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Author Topic: ‘Harry Potter’ Spinoff Movie, ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them  (Read 11923 times)
Kham-Ryn Kurios
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« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2013, 03:43:36 PM »

8 ‘Harry Potter’ Spin-off Films We Want To See by Screenrant.

The Aurors: If any profession in the world of Harry Potter was overlooked, it was unquestionably that of the Aurors. As the most elite and highly trained members of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (a branch of the Ministry of Magic), the Aurors Office is basically a magical version of Britain's MI5 or MI6 - intelligence officers operating largely in secret.

But where their real-world counterparts are tasked with tracking down enemies of the state, Aurors must tangle with the wizarding world's most deadly threats - who also happen to be wizards and witches. The films granted a look at a few Aurors - Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and 'Mad-Eye' Moody - and Harry even grew up to join their ranks; but the day-to-day risks and rewards of Aurors remained largely absent.

WHY IT WOULD WORK: A film based on the Aurors' exploits would blend magic with espionage, opening doors for an adult-focused story - something truly new for the series - while retaining the element of fantasy. Historically, the British have always mastered the spy genre better than any other, so one set in the gritty (but magical) world of wizards and witches would attract audiences both old and new.

Quidditch Through The Ages: It's the sport that captured the imagination of both readers and moviegoers: Quidditch. Easily the most popular sport of the wizarding world, it also happened to be an impressively designed one; players trying to score on goaltenders, others attempting to cripple them, while a pair of Seekers battled head-to-head to win victory for their team.

Although the sport - as popular to European wizards and witches as football to Muggles - remained a key element in the novels, the film series soon relegated it to the fringes. A true shame, since the matches that did make their way into the films were well-paced, well-shot, and action-packed.

WHY IT WOULD WORK: An entire movie based around Quidditch would contain enough excitement and emotion as any sports-focused, family-friendly film tends to be, while tapping into the Harry Potter universe. Besides "Fantastic Beasts..." Rowling also penned a spin-off book detailing "Quidditch Through the Ages," so it could be the next for adaptation. A movie following a character, or an entire team, from their days at Hogwarts all the way to the Quidditch World Cup would finally give the sport the attention that the films were required to remove.

The Marauders: The self-dubbed 'Marauders' are a no-brainer for a standalone spin-off. Their talent for mischief was evident in The Prisoner of Azkaban, in the form of The Marauders Map, allowing its user to track the location of every person in Hogwarts Castle - provided they "were up to no good."

Fans know that 'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs' were actually Harry's father James, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, masters of mischief that even Harry couldn't compete with. While J.K. Rowling has maintained for some time that she has little interest in writing a prequel, or a story based on the Marauders in particular, it's clear that by refusing to explore their time at Hogwarts, one of the most interesting stories hinted at in the series will be missed.

WHY IT WOULD WORK: First off, it's not hard to see why following a group of Hogwarts students would work - it already has - but the neverending onslaught of 'coming of age' stories following trouble-making boys proves there's always an audience. Add in the fact that one of them is bitten by a werewolf, forcing his closest friends to master the art of transforming into animals to control him during full moons, and you have a story pitch that any studio would jump at. The film - set in the 1970s, no less - would also offer a chance to make Pettigrew a more sympathetic character, while introducing four potential up-and-coming young actors along the way.

The Hit Wizards: The Aurors may be entrusted with finding and capturing the biggest and baddest evil wizards, but what about the everyday criminals and crime bosses working beneath the surface of metropolitan Muggle cities? Those tasks are too menial for Aurors to deal with, so they fall to the men and women of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad. Clearly, J.K. Rowling knew just how promising this element of magical crime was, since she dubbed these magic policemen - we kid you not - Hit Wizards.

If that alone doesn't make our case for a film following the Hit Wizards and Hit Witches in their everyday investigations into magical crimes, nothing will. But fans of Harry Potter have already gotten a taste of a battle of good and evil on as high-stakes a scale as possible; why not show them a world that is just as dangerous, but wasn't deemed important enough to play a major role in the tale of The Boy Who Lived.

