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Author Topic: Show off your character: part 2  (Read 22751 times)
Darth Nekesus
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -164
Posts: 1947

Resident Zabrak and LoL addict.

« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2013, 11:59:13 PM »

I more of just feel laces don't look very good for a costume.

"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge"
-Darth Maul-

DVA and CG Phantom V3 LE
Custom Painted SRD Aeon V2
Overlord with Obsidian and Emerald

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -178
Posts: 741

"There were lessons the Jedi couldn't teach me."

« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2013, 10:06:45 PM »

The one thing I don't get is why are laces so damn bad?  I'm going to be using a pair of black combat boots for my character, since his backstory has him starting out solidly in the Imperial Military.  But every damn costume club out there has a damn phobia against laced boots. 

It's just a style choice made in the movies themselves.  Star Wars residents don't use laces and zippers don't exist either.  Who knows why, they just don't and you won't see them in any of the movies.

If you want to use'em, you certainly can, but for me, I think it's kinda fun to work out neat ways to have my costume be as 'in-universe' as possible.  One of the shirts my character wears actually has a zipper up the back, but it's hidden under my tunic, which is actually a karate gi (basic martial arts uniforms are usually frowned upon too in the stricter costuming groups, but I tie mine a little weirdly to give it a different look).


"The Jedi and their 'Order' betrayed the Chancellor and the Republic - hunting them down isn't about revenge; this is justice."
- Fane Cinden, Imperial Inquisitioner

Knight Lance Corporal

Force Alignment: -60
Posts: 72

« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2013, 03:45:11 PM »

There is room in this post for a Stormtrooper to the orders of the Empire? Smiley


"Stormtroopers will carry out their orders without hesitation and without concern of their own lives"

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -178
Posts: 741

"There were lessons the Jedi couldn't teach me."

« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2013, 08:53:09 PM »

You must be 501st, your armour is flawless!


"The Jedi and their 'Order' betrayed the Chancellor and the Republic - hunting them down isn't about revenge; this is justice."
- Fane Cinden, Imperial Inquisitioner

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -273
Posts: 1533

« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2013, 08:54:49 PM »

There is room in this post for a Stormtrooper to the orders of the Empire? Smiley

*Darth Arkanus thinks.........*

"Stormy!!!! Now where's the nearest Force Field!?" lol

Great armour dude!

"The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities!"

Venom "Durance of Hate"
Scorpion "Durance of Rage"
Dominix LE "Acolyte of Vengeance"
Phantasm LE "Twins of Tyranny"
Gladius "Acolyte of Agony"

Knight Lance Corporal

Force Alignment: -60
Posts: 72

« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2013, 10:18:54 PM »

Thanks for the comments, I'm not affiliated with the 501, I go for free  Grin

"Stormtroopers will carry out their orders without hesitation and without concern of their own lives"

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -178
Posts: 741

"There were lessons the Jedi couldn't teach me."

« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2013, 10:41:15 PM »

I've posted photos of my character/costume before, but here are a few of the more recent ones with my latest gear and a quick bio.

Around 30 BBY (around the time of The Phantom Menace) Fane Cinden was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training as a small boy when he was identified as a Force sensitive.  By the time he was a teenager he was released from the academy for being a poor student too fearful.  He bummed around on Coruscant until shortly after the Great Jedi Purge when the Inquisitorious tracked him down based on records obtained from the sacked Jedi Temple.  Sensing the fear in his heart and knowing that he had no love for the Jedi who had taken away his childhood The Inquisitors trained Cinden in the ways of the Dark Side and he eventually became a member of their organization hunting down Jedi and Force Sensitives during the period between Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi.  Cinden believes whole-heartedly that the Jedi conspired to overthrow Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and usurp control of the Republic for themselves; in other words, he's completely convinced he's fighting for the good-guys.

During Cinden's final initiation into the Inquisitorius, his wrist was crushed by Darth Vader resulting in the need for a cybernetic augment on his left forearm.  As well as allowing his Cinden's hard to function normally the augment provides vital sign regulation enhancements, stimulants to heighten alertness and reduce sleep cycles and bacta to increase healing and recovery from injuries.  The augment also provides target-linking with the re-purposed Mandalorian range-finder Cinden wears on his head.  He wields as lightsaber with a synthetic crystal (Cinden's fearful mediation during the crystal's formation caused it to turn yellow) and a blaster pistol, since he's been unable to master Force-lightning.  He wears a simple Dark Side Adept's tunic with a light plasteel armor vest underneath for combat operations.

Dark Side corruption has turned his eye colour and he wears warpaint to strike fear in his prey.



"The Jedi and their 'Order' betrayed the Chancellor and the Republic - hunting them down isn't about revenge; this is justice."
- Fane Cinden, Imperial Inquisitioner

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 287
Posts: 1020

Light side points please

« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2013, 11:10:39 PM »

I have seen your costume before and always loved it. I never read your back story before. It is awesome.  In a weird way it fits well into my back story (same time frame). I will post it in the next few days....I think you will be amused how they unknowingly fit together.

