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General Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: Master Rel on August 24, 2012, 06:36:43 AM

Title: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 24, 2012, 06:36:43 AM
For characters, for stories, for books, for art, etc.

Let us say your favorite 5?

More if you must, but limit these choices to the intelligent species options.

No need to explain your answers but if you want to then go for it!

Pictures are more than welcome, provide them...especially if you have a different or preferred vision than the established or common view.

So there you are...any period in SW time, any EU option, etc.


Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Kaiden Shardsbane on August 24, 2012, 06:41:05 AM
Wookiees.  Because they're wookiees.

Noghri.  Because they're like wookiees.

Stennes Shifters.  Because they can eat the Force and be invisible.

Chiss.  Because of Thrawn.

Yuuzhan Vong.  Because they're like Zerg.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Darth Rifter on August 24, 2012, 07:04:42 AM
Nautolans, cause of head tentacles.
Munn, cause of plaguies and his awesomeness.
Zabrak, cause the horns and tats and Maul.
Bith, they just look cool, man.
Kaminoians, cause they look like the over lords from Falling skies.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 24, 2012, 07:17:49 AM
Bith...I have a weak spot for these big noggin'ed lugs  :)





Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Jev Moldara on August 24, 2012, 01:22:08 PM
Zeltrons. End of thread.

"When you've been in this business as long as I have, you learn a few things: Nothing's more dangerous than arguing with a Wookiee, nothing's more foolish than gambling with a Jedi, and nothing's more alluring than a Twi'lek dancer. But I'm here to tell you that last one is wrong. If you like your humanoids flexible, svelte, enthusiastic, and in multiple shades of red, then the most beautiful people in the galaxy are on Zeltros. Who needs Twi'leks?"
―Ruudi Buundaz

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: rezeb360 on August 24, 2012, 01:41:52 PM
Zeltrons. End of thread.

"When you've been in this business as long as I have, you learn a few things: Nothing's more dangerous than arguing with a Wookiee, nothing's more foolish than gambling with a Jedi, and nothing's more alluring than a Twi'lek dancer. But I'm here to tell you that last one is wrong. If you like your humanoids flexible, svelte, enthusiastic, and in multiple shades of red, then the most beautiful people in the galaxy are on Zeltros. Who needs Twi'leks?"
―Ruudi Buunda

I see. (

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: BlackHawk on August 24, 2012, 02:26:16 PM

1. Zeltrons
2. Other Zeltrons
3. Hybrid Zeltrons
4. Zeltron-like species
5. Another species that's Zeltronish

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: MrJediMan on August 24, 2012, 02:44:59 PM

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 24, 2012, 02:51:03 PM


Ithorians were on my extended list lol.

I'll bite...what is a Koshiban?

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: ThreadJack on August 24, 2012, 02:54:25 PM
Twi'leks- For obvious reasons... ;)

Mirialans- I really like the green skin, and the cool(but painful looking) face tattoos.

Chiss- I really wasn't a big fan of these until I decided to make my bounty hunter in SWTOR a Chiss. They've since grown on me.

Wookies- Just because they're Wookies, and are therefore awesome.

Shistavanen- Wolfman. Nuff said. 8)

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: ed_ification on August 24, 2012, 03:39:12 PM
Yoda's Species

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: MrJediMan on August 24, 2012, 03:40:03 PM

Ithorians were on my extended list lol.

I'll bite...what is a Koshiban?

Oh, I misspelled them. they are Kushiban. A Kushiban are Fuzzy little sentients, Resembling a mix of a Kitten, and a Bunny rabbit (

And How could I forget Wookiees? lol. Wookiees are pure win

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Luna on August 24, 2012, 04:17:30 PM
Oh, I misspelled them. they are Kushiban. A Kushiban are Fuzzy little sentients, Resembling a mix of a Kitten, and a Bunny rabbit

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

And How could I forget Wookiees? lol. Wookiees are pure win

Yay Ikrit!

Anyways, my top five....

1. Shi'ido
2. Ssi-ruu
3. Enzeen
4. Thisspiasian
5. Pau'an

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: RogueLeader on August 24, 2012, 04:32:04 PM
In no particular order...

