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Author Topic: What Lightsaber Form Do You Favor?  (Read 106189 times)
Knight Commander

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« Reply #90 on: December 04, 2011, 06:01:05 AM »

Yeah, I shift "styles" in a tactical manner. Show somebody one thing and mutate into something else. The "switch" is a matter of perception, I suppose...

Master Artorius Vidnyl
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« Reply #91 on: December 04, 2011, 06:07:52 AM »

Yeah, I shift "styles" in a tactical manner. Show somebody one thing and mutate into something else. The "switch" is a matter of perception, I suppose...

Anyone who has read the book version of Episode III RotS knows exactly what Jammo means.  Anakin and Obi-Wan use that exact concept in a tactical manner against Dooku.  Excellent phrasing.

Knight Commander

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« Reply #92 on: December 04, 2011, 06:15:28 AM »

@Relmeob - interesting ideas, I think I see what you're getting at.  This is part of the reason Artorius and I tend to disregard Form VI when we talk about lightsaber combat:  mixing these different philosophies in such a way compromises technique, and just plain old doesn't make sense.  You can't say you "use a Shii-Cho cut followed by an Ataru flip and a Makashi stab" because those ideas don't flow.

That said, it isn't impossible to use multiple styles.  I think many people who say they do are just attempting to classify their own unique way of fighting.  Bruce Lee always said that trying to stick to a specific style limits you, prevents you from expressing yourself totally and completely.  This is something Master Artorius and I have discussed a good amount.

Another thing to add is that the Forms of combat (with the possible exception of Shii-Cho) are more like "philosophies" or "mindsets." Any kind of physical combat training is just learning how to implement that specific mindset that you've been taught. Or at least that's how I think of it.

Master Artorius Vidnyl
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« Reply #93 on: December 04, 2011, 06:19:20 AM »

Another thing to add is that the Forms of combat (with the possible exception of Shii-Cho) are more like "philosophies" or "mindsets." Any kind of physical combat training is just learning how to implement that specific mindset that you've been taught. Or at least that's how I think of it.

An excellent point.  Nero and I don't teach the forms any more.  We teach the philosophies and let our apprentices discover the forms for themselves.

Dark Sentinel
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« Reply #94 on: December 04, 2011, 06:27:07 AM »

An excellent point.  Nero and I don't teach the forms any more.  We teach the philosophies and let our apprentices discover the forms for themselves.


Dark Side points are much appreciated.

Master Rel
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« Reply #95 on: December 04, 2011, 07:15:54 AM »

Yes yes and yes...

Ahhh citing Bruce Lee are we?

"Learn all you can and use what you want"

The thing is, specifically with Bruce, that he was a freak of nature and of nurture.  He was what he was because he was who he was.

I studied Jeet Kune Do and I found that there was a baseline issue with the idea of it all...Jeet Kune Do is the philosophy of his process, of what worked for him.  The very idea that this particular instructor was going to teach Bruce's Jeet Kune the end I found it offensive.

I found another JKD instructor while I was stationed in NY city, he was bringing in different style instructors each month...this made sense to me and I am sure would have made Bruce quite happy.

I had a chance to study a Limalama technique called Uma Ma Kapi or Kaupi...a Polynesian hard style...all the practitioners were enormous the idea of tripping, trapping, and locking up these walking refrigerators was daunting to say the least.  But I picked up enough to apply the idea of the technique for my frame and size, which I found when dealing with normal sized humans was useful...not like the way they used it, but I took what they offered in the way I could use it.

That is Jeet Kune Do.  That is my Jeet Kune Do.  You have yours and I have mine.


So I completely agree that one style and another style is what would seem to be a preferred makes sense to me to a degree.

This is a forum for appreciating a science fiction weapon and the martial science of the same in a Universe based upon there should be no rules as it is fantasy.

But as we are practicing the practical application of using these weapons and talking about the practical use of the same, I offer that we consider the picture at a face value.

An aggressive fencer will not in mid stride shift into a passive parry position, even if facing an obstacle like a twisted ankle, impact numbed wrist, etc.

Now the style could easily be a blend...with vastly experienced players exhibiting a unique ebb and flow not found in any one style...but the cut and dry aspects are what they are.

So maybe consider noting a style that best describes your base and if it is not enough then use terms to further define your base rather than layer more bases.


Jar'Kai is the two blade style...does that mean anyone using two blades is a Jar'Kai practitioner?

