did. Cathar people aren’t suited well for wet climates….”

“It’s worth at least checking out… Company, move out! We head for the shoreline. This could be our last chance to be able to find something to convince the Jedi Order to support our cause. We cannot fail!”


   The sounds of waves could be heard in the near distance. It had been a two-day hike from where they landed to the nearest waterfront. They were weary, but hopeful. The Force resonated differently here than it had in the settlements. There was still some sort of residual energy from whatever had taken place years before. They could feel the moisture of sea spray in the air and quickened their pace. They were so close now—so close to discovering the truth about what had happened to the Cathar.

   They could see the beach now. There were faint traces of an attack here, but not much else as far as they were able to tell at this point. There were some small scattered debris, a few scraps of clothing and trinkets…

   “Halt right now, Revanchists! This crusade of yours has gone on long enough.”

   The company spun around and saw several Jedi Masters approaching them, many of whom here on the Jedi Council. It seemed as though Opela’s concern that they might have been tracking the communication was well-founded, for there they stood now, closing around the Revanchists.

   Halin began to tremble. No… No, not yet… We’re so close… We just need a little more time…

   “You don’t understand,” the Revanchist said to them. “It’s more clear now than ever that the Republic needs us…”

   “There is nothing warranting Jedi aid in another war!” said one of the Masters.

   “You are to abandon this childish cause of yours and disperse—forever!” stated another.

   “No!” the Revanchist protested. “No, I refuse!”

   It was Malak who stopped her before she could do something she would regret. He took hold of her wrist, preventing her from rushing toward the Masters. “Halin, don’t… We’ve done what we could. It’s time to go home now…”

   The Revanchist swallowed hard, collapsing to her knees defeatedly, her back hunched over. Her apprentice finally let go of her wrist. In her entire life, she had never felt so very empty… So defeated… She closed her eyes, letting her senses take in the flurry of stimuli around her—the presence of the Masters, the broken spirits of her comrades, the roar of the sea, the taste and smell of the salt…. These were the last moments that she would ever feel as the Revanchist

   But when she opened her eyes, she saw something there before her, half buried in the sand. She wasn’t sure what it was that compelled her to pick the thing up, but the moment she did… the moment it hit the light… all began to change.

   From further up the hill, a stampede of Cathar began to run in their direction, seemingly running for their lives. Halin Chan quickly got to her feet and all of the Jedi there, both Master and Revanchist alike, quickly made way for the terrified crowd to pass through.

   It was then that they noticed what followed behind. A group of Mandalorians lead by Mandalore the Ultimate’s right-hand man, Cassus Fett, was shooting at the Cathar people, chasing them and driving them toward the sea. Swiftly, the Revanchists sprung to action, each drawing their blade and attempting to defend the poor Cathar from the Mandalorian onslaught.

   What was strange, however, was that none of their blows seemed to hit. It was as if none of the Cathar, nor any of the Mandalorians, seemed to notice the Jedi at all! However, it was very evident that every one of the Jedi there could see what was happening. Halin spun around observing their surroundings. This feeling… It was the same way she felt during the start of one of her visions…. But this time… This time everyone could see. It was a vision that all of them were sharing! But rather than a vision of the future, this was a vision of the past.

   Many of the Masters shouted out in protest, insisting that the attack on the Cathar people halt, but it was of no use. These were two separate times, and while the past could communicate with the present, there was no way for the present to communicate with the past. But while the present could not communicate with those in the past, perhaps one other from the past could.

   As the Mandalorian attackers began driving the Cathar deeper into the sea waters, one Mandalorian woman moved in front of Cassus Fett, blocking the path between the Mandalorians and the Cathar.

   “Cassus, wait,” the Mandalorian woman said. “They’re already defeated. There’s no need for us to do this…”

   But Cassus Fett would not be swayed. “The Cathar left a stain of dishonor on the Mando’ade,” he stated. “Today, I wash it clean in the waters of their own presumption. But, if you truly believe that they need a defender to stand with them, then do so!”

   And with this, he gave the signal. The Mandalorians, with their jetpacks, flew above the Cathar people and their lone defender and, in a swift and merciless act, opened fire, raining down an assault of terror and destruction from above.