WHY IT WOULD WORK: With the current crop of blockbusters based on worldwide threats showing no signs of slowing, Warner Bros. would be wise to invest in other genres (perhaps their decision to adapt a story of fantastic creatures shows they're well aware). Specifically, not a magical world that exists in some far-off place of castles and forests, but in the very cities the audiences inhabit. That was part of the premise of The Mortal Instruments, but after that film fumbled the idea, we're confident the minds behind Harry Potter could make it work.

Department of Mysteries: The setting of the Harry Potter series is a world in which the rules of reality no longer apply. Even so, the students of Hogwarts (and even full-grown wizards and witches) only ever seem to be granted a relatively safe level of power. Think about it: the magic in the film shows mastery of time travel, the ability to erase a person's memory, and even partially resurrect the essence of the deceased; yet Harry and his friends spend most of their time shooting spells as if they're sci-fi blasters.

There's a reason for the limits the Ministry of Magic places on everyday magic, and most of them could be explained by the men and women working in the Department of Mysteries. With secret investigations into love, death, time, space, and thought carried out in the department by the 'Unspeakables' who work there, the brief tour of its offices seen in The Order of the Phoenix gave barely a glimpse of its contents.

WHY IT WOULD WORK: If nothing else, Inception proved that mass audiences are intrigued, not intimidated by films that challenge their notions of reality, so long as they're entertaining in the process. Paired with the existing history of the Harry Potter universe, and crowds would flock to a film that embraced the surreal aspects of the fiction, and dove headlong into the deepest, darkest mysteries of magic. In the hands of the right director, this blurring of fantasy and abstract emotion in a physical place where nearly anything is possible, could start its very own franchise.

Dragonologists: Seriously, who doesn't love dragons? Not content with simply featuring dragons for the sake of spectacle, the franchise introduced specific breeds - the Chinese Fireball, Hungarian Horntail, and the Ukrainian Ironbelly, to name a few.

Yet, as is the case with most magical beings in the Harry Potter universe, J.K. Rowling went into great detail on the capture and keeping of dragons, whether it be by members of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures a.k.a. 'Dragon killers,' or those trusted to handle them in captivity, known as dragonologists. It takes more than a dozen wizards or witches to typically bring down a dragon, and are kept in isolation from the Muggle world by dragon keepers like Charlie Weasley. If they ever got out...

WHY IT WOULD WORK: Fact: a dragon will always attract more fans than a movie without dragons. But fans of the Harry Potter series know just how practically the creatures were dealt with in the books and film, meaning they would also know how big a deal an outbreak of the fire-breathing creatures would be. Even a film based around the hunting and capture of dragons - featuring Charlie Weasley as a major character, perhaps - would be possible, since Charlie's job was time-consuming enough to keep him from Hogwarts during the rise of Voldemort. A fill-in-the-gaps 'interquel,' anyone?

Magic Crosses The Pond: A casual observer of the Harry Potter franchise might make the assumption that wizards and witches are a uniquely British phenomenon, or, given the rest of characters seen in the films, a European one. But that's not the case at all; surely the differences between cultures would make a film chronicling the wizarding world of the United States worthwhile? After all, America has its very own Quidditch league, with its most famed pitch located (secretly) in New England.

Although Harry Potter proved to be as popular in the United Kingdom as one might expect, the series was every bit as embraced in North America - look to the popularity of 'The Wizarding World of Harry Potter' at Orlando's Universal Studios for evidence. Doesn't it follow, then, to introduce more stories set in the North American world of wizards and witches?

WHY IT WOULD WORK: Overlooking the sheer marketing dream of 'Harry Potter coming to America,' a new setting, and in the process, a new approach to magical men and women living in secret could take the series in a new direction, for an entirely new generation of young audiences. Would American wizards and witches deal with the same issues as their British counterparts? Since few Americans ever showed up in Hogwarts, we'd guess there's an American school of magic hidden somewhere - ripe for exploration, if you ask us.