Togruta (duh)

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Manroon on August 24, 2012, 06:29:11 PM
In no particular order:


I'm also rather fond of the Ho'din, but they wouldn't be in my top 5. Yuzzeem would probably tie the Squib for me though, but I didn't add them as they are similar to wookies in several respects, if a bit more ape like in proportions.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Faa-Yal Dragu on August 24, 2012, 11:48:55 PM

ithorians.       way cool.
togruta.         love the head tails.
hutts.            jabba. 'nuff said.
ewoks.          'yub yub!' (and they crushed a walker with a coupla logs. point!)
jawas.          gotta love the little scavangers. 'ootini!'

bonus prize goes to:

Rodians!       most are just scum. my kinda people.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: BenPass on August 25, 2012, 02:29:13 AM
Five of my many favorites in no particular order.

Wroonian...near human? Check. Blue skin? Check. Peaceful? Check.

Barabel...hunter, reptilian, speaks differently than much of the galaxy, honorable.

Yoda's Race...whatever they are, I'd like to see more of them. Yoda has been my favorite ever since I first saw him in ESB.

Mandalorian...warrior, honor-bound, courageous.
( oriented, honorable, brave, tall and freakin' hairy (reminds me of myself).

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 25, 2012, 02:35:45 AM
Answers from my immediate family...

Q: "what is your favorite Star Wars alien?"

Wife: "uhhgg not this again...(throws hands in the air)"

#1 Daughter (27): "hmmm too many choices...Wookies!"

#2 Daughter (20): ...doesn't answer phone...

#3 Daughter (18): "o oooo ooo the guy with the ears...uhhh...Jar Jar!"

Son (17): "The clones"


I wish I was making it up...sigh  lol   :-\

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Luna on August 25, 2012, 02:37:52 AM
Answers from my immediate family...

Q: "what is your favorite Star Wars alien?"

Wife: "uhhgg not this again...(throws hands in the air)"

#1 Daughter (27): "hmmm too many choices...Wookies!"

#2 Daughter (20): ...doesn't answer phone...

#3 Daughter (18): "o oooo ooo the guy with the ears...uhhh...Jar Jar!"

Son (17): "The clones"


I wish I was making it up...sigh  lol   :-\

I know that feel....

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Kaiden Shardsbane on August 25, 2012, 02:39:05 AM
It's ok, Rel.  At least least your oldest daughter chose well.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 25, 2012, 02:46:33 AM
Yoda's Species

Ryn are fun  :D


Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 25, 2012, 02:48:55 AM
Oh, I misspelled them. they are Kushiban. A Kushiban are Fuzzy little sentients, Resembling a mix of a Kitten, and a Bunny rabbit

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

And How could I forget Wookiees? lol. Wookiees are pure win fuzzy


Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Manroon on August 25, 2012, 02:58:04 AM
Whatever one is, I want it as a pet. Lol

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 25, 2012, 03:01:19 AM
Yay Ikrit!

Anyways, my top five....

1. Shi'ido
2. Ssi-ruu
3. Enzeen
4. Thisspiasian
5. Pau'an


Quite the collection...the immortal shape changers...they give me rash lol... ;D

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Luna on August 25, 2012, 03:45:53 AM
Having gotten around to reading through all the other lists....


Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Darth Severus on August 25, 2012, 04:47:27 AM
Favorite Aliens


2. Zabraks

3. Chiss

4. Mandolorians

5. Munn.

Characters Who people love that I do just not get.


Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 25, 2012, 04:54:11 AM
The lekku and colors for me and I suspect for others in some measure   ;D

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Manroon on August 25, 2012, 05:20:52 AM
Twileks... well, I dunno either. Oola never did much for me... but then Ep II came out and Aayla Secura was just too cool. Looked cool and blue, was the only Jedi to show a little skin, and was a good fighter. I also find Nawara Ven and Tal Dira to be great characters. I would LOVE to see Tal Dira in a movie, he just had the Warrior bit down.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Darth Severus on August 25, 2012, 05:25:53 AM
I've always felt most people's like of Twi'liks was a sex appeal element and well yeah doens't do anything for me.

But for each their own, has always been my motto on that subject.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Veldryne on August 25, 2012, 01:31:32 PM
Zeltrons. End of thread.


Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: ed_ification on August 25, 2012, 02:57:52 PM
Oh, I almost forgot Anzati... 

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 25, 2012, 09:29:29 PM
Oh, I almost forgot Anzati... 


You can pick your can pick your nose...but you should never let an Anzati stick their feeding tendrils in your nose...because it is disgusting on the one hand and they will suck your brains out on the other hand.