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -256
Posts: 2204

Dark Side, please. I like the cookies.

« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2013, 12:57:29 AM »

I've posted photos of my character/costume before, but here are a few of the more recent ones with my latest gear and a quick bio.

Around 30 BBY (around the time of The Phantom Menace) Fane Cinden was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training as a small boy when he was identified as a Force sensitive.  By the time he was a teenager he was released from the academy for being a poor student too fearful.  He bummed around on Coruscant until shortly after the Great Jedi Purge when the Inquisitorious tracked him down based on records obtained from the sacked Jedi Temple.  Sensing the fear in his heart and knowing that he had no love for the Jedi who had taken away his childhood The Inquisitors trained Cinden in the ways of the Dark Side and he eventually became a member of their organization hunting down Jedi and Force Sensitives during the period between Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi.  Cinden believes whole-heartedly that the Jedi conspired to overthrow Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and usurp control of the Republic for themselves; in other words, he's completely convinced he's fighting for the good-guys.

During Cinden's final initiation into the Inquisitorius, his wrist was crushed by Darth Vader resulting in the need for a cybernetic augment on his left forearm.  As well as allowing his Cinden's hard to function normally the augment provides vital sign regulation enhancements, stimulants to heighten alertness and reduce sleep cycles and bacta to increase healing and recovery from injuries.  The augment also provides target-linking with the re-purposed Mandalorian range-finder Cinden wears on his head.  He wields as lightsaber with a synthetic crystal (Cinden's fearful mediation during the crystal's formation caused it to turn yellow) and a blaster pistol, since he's been unable to master Force-lightning.  He wears a simple Dark Side Adept's tunic with a light plasteel armor vest underneath for combat operations.

Dark Side corruption has turned his eye colour and he wears warpaint to strike fear in his prey.

Great backstory!  I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Jedi/Sith can still use blasters as well as lightsabers. 

I give stealth points.  You may get one without ever knowing it! Muwahaha!

Dark War Glaive - Blazing Red/AS FOC [or FO/VA FOC]
Initiate v3 with Obsidian - Blazing Red
Initiate v3 - Consular

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 287
Posts: 1020

Light side points please

« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2013, 01:54:20 PM »

My name is Tymae Yarmoo. I have spent most of my life on the run from the Empire. In the years after the Rebellion, when Master Skywalker began his Jedi search and the founding of the new Jedi Academy, I continued in hiding. Master Skywalker's search brought him to Bespin where he discovered the man now known as Master Streen, but I still avoided his detection. When at last he had caught up to me, and I could run no more, he asked me to join his New Jedi Order and the Jedi Academy. But little did he know that this would the second time for me. I was there when is father began down the dark path. I was there when the temple was attacked. I was there when the younglings were slain. I was one of them. This is my story.
I was six years of age when Order 66 was issued and Lord Vader made his attack on the Jedi Temple. I was a youngling at the academy. The evening of the raid, I was in the infirmary, having been injured in training earlier that day. The healer that tended to me heard what was happening and helped me hide in one of the utility tunnels. I spent all night in the bowels of the Temple, only emerging twice. Once was to grab some food and the other, to grab a lightsaber from the armory.
In the small hours of the morning I made my exit and found my way home. I was born on Coruscant and my father was an officer with the planetary security. He had heard of the attack, and needless to say, was overjoyed by my survival. He quickly gathered up my mother and brother and we fled the planet.
We spent many years bouncing from one system to another. My father took whatever work he could find. My mother begged him to settle us on Alderaan, which had an unspoken reputation as a sanctuary for fugitives from the Empire. My mother thought it would be a perfect home for us, but my father feared that Bail Organa had made his objections to the Empire too public and would draw its wrath. My mother eventually won the argument and got her way but my father would ultimately be proven right.
We lived a happy life on Alderaan. When I came of age I enlisted in the Alderaan Guard as a reserve trooper. While on maneuvers, I met a hermit by the name of Elias Shod. He told me he sensed my Force sensitivity and revealed to me that he was a former Jedi Sentinel who avoided the Jedi hunt and settled on Alderaan. I would meet with him often over the course of nearly a year. He taught me lightsaber skills as well as how to avoid detection from other Force users, my most valued skill. Later, he warned me that darkness was coming to Alderaan and advised me to flee. His advice, coupled with my own fears of Vader hunting for Jedi, was enough to convince me to leave my family.  I was afraid for my family's safety should I be discovered to be a former Jedi. My mother was distraught but my father understood why I needed to go. I had no idea that that would be the last time I would see them. A year later, Master Shod’s prediction came true and the Death Star made its debut.
I changed my name to Ekal Moor and found work on Bespin on the tibanna mining platforms. It was a good living. I made good money. I lived comfortably. I felt free from worry. I took a wife. I was happy. Calrissian did a good job of keeping the Empire out, until of course, he let them right in. On the day of the Imperial raid for Master Skywalker and Capt. Solo, I was working on the platforms. I had no idea what had happened at Cloud City. Imperial troops put the entire planet on lockdown and I was stuck at work for nearly a week before I could return home. The Empire intended to keep the tibanna operation going for its own service and I was forced to continue to work while under occupation. After years of dodging the Empire, I had become one of its employees.
During the initial occupation, the garrison conducted routine sweeps, looking for outlaws, troublemakers, or Rebels. My wife felt that I was in danger of being discovered. She took my lightsaber out of its hiding place in our apartment and threw it down the ventilation shaft, following instructions I gave her should the necessity arise. When I returned home from work, she told me what she had had to do. I understood. That night I quietly made my way down to the bowels of the city; to the inline debris collector I knew my lightsaber would have been caught in. I wanted to retrieve it before it ended up in the Ugnaughts’ blaster furnace. While down there, I encountered two Stormtroopers and an officer. They were trying to hide a cargo box. I had no choice but to kill all three of them and dispose of the bodies out of the bottom of the city. To cover my tracks, I also discarded the cargo box, which was sealed and I could not open. Weeks later I overheard two Stormtrooper guards discussing the disappearance of an officer who was apparently known for looting during the sweeps. One speculated he had found a grand score and had deserted. The other thought that his deeds had finally gotten the better of him. The latter was a way. I felt worse about disposing of the cargo box full of my neighbors’ treasures than killing the three looters.
 I did my job as I had always done and continuously looked for a means of escape, but the opportunity never presented itself. However, this arrangement did not last long.
After a few months of occupation, the Battle of Endor marked the beginning of the end for the Empire. It took some time for the entire garrison to leave Bespin. Little by little they deserted until the rest were overthrown. Calrissian returned and resumed control, having redeemed himself in the Death Star attack. He felt like he owed something to the employees who have gotten left behind and kept under Imperial occupation. He offered me compensation and a promotion, of which I accepted both. I decided to stay on Bespin. My wife and I started a family and settled into a peaceful life.
Years later, Master Skywalker arrived again, looking for potential Jedi. I knew he sensed Streen but made it a point to mask myself from his senses. Streen, who I had met once, lived in Tibannoplos and I stayed away from the entire city for that reason. He was unstable and I was afraid he might accidently blow my cover during the days of the Empire. Now, I had hoped he would not alert Master Skywalker to me. When Skywalker left with Streen I thought I was in the clear, but he returned and I was finally flushed out. At long last, I accepted my destiny.
After I accepted his offer to continue on the Jedi path, he decided to expedite my training. I had kept up my skills in secret and was ready for The Trials with little additional instruction. After being knighted, I accepted a position as an operative for the New Jedi Order. My family and I live in safety and I am dispatched on missions to serve the New Republic when needed.