Neville Again: The perennial underdog of the series, Neville Longbottom started as somewhat of a joke when compared to his courageous and outspoken fellow Gryffindors. Neville proved his friendship and character in the end, saving the day in The Deathly Hallows: Part 2, but we shouldn't forget: both Neville and Harry were potentially the 'chosen one' prophesied to bring down Lord Voldemort (Voldemort chose Harry, granting him his own powers in the process). Had Voldemort chosen differently, the entire franchise might be named after Longbottom.

Potter may have gotten the glory, but Neville's own greatness found him working as an Auror after Voldemort had been defeated, before ending us up a professor of Herbology at Hogwarts. That leaves almost two decades' time in which anything could have happened to Longbottom, including a chance to see Hogwarts from a new perspective.

WHY IT WOULD WORK: In the time since production wrapped on the Harry Potter films, Matthew Lewis, who played Neville, has undergone a bit of a change. For those who haven't kept up with the fan community, his new fit physique (and teeth) have made him somewhat of a heartthrob among Potter fans, spawning numerous internet memes claiming the same. Already a fan-favorite of the series, a film focused on Neville would capitalize on that excitement, while fleshing out one of the more heartbreaking back stories of the cast.



I would also add to that list, a story of the Four Founders and the First Wizarding War.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 03:48:26 PM by Kham-Ryn Kurios » Logged

‎Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2013, 03:49:40 PM »

If they are just recycled crap like Abrams Star Trek movies then just don't watch

I'm sure that it has introduced Star Trek to a new generation of fans who are probably going back and watching some of the older stuff because of it. I thought it was a good movie, but even if I didn't, I would still praise it because of that reason. And besides, it was pretty different.

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« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2013, 04:00:30 PM »

I'm sure that it has introduced Star Trek to a new generation of fans who are probably going back and watching some of the older stuff because of it. I thought it was a good movie, but even if I didn't, I would still praise it because of that reason. And besides, it was pretty different. win  Cheesy

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Kham-Ryn Kurios
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« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2013, 04:08:46 PM »

There are only so many plots that can be explored, that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to create something unique to them, but it also means you (the viewer) should just watch a movie to watch a movie because it is just a MOVIE and remember...

Don't take your entertainment for granted, lots of time and hard work go into making movies, something very personal to everyone involved; I consider us, the audience, the last part of that recipe.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 04:20:02 PM by Kham-Ryn Kurios » Logged

‎Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2013, 08:28:20 PM »

I don't want this thread to get too off-topic (I've already started derailing it and feel badly), so let's just agree to disagree.

Believe it or not, I don't disagree with you.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  I would love to see more original stuff out of Hollywood.  But I'm enough of a HP fan (and a few other franchises) that I'm willing to let it slide for those films. 

The films granted a look at a few Aurors...and Harry even grew up to join their ranks

Wait, what?!  When did this happen?  Did I miss something, or have I just forgotten the last paragraph in the book?  I always wondered why Harry never taught Defense Against the Dark Arts.  Figured he'd be a shoe-in for the position. 

I give stealth points.  You may get one without ever knowing it! Muwahaha!

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Kham-Ryn Kurios
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« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2013, 08:30:14 PM »

Believe it or not, I don't disagree with you.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  I would love to see more original stuff out of Hollywood.  But I'm enough of a HP fan (and a few other franchises) that I'm willing to let it slide for those films. 

Wait, what?!  When did this happen?  Did I miss something, or have I just forgotten the last paragraph in the book?  I always wondered why Harry never taught Defense Against the Dark Arts.  Figured he'd be a shoe-in for the position. 

Some good info here:

‎Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2013, 08:42:50 PM »

Believe it or not, I don't disagree with you.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  I would love to see more original stuff out of Hollywood.  But I'm enough of a HP fan (and a few other franchises) that I'm willing to let it slide for those films.  

I completely understand. I have certain franchises I love (MCU!) as well. The reason I like the Marvel Cinematic Universe though is that they give each creative team complete control over their film, as long as it's consistent with the larger, multi-film story. It's wonderful how they're encouraging creativity!

