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Author Topic: Rumor Patrol: Dwayne Johnson to Join Justice League After Batman vs. Superman  (Read 2584 times)
Knight Commander

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« on: January 14, 2014, 04:29:06 AM »

Conventional wissdom asserts that DC Comics has fallen far, far behind their traditional rivals at Marvel Comics so far as feature films are concerned. With the casting of Wonder Woman in the upcoming sequel to Man of Steel (which we’re still calling Batman vs. Superman), it seems likely that DC is attempting to emulate Marvel’s enormously successful experiment in serialized filmmaking.

Recent flurries of rumors indicate that Batman vs. Superman may be expanding the universe established during Man of Steel even more quickly than first thought. With actor Dwayne Johnson (Fast and Furious 7) rumored to be in consideration for the role of Green Lantern, speculation has turned to a possible Justice League movie – a film that was once set to debut in Batman vs. Superman‘s 2015 slot. A new report asserts that such a movie isn’t just in the plans – it may start filming the moment Batman vs. Superman wraps up production.

Latino Review shares the scoop that a Justice League film will begin filming back-to-back with Batman vs. Superman with Johnson as one of its headliners. Citing unnamed industry sources, the article puts forth the theory that DC Comics and Warner Bros. are looking to purposefully move in on the shared-universe territory currently occupied by Marvel Comics – thus shooting Justice League soon enough for a possible 2016 release.

The story does not identify the role that Johnson is set to fill, instead noting that he would likely put in a cameo appearance during a purported cliffhanger ending for Batman vs. Superman – an ending intended to feed directly into Justice League.

If all of this seems a bit sketchy, it’s because it is. Latino Review even notes that the report is largely “a combination of insider information and good old fashioned speculation from folks who’ve been in the game a long, long time.”

Still, the idea is not without precedent – after all, the sequels for The Matrix and Pirates of the Caribbean filmed back-to-back in order to best capitalize on audience anticipation. Also, given the terrific success of Marvel films in 2013, Warner Bros. must surely be chomping at the bit to get its own comic book movie universe off the ground as soon as possible.

At the same time, it’s getting fairly late in the production process to suddenly declare an immediate sequel to the Man of Steel franchise. Such a move could smack of desperation on the studio’s part – a nakedly cynical attempt to cash in on the current enthusiasm for superhero franchises. Whether this would actually be off-putting to audiences is up in the air.

If there’s even a shred of truth to the rumor of an imminent Justice League movie, confirmation will come sooner rather than later. Groundwork on immediately filmed sequel to Batman vs. Superman would have to be set up with a quickness – and if that’s the case, we’ll know for sure within a few months. Stay tuned to Screen Rant in the interim, as the rumors continue to fly fast and thick about this production.


Man of Steel 2/Batman vs. Superman will fly into theaters on July 17th, 2015.

Source: Latino Review


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« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 12:28:21 AM »

(I hope that I'm not imposing by posting another article. It is franchise related and I felt was more of an add-on than actual news.)

Jason Momoa Aquaman Rumor Raises ‘Justice League’ Casting Questions

As far as DC Comics and Warner Bros.’ movie universe goes, we’re so far into rumor and speculation right now that the nature and patterns of the rumors are about as valid and significant as the supposed information in the rumor itself. The studio’s big 2015 tentpole, Batman vs. Superman, has been a pop-culture focus ever since Ben Affleck’s Batman casting was announced, but since the end of 2013/beginning of 2014 it’s been the supporting cast of the film that has gotten attention.

To make long weeks of rumors short: it currently sounds like Batman vs. Superman could end with a big Justice League team cameo – one that could lead into an official Justice League movie, which could potentially be shot back-to-back with BvsS. As such, additional DC superheroes (like Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman) have been expected to make an appearance in the big cameo moment – and since we recently heard that characters like Martian Manhunter are off the table, focus has been on more traditional characters like Green Lantern and Flash.

However, Aquaman has been a major character in DC’s post-millennial movement – including the New 52 Continuity reboot. DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer (and comic book creator) Geoff Johns has maintained vague teases that Aquaman is headed for the mainstream - while fans (and sites like ours) have been expressing more and more confidence that an Aquaman movie could be great.