For example my real world training and experience brings me to answer "which lightsaber for from do I favor" (if I had a real light saber and I were a jedi...) I am mostly a defensive reactionary fighter...even in chess I play to my opponent's ability and if he is better than I work through it, looking for an opening, then drawing them in, pulling them out of their game plan.  I might use two sabers.  I might use a naginata style saber with a blade length or longer hilt.  That would not change my base.  Even if I fell back onto my aggressive beginnings, if I lashed out with a flurry and straight forward attack, ignoring defense...this would not alter my base.

So not Soresu, Jar'Kai, Ataru, and Juyo...even if elements of these exist within my Jeet Kune Do of Lightsaber style.

Hope I do not come off as a snob or a know it all...I am not either.  I have dealt with Star Trek fans my whole life and the every fan portraying a Captain or an Admiral get old quick.  So to does the everything in one uber powerful jedi who is also a sith but is mostly a grey jedi pirate rogue bounty hunter cyborg hybrid of 8 near human species who uses a pair of rainbow saber staff that alternate between all the colors and can shoot force lighting out his butt.

It may be that I am 46, but I suspect not.

Imagine being able to be a jedi or sith if you must, but let us consider a jedi...just a run of the mill guy in the background...not a front line hero...not a venerable master...just a jedi.  How cool would that be?  Cool beyond measure.  No need to be everything IMO.  

So off topic...sorry.

Hope you can find something useful or see where I was going with all this...if not then I am sorry for wasting your time.

Have a great remaining weekend all!

Light side points please Smiley

Master Nero Attoru
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« Reply #96 on: December 04, 2011, 07:35:36 AM »

Wow Relmeob... quite a post there!  Took me a while to read through it... but I appreciate your input.

If I understand your point correctly, then I believe you and I agree on a great deal here.  I believe some people try to emulate styles based on characters they like - Mace Windu fans try to pretend they're Vaapad, Anakin fans insist they use Djem So, and so forth.  This is one reason people try to say they utilize "Makashi with some Soresu and a bit of Ataru" or whatever.  I agree with you in that this kind of description makes basically no sense.

I believe what Artorius and I were trying to say (if I may presume that he and I are in agreement here) is that everyone has one specific way of fighting that is unique to them.  Maybe it's aggressive, maybe it's passive, maybe it's a mix.  It is the way they choose to enter combat, and I know this happens because I see it as a coach.  I know my fencers have different ways to behave in their bouts - one may be an aggressive powerhouse while another might be more of a patient thinker. 

To me this can be described by "what you do when the crap hits the fan."  When somebody is coming at you with a sword, and the adrenaline kicks in, I am not gonna be using Djem So tactics or Ataru twirls or Shii-Cho cuts.  I'm gonna break into my style, which I just so happen to correlate with Makashi for simplicity.  I have a one handed style which utilizes an active defense and plenty of footwork - once again this is due to my fencing background.  In fencing for instance I tend to wait for an opening and use an attack - some would call this a Soresu idea but considering how I execute it with a lightsaber I tend to call it Makashi.  In this way your thoughts about Jeet Kune Do come into play - my Makashi is not the same as your Makashi, or somebody else's.  It's my own, which is what makes it so effective and unpredictable.

Master Rel
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« Reply #97 on: December 04, 2011, 07:39:04 AM »

Nail + Head

Right on Brother!

One style...maybe two at an extreme...and this would most likely be one way on  attack and another with defense.

Light side points please Smiley

Master Rel
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« Reply #98 on: December 04, 2011, 07:55:02 AM »

Closest we have to reflect on would be MMA mixed martial arts.

Look at those top fighters...some just excel in one aspect be in striking, grappling, wrestling, etc. but all are trained in many styles.

When you are in the thick of get will react one way or another.  A whole book of options does not present itself.  A wrestler will drop and shoot for a take down...the boxer will shift on the heel and try to punch through...etc. etc.

I have enough judo to tell you that it is my base.  I have taken dozens of styles...some for 6 months and others for years...but judo is the one that best fit.  Does that mean I don't kick or punch...hardly.  My MT shift kick is nasty and I have a decent uppercut...but when it comes down to it, I will tie you up and choke you out or test one of your joints.

I have been flash knocked out in matches...gone...dumped on my head and lost 3-5 seconds...and yet I grabbed what was close, drew it in, trapped it, dug in, and waited til it judo training took over.

My base.

I can shoot.  Guns and bows.

I can use blades.

But mostly I have the will and desire to follow through with my intended action...saying one will do something if a far cry from doing it.  Meaning it is one thing to say you will punch somebody in the face, it is quite another to do it...especially if you just got your nose broken.