Iron Man 3 is my favorite Marvel film (so far) because it epitomizes this idea. Sure, people may not have liked it, but at the very least you have to appreciate what Marvel is promoting.

If you can't already tell, I'm very passionate about creativity, and hate it when studios interfere too much in the creative process (Spider-Man 3 is a prime example). Hopefully WB will let Rowling do her thing and I suspect they will, considering how much free reign they gave Christopher Nolan.

However, screenwriting and novel writing are two very different things, something I hope that Rowling understands. I'm hoping she'll be able to put her ideas into one solid movie, and not have to resort to multiple parts (another thing I wish wouldn't happen).

Okay, I have to admit I'm warming up to the idea, even though I still wish it wasn't happening.  Cheesy

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« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2013, 12:47:12 AM »

I really don't understand why any one would wish it didn't happen... There are plenty of terrible HP games and that didn't ruin the franchise ...

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« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2013, 05:35:04 AM »

I really don't understand why any one would wish it didn't happen... There are plenty of terrible HP games and that didn't ruin the franchise ...

Well frankly, not very many people are into movie-based video games, as it's pretty much expected that they'll be terrible. The Harry Potter series gained most of its popularity through film (yes, the books are very popular, but the movies pushed them forward to a much greater level) and, since this new addition is being made through that medium, it has the potential to take it to an even greater level, or completely destroy it.

Kham-Ryn Kurios
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« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2013, 03:20:02 PM »

Let them run it into the ground and destroy it, let them do it with all the franchises. Star Wars 24, Transformers 10, Fast & Furious: Again.

The next time I make a multi-million dollar movie, I'll decide what films suck; until then I'll reserve my opinions and enjoy myself.

We don't deserve anything from those involved in filmmaking, not with the way people badmouth directors or actors; Affleck anyone? Ledger anyone? Lucas anyone?

They should totally cast David Bowie as the lead, just because, or just cast the movie so unexpectedly the internet explodes. Cheesy

MOAR OV EVRYTING! I cannot get enough of these moving pictures.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 03:38:34 PM by Kham-Ryn Kurios » Logged

‎Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Darth Severus
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« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2013, 05:17:40 AM »

Let them run it into the ground and destroy it, let them do it with all the franchises. Star Wars 24, Transformers 10, Fast & Furious: Again.

The next time I make a multi-million dollar movie, I'll decide what films suck; until then I'll reserve my opinions and enjoy myself.

We don't deserve anything from those involved in filmmaking, not with the way people badmouth directors or actors; Affleck anyone? Ledger anyone? Lucas anyone?

They should totally cast David Bowie as the lead, just because, or just cast the movie so unexpectedly the internet explodes. Cheesy

MOAR OV EVRYTING! I cannot get enough of these moving pictures.

I don't think I could disagree more with a statement. Halloween is one of my favorite movie of all time, Halloween put a number behind it, not so much. Because people watch it doesn't mean its good, or should be view. Jersey Shore made it multiple years.

Movies are comerical but they are also an art form, if you are talking about just making money, then you are right, no arguement through what ever animal feces at a wall if it makes money all is good.
If you are talking abut the art form then who cares how much money was made and to be honest if you make a multi-million dollar movie you can be like James Cameron and have your real sucess be 20 years in your past.

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« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2013, 05:51:41 AM »

Certainly there are movies and setting that can not support more without rehashing; Halloween is a good one...Highlander, "there should have only been one!" lol, I did not mind the TV series but the movies, one and done for me.

Sometimes the chemistry is what we all liked...the characters, actors, director, editor, music, etc. it all comes together and it really can not be duplicated.

Sometimes it is not the chemistry, but rather the setting or the effects that supports the potential and these could be expanded upon.

Could does not always mean should though.

Potterverse I do not mind because it is mostly focused on the child coming of age aspect...within a setting.  Step away from the school and there is a whole magical world to explore, and a different core profile to this case an adult story following up on a connection to the original series.

So there is respect to the original, there is expansion to the magical setting, and the author is heading it up...I am looking forward to it.

Light side points please Smiley

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