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Author Topic: So far; I am truely impressed with UltraSabers Customer Service  (Read 3361 times)
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 701
Posts: 969

« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2016, 02:10:15 AM »

I'd agree with that and if I was asking about when something would ship is completely agree. The problem is that I've already received my order and not everything was there. Unfortunately they're be so flooded with emails 2 days after people order that they haven't even gotten to my actual issue within 4 days.

I'm not even complaining about their customer service when I say it, it's just the reality of the situation. If they're getting 20 emails a minute then how many of those are actual issues?  My guess is that the majority are either general questions or unnecessary ones.

The majority of the emails are inquires about stock and inquiries about when customers' orders will ship out (both answers are on the website, but I digress).  So once we get caught up the and things back in stock a secondary result will also be that our volume of emails will decrease and we can start tending to the real "issues" much faster as well.

Emory "Deep" Harris

Knight Apprentice

Force Alignment: 11
Posts: 25

« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2016, 07:19:15 PM »

I'd agree with that and if I was asking about when something would ship is completely agree. The problem is that I've already received my order and not everything was there. Unfortunately they're be so flooded with emails 2 days after people order that they haven't even gotten to my actual issue within 4 days.

I'm not even complaining about their customer service when I say it, it's just the reality of the situation. If they're getting 20 emails a minute then how many of those are actual issues?  My guess is that the majority are either general questions or unnecessary ones.

I'm in the same boat.  My sabers arrived this past Friday, and there a couple issues.  I emailed them around 11:00AM my time (EST), a couple hours after receiving the sabers, and have yet to receive a reply.  However, it is more than understandable because their high volume of emails, and it currently being the weekend.

Beware of the successful man that has no enemies.  Either he makes them disappear or he is not that successful.

Knight Officer

Force Alignment: 15
Posts: 129

Light Side Points

« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2016, 11:16:12 PM »

I have worked in CS for 13 years. I'm at a job now where just me doing my job and not being rude, puts me above my peers. I appreciate seeing a company that knows what needs to be done and trains their people to do the right thing and not copy/paste the same answer to every problem. Even if it takes a few days for me to get an answer to my current issue, I'll wait. I know that it will be taken care of. I NEVER am this calm about the kind of issue I'm having, but I don't even want to bring it up in public because it will be dealt with in a timely manner and with respect and care. Emory, even though you will probably never see this, thank you for being a genuinely good person. It means the world to all of us.

I have walked the Dark, tasted its power, bathed in the blood of Jedi and Padawan.
Now I am feared by all who seek to unbalance the force, for I am seeking redemption for my past.

Dark Initiate V4-Violet Amethyst---Windu's Guile Crystal obtained in Pazzak game

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 156
Posts: 665

« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2016, 03:43:28 AM »

The majority of the emails are inquires about stock and inquiries about when customers' orders will ship out (both answers are on the website, but I digress).  So once we get caught up the and things back in stock a secondary result will also be that our volume of emails will decrease and we can start tending to the real "issues" much faster as well.
I've been wondering how many of the emails being received are things that actually need to be emails.  I'm not at all surprised to hear that a lot of them are unnecessary, although it is unfortunate.

Emory, even though you will probably never see this, thank you for being a genuinely good person. It means the world to all of us.
In case you didn't know, Deep (who posted in this thread twice) is Emory, so he probably will see that!  Also, I agree with you 100%.  I'd never claim Ultrasabers is perfect--nobody is--but they seem to really try to make their customers happy.  In particular, all of my interactions with Emory have been positive (even when I've asked stupid questions Smiley ).

Yoda of Borg am I! Assimilated shall you be! Futile resistance is, hmm?

Dominix LE v4 Emerald RGBW, Obsidian v4
Manticore HP, Obsidian v4
Aeon LE v3 SY, Hasbro sound
Initiate LE v3 3AS, Obsidian Lite
Dominix LE v2 RGB, stunt
Aeon LE v2 AS, Hasbro sound
Initiate LE v2 GB, stunt
Dark Liberator v2 BR, stunt
[censored] RGBA, [redacted] sound
Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren, and Yoda Force FX Black Series
...and a bunch of cheap stuff.

Darth Blightus
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -201
Posts: 837

dark side points

« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2016, 05:28:49 AM »

no question is stupid vyk
unrelated, perhaps but not stupid
Ultrasabers really is something to behold. a whole company dedicated to custom lightsabers. iv never had better customer service in anything else ever

Only in darkness can one see the true light.

Knight Lance Corporal

Force Alignment: 5
Posts: 42

« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2016, 06:24:31 PM »

I recently ordered my first saber here also and I was very impressed with the customer service. I made a mistake on my order and set it up incorrectly by choosing conflicting options. Less than a day later I received an email from Emory telling me of my mistake and showing me how I could correct it in order to get the saber that he could tell I intended to order. This was a great first experience because it would have been easy for US to just cobble together something that worked based on my conflicting choices but in the end I would have received a saber that had something sacrificed because I chose the wrong options for what I actually wanted.

I'm really glad I chose to order from US.

I can affirm what someone said earlier in this thread. I am also a forum member over on that other saber site. I have two sabers on order over there that obviously won't be in my possession for 2-3 months at the least. Any email i've sent to them took at least a week to get a response to and one of my major issues was never resolved at all. The first account I tried to create with them using the same forum name as I have here didn't set up correctly. I never got the activation email. That account is still left in limbo almost a month later because without an activation, I can't use it...but its still locked in their system, so I can't try to register using that email again. I've tried getting help with this and they gave me very copy/pasted unhelpful responses until eventually they just stopped replying altogether. I had to create a secondary account using a different email that I don't even use normally just to be able to post on that forum.