Now, according to Badass Digest, there is a name attached to the Aquaman role, and its Game of Thrones and Conan star, Jason Momoa.

Momoa has been rumored for Batman vs. Superman for weeks now – but in that same span of time we got confirmation of Dwayne Johnson also auditioning for a part in the DCMU, which naturally led to the assumption that he and Momoa were up for the same role – most likely a brute villain like Doomsday to counter-balance the intellectual threat of Lex Luthor. Since then, rumors shifted to Johnson being up to play heroes like Green Lantern John Stewart and Cyborg, not a brute villain, while Momoa has denied any involvement whatsoever.

Furthermore, certain sites claim to have sources confirming that a character like Aquaman won’t be in the BvsS Justice League cameo – which makes Badass Digest‘s claim that Momoa IS in the film and WILL be playing Aquaman that much harder to believe.

Jason Momoa in ‘Tempted’

…That brings us back around to the point about patterns of rumors. Look, at this point it’s smart not to believe ANYTHING until we know SOMETHING more solid than we have; but you can look at patterns and make some educated guesses. If Johnson and Momoa were up for the same role, then whomever they were both up for is clearly the version of the character the filmmakers want in their universe.

Doomsday, Cyborg, Aquaman… big Samoan versions would be what we’re getting. That’s not such a big deal for Doomsday (mo-cap) or Cyborg (a non-white football star in the comics) – but Aquaman?

Momoa as Aquaman & Justice League Casting

The recent DC Comics “Flashpoint” crossover event featured a bulkier alternate timeline version of Aquaman that could be played by an actor like The Rock or Momoa – and Peter David’s regal “hook hand” version from the ’90s is arguably fair game… but that’s about it. Most other versions of Arthur Curry are leaner and blonder and generally do not match what one associates with the swagger of Momoa and The Rock. In fact, most fans would probably place their Aquaman bets on recent rumors of Josh Holloway being eyed for Justice League.

But this is a cinematic group ensemble we’re discussing, and variety is clearly needed. Two pretty-boy white guys are headlining the roster (Cavill and Affleck);  there are rumored plans to make the DCMU more diverse than the comics; and the casting of Israeli babe Gal Gadot as the new Wonder Woman certainly lends credence to the assertion that DC/WB is going more exotic with the big-screen representations of these heroes.

That’s all to say: there’s possibility for BOTH Johnson and Momoa to bring characters like Cyborg and Aquaman into the fold, while simultaneously adding some darker color to the Justice League movie. Holloway could easily play a guy like Barry Allen/Flash, which would create a nice 3 x 3 balance in terms of fair skin, olive skin and Gal Gadot somewhere in the middle. Each of those second-tier characters would also be inhabited by an actor who’s affordable but potentially bankable as a lead, so it wouldn’t be the worst move (business-wise) to have a cast lineup like the one proposed above, if solo films are the eventual goal.

In fact, pleasing fans would be the only major hurdle to conquer; but maybe if more of them see Momoa’s stunning beach work in the 2003 Lifetime movie Tempted, he’ll be their Aquaman of choice:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>



I am definitely on board for having both actors involved.

Johnson and Momoa have huge potential in all of their speculated roles.

‎Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 473
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« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2014, 01:12:40 AM »

(I hope that I'm not imposing by posting another article. It is franchise related and I felt was more of an add-on than actual news.)

Nah, it's fine. The more BvS and JL articles the better Wink

I am definitely on board for having both actors involved.

Johnson and Momoa have huge potential in all of their speculated roles.

Me too. And I agree.

I don't think I've ever watched a movie with Jason Momoa in it, but from what I've seen in the clip he seems to be perfect for the role. And I've always been rooting for Dwayne Johnson. He is a bit old for Cyborg... but honestly, I think it could work. They can still have the whole "Father-Son, 'it's complicated'" jazz and age shouldn't matter. lol.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 01:18:07 AM by TheHobbitofDune » Logged

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« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2014, 04:17:04 AM »

Reading between the lines, I am liking the idea of Josh Holloway as Aquaman  Cheesy

Light side points please Smiley

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