   When the dust of the battle finally settled, the Mandalorians and the Cathar alike had all vanished. The Jedi stood stunned at what they had all just witnessed. It was at this point that Halin finally looked down at what was in her hand—what she had picked up just before the vision had begun. It was the mask of the unknown Mandalorian woman. The woman who alone stood up to Cassus Fett and swore to protect the Cathar people from needless slaughter.

   “They were beaten,” Halin murmured. “You didn’t have to do it… One of you knew, but the rest… the rest didn’t listen…”

   And with this, Halin brought the mask of the Mandalorian woman to her face. “I don’t know your name, but I will take up your cause… I will wear your mask until there is justice—until the Mandalorians have been defeated once and for all. So swears… Revan!

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #53 on: October 14, 2018, 05:46:52 PM »

FINALLY! That's all of Chapter 13. A lot happened T^T

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 431
Posts: 1908

« Reply #54 on: October 15, 2018, 03:10:46 AM »

FINALLY! That's all of Chapter 13. A lot happened T^T

Indeed...and yet it all seems to be happening around Halin/Revan rather than her being involved in it - she's so caught up in her own internal issues its almost becoming self indulgent - from the outside looking in its easy to see how the Council would see this as a personality cult, a childish pursuit as they state clearly to her, even the Republic doesn't want them...


Looks like she's finally got a real focus after rushing into this whole thing, and can now start fighting the Mando's instead of herself and dancing around with Malak.


Surik: "Kreia, what are you—are you a Jedi, a Sith?"
Kreia: "Does it matter? Of course it does, such titles allow you to break the galaxy into light and dark, categorize it. Perhaps I am neither, and I hold both as what they are, pieces of a whole."

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #55 on: October 15, 2018, 05:14:41 AM »

Indeed...and yet it all seems to be happening around Halin/Revan rather than her being involved in it - she's so caught up in her own internal issues its almost becoming self indulgent - from the outside looking in its easy to see how the Council would see this as a personality cult, a childish pursuit as they state clearly to her, even the Republic doesn't want them...


Looks like she's finally got a real focus after rushing into this whole thing, and can now start fighting the Mando's instead of herself and dancing around with Malak.

Yeah, I noticed in my timeline research for the early potions of the Revanchists involvement in the war, there's very little documented direct involvement from the Revanchist his/herself outside of trip to Onderon/Dxun, and the two instances on Cathar (the first with the destruction of Serrocco, and the second with the vision of the Cathar Massacre). All three of these instances are also canonically based around various "visions" (which is odd because there's no record prior to this of Revan showing any talet as a seer). Most of the big events involved the other key members of the group (the Jedi Exile on Serrocco and Malak in the Adasca Affair and on Flashpoint). Even during the Adasca Affair, however, Malak states that he only came at all because "some of us have had visions that what you've discovered may be important." Beyond that, the few panels that you do get of the Revanchist in the comics are rather strange, particularly the panel involving Serrocco (link to panel in question: It's Only after (s)he takes the name of Revan that you begin to see more involvement, and that the Revanchists begin to fight the Mandalorians face-to-face.

Struggle with this was making sense of why, which is what I was trying to do in this particular chapter--to make sense of the difference between the Revanchist and Revan.

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1109
Posts: 4138

Avatar courtesy of For Tyeth

« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2018, 05:59:24 PM »

Chapter 13 was fantastic!

You've really given weight to the Revan/Malak relationship, replete with many layers.  I like how you have Malak's deliberate use of "Halin's" name instead of referring to her as her chosen name/profession.  But even moreso, it shows the the group of Revanchists have ANYTHING but solidarity, even up to and including when the Jedi Council decrees their mission as unlawful.

One of the points that makes me want to laugh is this line: “There is nothing warranting Jedi aid in another war!” said one of the Masters.  Interesting that, since even then the Jedi's self-imposed mandate as "guardians of peace and justice within the Republic."  Of course, ideals such as those seem to always fall away to complacency and sloth... After all, that is a valid reason that Sidious was able to overthrow the Order.

But Revan's Visions are something that I like as a defining characteristic and also as a source of contention (albeit indirectly) between her and Malak.  Perhaps yet another reason that he...does what he does later on (trying to avoid spoilers for those that don't know the history  Wink).