That forum is run like a totalitarian dictatorship. Many of you may know that they supposedly have lost some 200 orders that were "lost or stolen" by the USPS. Well understandably, people are freaking out after waiting nearly 3 months and then finding out their saber got stolen or was lost and now they have to wait all over again. Of course people post about this sort of thing and feel helpless when sending emails that never get answered or take a week to they ask on the forums for comfort from their fellow forum members. Its completely understandable...

and its a bannable offense.

I've never felt such hate, anger, and pure disgust for their own customers as I've felt on that forum. Anyone who complains about their unacceptable wait time or dares to ask if anyone else has any information to share on the current situation gets either screamed at, their thread deleted, or outright banned. New people arriving into the saber community asking very simple innocent questions have been banned straight out of oblivion just for simply not reading through the several scathing, angry stickies warning us not to ask ANY customer service questions whatsoever on the forums.

Everyone should just take a moment and really thank Ultrasabers for doing business the way business SHOULD be done...and beyond. Because the other similar tier company in this community is absolutely abusing their customer base simply because they are buried beneath a mountain of orders and being incapable of rising to the challenge.

Thank you Ultrasabers. I chose to come here after realizing my orders elsewhere would take nearly 3 months and could possibly end up "stolen" anyway. That coupled with the nastiness and anger i've seen directed at us from their staff just made me regret ever placing orders there. This forum is far more positive and I'm thankful to find a better home.

Guardian 4 channel RGBW Emerald and V4 Obsidian sound

Light side points when applicable please!

Darth Justicar
Knight Commander

Force Alignment: -567
Posts: 2580

Sun of Starkiller

« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2016, 07:07:24 PM »

It was that shipping fiasco or whatever it was, that made me hit the abort button on considering that other saber source.  I somewhat trust UPS but I trust FedEx most of all and I know what to do if for some reason FedEx messes up.  Not having any other option is not something I am crazy about but the magnitude of the problem and how it was handled turned me off.  I have to know the customer service from the seller is good if I am going to do USPS.  I believe that will be happening with my robes, but the difference is that the person I have been working with on that has dealt with me nicely and promptly the whole way thus far, meaning I actually feel like if a problem cropped up I could work it out.  Without that confidence, no order.

"Anger is a tool.  Use it; do not let it use you."
       --Gul Verden in Debtors' Planet by W.R. Thompson

"I'm a little Renlet, short and 'stout'
Here is my saber, watch me scream and shout!"
       --Lyrics by Jev Moldara

Flamberge BR with v4 Obsidian and 4-inch side blades

Knight Lance Corporal

Force Alignment: 5
Posts: 42

« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2016, 09:07:50 PM »

It was that shipping fiasco or whatever it was, that made me hit the abort button on considering that other saber source.  I somewhat trust UPS but I trust FedEx most of all and I know what to do if for some reason FedEx messes up.  Not having any other option is not something I am crazy about but the magnitude of the problem and how it was handled turned me off.  I have to know the customer service from the seller is good if I am going to do USPS.  I believe that will be happening with my robes, but the difference is that the person I have been working with on that has dealt with me nicely and promptly the whole way thus far, meaning I actually feel like if a problem cropped up I could work it out.  Without that confidence, no order.

It sounds like you already are in the process of purchasing/ordering your robe but I thought i'd let you know that I recently bought an amazing top notch 100% wool robe from "Twin Roses Designs" and its by far the best looking jedi robe I could have imagined. I just recently wore it to a convention in Miami and loads of people came up to me wanting to know where I got it. Out of all the other Jedi costumes I saw there, I had the best robe by far and my wife, daughter and I ended up  having our picture taken by the convention's professional photographers and uploaded onto their site. Some other cosplay website took our picture also and put us up today which was neat. The inside tunic set I had and the sets worn by my wife and daughter weren't that great by any means (they were cheaply bought) but thanks to my awesome robe over top of it, nobody really noticed my crappy tunic underneath. I've since ordered a proper tunic set from Twin Roses and I can't recommend her business enough.

Guardian 4 channel RGBW Emerald and V4 Obsidian sound

Light side points when applicable please!

Knight Commander

Force Alignment: 156
Posts: 665

« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2016, 09:09:59 PM »

no question is stupid vyk
It's been a while, and I don't remember what it was (and I'm not particularly inclined to look in old email to find out Wink ), but this particular question was indeed stupid.  It was of the "thinking about this for 30 seconds or reading the FAQ or searching the forum would've told you the answer" variety.  Sad  If I'd received a similar email from someone, my reply would've been full of thinly-veiled sarcasm, but Emory's was genuinely nice.

Yoda of Borg am I! Assimilated shall you be! Futile resistance is, hmm?

Dominix LE v4 Emerald RGBW, Obsidian v4
Manticore HP, Obsidian v4
Aeon LE v3 SY, Hasbro sound
Initiate LE v3 3AS, Obsidian Lite
Dominix LE v2 RGB, stunt
Aeon LE v2 AS, Hasbro sound
Initiate LE v2 GB, stunt
Dark Liberator v2 BR, stunt
[censored] RGBA, [redacted] sound
Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren, and Yoda Force FX Black Series
...and a bunch of cheap stuff.

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