The Jar'Kai style for example.  Two sabers.  Within reason, all the special techniques and most of the offense/defense will rely on two sabers.  Lose a saber and reduce the style...period.

If this sounds icky then another style might be a better fit?

It is one thing to use two sabers, and another entirely different thing to only use two sabers...a Jar'Kai gains strength and unique ability because of this focus...can they use one saber, well sure...could they use the special abilities of Jar'Kai with one saber, most likely not...hard to do the dual whirlwind with one saber.

Light side points please Smiley

Master Rel
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« Reply #99 on: December 04, 2011, 08:13:31 AM »

The idea of switching styles with each opponent is interesting...sounds like making wishes to me.

A base of Soresu for example

I am dealing with Juki the sith...he has a darkness about him that sucks in I fight this vile sith and I would use Soresu...I might try to shake him with some unexpected move but my style would remain the same.

Another time I face Ki Uth, another sith...he is super fast and agile...yep, I use Soresu.

We are what we are and we will react how we train.

The idea of completely switching styles to match the opponent just baffles me...again like making wishes.

He is a running super too!

He is a strong fighter with aggressive too!

He is a defensive player with incredible too!

Or that the counter to every move is in your pocket...just wow.

I have been there...I thought I knew enough to stop anyone..."ever punched a 6'10" 475lb Samoan?"...I have...and he did not fall down...he did not even flinch...he said "ouch" and hit me with a fist the size of a small turkey...and I did fall down.

I have been there...I outweighed him by 100lbs, he was 59 and I was 29...he wrapped me up and forced me to tap every night I trained for the next 3 yrs.

And more.

I had all these abilities and skills but in the end I was better at some things than at others...that is how people are.

Fast and acrobatic...straight forward and strong...side stepping and quick...spinning...dual weapons...etc.

One is the primary fit...the main dish...the rest are side dishes to compliment the main.

Light side points please Smiley

Knight Commander

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« Reply #100 on: December 04, 2011, 02:06:27 PM »

Maybe we can see in a video? Record it or something? I know I have at least on friend who is not chicken when it comes to saber dueling (he actually enjoys it! Though he does not care for SW, lol).

I would be interested to see your style. I like the idea of knocking them over. I may try that out. While being in the air inst my thing, if it is effective, Ill do it if it gets the job done.

Being in the air is effective, but not efficient energy wise. But it is how I knock them over - attacking from above, and using my legs and saber as weapons in one massive, swarm-like attack. It puts them off balance in the first place since it is coming at their faces, and so quickly, then moving forward at the same time can knock them over.

Master Rel
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« Reply #101 on: December 04, 2011, 03:58:00 PM »

Being in the air is effective, but not efficient energy wise. But it is how I knock them over - attacking from above, and using my legs and saber as weapons in one massive, swarm-like attack. It puts them off balance in the first place since it is coming at their faces, and so quickly, then moving forward at the same time can knock them over.

Is this in a video game?

Light side points please Smiley

Master Nero Attoru
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« Reply #102 on: December 04, 2011, 04:14:10 PM »

Being in the air is effective, but not efficient energy wise. But it is how I knock them over - attacking from above, and using my legs and saber as weapons in one massive, swarm-like attack. It puts them off balance in the first place since it is coming at their faces, and so quickly, then moving forward at the same time can knock them over.

It would seem somewhat inefficient in terms of energy, I always kinda figured Ataru had to be adapted to "real life" considering it relies on Force-enhanced movements to allow for the flips and various maneuvers.  My own interpretation sticks to the two dimensional for the most part, using a lot of footwork to strike at the enemy with great speed from different angles.

That said, if you pull off an acrobatic ataru that's great!  I would be interested to see how it's implemented, although I'm probably too big and heavy to really pull it off lol.

Master BStone
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« Reply #103 on: December 04, 2011, 04:20:59 PM »

I know for a fact my 6 foot 220lbs is for sure to heavy to pull it off. Smiley

Master Rel
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« Reply #104 on: December 04, 2011, 04:44:12 PM »

It would seem somewhat inefficient in terms of energy, I always kinda figured Ataru had to be adapted to "real life" considering it relies on Force-enhanced movements to allow for the flips and various maneuvers.  My own interpretation sticks to the two dimensional for the most part, using a lot of footwork to strike at the enemy with great speed from different angles.

That said, if you pull off an acrobatic ataru that's great!  I would be interested to see how it's implemented, although I'm probably too big and heavy to really pull it off lol.

Real world Ataru, Wushu perhaps?

Which is a bit easier if you are 5' and 100lbs  Smiley


Light side points please Smiley

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