Very enjoyable LR!

It's Only after (s)he takes the name of Revan that you begin to see more involvement, and that the Revanchists begin to fight the Mandalorians face-to-face.

Struggle with this was making sense of why, which is what I was trying to do in this particular chapter--to make sense of the difference between the Revanchist and Revan.
And I think that you did an excellent job in distinguishing that; at least, it was clear to me the disparity between the two (and I don't just mean the two nomenclatures; I mean the passage of thought/experience->convictions).  Anyhow, just my 2 cents  Smiley

Sig courtesy of DarthScrub

Cataphract Triarch of the Vhal'Dan

My sabers:Zearic's Aldrnari, Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, AS; Zearic's shoto, Apprentice v4 w/Obsidian, AS; Graflex SE w/Obsidian, GB; Archon v3 (modded w/ activation box) w/Obsidian, CG; Dark Sentinel v4 w/Obsidian, BR; Sentinel LE v4 w/Obsidian, GB; Initiate v5 w/Obsidian, AS; Sentinel LE v4 stunt, EG; Aeon LE v4 stunt, FO; Dominix v4 stunt, BR; Aeon v3 stunt, SY

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2018, 01:51:20 AM »

I'm glad that you enjoyed the chapter! This one has been my favorite to write so far (I think that's largely why it ended up so much longer than my original intention).

You've really given weight to the Revan/Malak relationship, replete with many layers.  I like how you have Malak's deliberate use of "Halin's" name instead of referring to her as her chosen name/profession.  But even moreso, it shows the the group of Revanchists have ANYTHING but solidarity, even up to and including when the Jedi Council decrees their mission as unlawful.

But Revan's Visions are something that I like as a defining characteristic and also as a source of contention (albeit indirectly) between her and Malak.  Perhaps yet another reason that he...does what he does later on (trying to avoid spoilers for those that don't know the history  Wink).

I think building this relationship is why I enjoyed the chapter so much. Unfortunately, I know that's also what's going to make the later parts more painful to write. It's made me give a lot of thought recently to the "part 2" of the story when the thing you're thinking of happens, and you've hit the nail on the head perhaps harder than you realize. I've also mostly figured out the thing we discussed, which is going to center around something similar. I'll PM you in a little bit with details.... but I can't share all of the details without minor spoilers for part 2, since they're connected. Just a heads up.

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Lady Revan
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -1055
Posts: 2349

I leave my alignment to Fate-whether Light or Dark

« Reply #58 on: October 17, 2018, 03:40:39 AM »

I'm glad that you enjoyed the chapter! This one has been my favorite to write so far (I think that's largely why it ended up so much longer than my original intention).

I think building this relationship is why I enjoyed the chapter so much. Unfortunately, I know that's also what's going to make the later parts more painful to write. It's made me give a lot of thought recently to the "part 2" of the story when the thing you're thinking of happens, and you've hit the nail on the head perhaps harder than you realize. I've also mostly figured out the thing we discussed, which is going to center around something similar. I'll PM you in a little bit with details.... but I can't share all of the details without minor spoilers for part 2, since they're connected. Just a heads up.

UPDATE: I said minor, but they're actually major, so read at your own risk. I tried to black out the spoiler parts, but the black out text didn't work, sorry

My Sabers: I'mma make a link eventually. list doesn't fit in sig any more Sad

Author of: Only Light Can Cast Shadow A pre-KotOR Fem!Revan Fic

Twisted Morality (Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow")

I leave my alignment to fate--Light or Dark

Forumverse Loremaster
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SaberForum.Com Moderator
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 1152
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Light side points please.

« Reply #59 on: October 17, 2018, 01:45:09 PM »

Hey LR!  I just wanted to chime in...   My schedule right now hasn't let me concentrate on your story enough to really comment, but I am enjoying it very much!  I don't know the source material (KotOR) very well at all, so I'm just reading along and I find the story to be interesting and credible.  Its been fun and I just wanted to say well done and keep it coming!  :-)  I'll let Dutchman and LSG do the critical analysis...  LOL

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Master Singer of the Mak'Tor

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