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -178
Posts: 741

"There were lessons the Jedi couldn't teach me."

« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2013, 03:32:19 PM »

Great backstory!  I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Jedi/Sith can still use blasters as well as lightsabers. 

I figure Luke used one, why can't I?  Besides, you can really only throw a saber so far....  Wink


"The Jedi and their 'Order' betrayed the Chancellor and the Republic - hunting them down isn't about revenge; this is justice."
- Fane Cinden, Imperial Inquisitioner

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -178
Posts: 741

"There were lessons the Jedi couldn't teach me."

« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2013, 03:36:31 PM »

Awesome back story Chicago.

It's a shame Cinden didn't detect you on Cloud City...  Wink


"The Jedi and their 'Order' betrayed the Chancellor and the Republic - hunting them down isn't about revenge; this is justice."
- Fane Cinden, Imperial Inquisitioner

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 287
Posts: 1020

Light side points please

« Reply #42 on: November 18, 2013, 08:33:14 PM »

It's a shame Cinden didn't detect you on Cloud City...  Wink

Can you imagine an epic lightsaber battle in a carbonite chamber, jumping from catwalks.......oh wait, that did happen, never mind  Cheesy

Thanks for the kind words.

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 340
Posts: 2422

Founder - The Underfunded Force (Light Points)

« Reply #43 on: November 19, 2013, 12:28:51 AM »

It's just a style choice made in the movies themselves.  Star Wars residents don't use laces and zippers don't exist either.  Who knows why, they just don't and you won't see them in any of the movies.

Zippers certainly do exist, look at the Rebel Pilot flight suits.  They're covered by fabric, but this is Luke from Empire on Hoth.


I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar!

Dominix v2 Fire Orange
Aeon v3 Guardian Blue/Obsidian

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 287
Posts: 1020

Light side points please

« Reply #44 on: November 19, 2013, 04:21:17 AM »

I always assumed the no laces thing was about the fact that they used WWII surplus stuff like jack boots.

You are right about the zippers JES. They are there, just not seen, just like all other fasteners. Most of the costumes are held together with velcro or hidden snaps or stuff like that. I never figured that the Star Wars universe used no fasteners, just that they are not in plain view. But you are right,they are there if you look.

Most of these costume staples we accept are less in-universe rules and more quirks of a limited costume budget of the original film.

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