These guys and gals would make great villains...well not great, gross actually, but effective.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: ed_ification on August 25, 2012, 09:32:54 PM

You can pick your can pick your nose...but you should never let an Anzati stick their feeding tendrils in your nose...because it is disgusting on the one hand and they will suck your brains out on the other hand.

These guys and gals would make great villains...well not great, gross actually, but effective.

I actually debated about making Cronfios Anzati in the TOR RP... but that seemed a bit TOO extreme.  But yes, they could be excellent villains.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Manroon on August 25, 2012, 09:35:55 PM
I stared at the face straws and pointy hands for 2 minutes before I was able to look at enough of the rest of the picture to realize that was a chick trying to eat his brain. Freaky Factor rates an 8.5 on my WS-O-Meter. Definitely good villain material. Wouldn't mind seeing one turn up in the GCW RP.....

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: RogueLeader on August 25, 2012, 09:37:31 PM
I actually debated about making Cronfios Anzati in the TOR RP... but that seemed a bit TOO extreme.  But yes, they could be excellent villains.

You should've. That'd have been awesome. :D

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: ed_ification on August 25, 2012, 09:43:59 PM
You should've. That'd have been awesome. :D

I disagree.  Their lifespan is so long as to be nigh immortal, especially when coupled with their natural strength and toughness.  Would have been overpowered.  Also - no real reason to view any other character as anything but food....  which would get old, I'd think.  If I want to play Vampire the Masquerade, I'll play that... 

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Manroon on August 25, 2012, 09:51:40 PM
Yeah, Cronfios trying to eat your brains would be weird. I like him as he is, what I've read of him gives me the impression of what I think a Sith Master should be. A villain that thinks 12 moves ahead.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 25, 2012, 10:44:12 PM
The immortal brain vampires and the immortal shapechangers..both far too powerful for a player character IMO.


I figured you all would be excited as to who was getting his face assaulted by said brain sucker... ;D

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: rezeb360 on August 25, 2012, 10:56:47 PM
Quarren ,Zeltron, Twi'lek, Jawa, Ithorian not in that particular order.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Luna on August 25, 2012, 11:24:20 PM
The immortal brain vampires and the immortal shapechangers..both far too powerful for a player character IMO.

The Shi'ido would be way OP in a combat situation, but they seemingly avoid direct combat whenever possible and prefer to use their intellect to work behind the scenes (Gog, for example).

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 25, 2012, 11:39:25 PM
The Shi'ido would be way OP in a combat situation, but they seemingly avoid direct combat whenever possible and prefer to use their intellect to work behind the scenes (Gog, for example).

Just saying...not to hurt someone's favorite selection, but these guys are ridiculously powerful.  The writer might as well said the Q in context of being too the Q is light years beyond powerful compared, but the idea of being overpowered is still sound.

The whole be anything you want to be and live forever...leaves me cold  :-[

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Luna on August 25, 2012, 11:47:57 PM
They aren't really immortal (again, using Gog as an example). They're definitely powerful, though, and that's one of the reasons I like them. If I was involved in the RP I definitely wouldn't play a Shi'ido, but that wasn't the question at hand.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: RogueLeader on August 25, 2012, 11:57:11 PM
You should get involved in the RP, it's really fun.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: ed_ification on August 26, 2012, 12:02:56 AM
Let's get back on topic, though...

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 26, 2012, 12:05:43 AM
They aren't really immortal (again, using Gog as an example). They're definitely powerful, though, and that's one of the reasons I like them. If I was involved in the RP I definitely wouldn't play a Shi'ido, but that wasn't the question at hand.

That is very was not an RP exclusive question or even intent  :)

I am a huge fan of shapeshifters myself but these guys are a bit much.

Maybe if the way they were described were the top tier, best of the best, #1 and #2 of the entire species/race...that I could get behind...and that would make some sense.

If this were a consideration for PC I would certainly consider a shapechanger but there would need to be some checks and balances...maybe something like absolutely zero force abilities, their fluid like minds are too alien to tap into the force directly (so no Jedi or sith)...the shapechange aspect would be wide open with consideration of specialty skills, such as humanoids, flora, fauna, static objects, machines (look like a machine not function like said machine), or element (look like a pile of stones or a puddle of water etc.)...regeneration would make sense with consumption of organic material...etc.  There is lots to work with there.

Fun times  :)

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 26, 2012, 12:06:38 AM
Let's get back on topic, though...

Agreed  :D

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Luna on August 26, 2012, 12:26:42 AM
That is very was not an RP exclusive question or even intent  :)

I am a huge fan of shapeshifters myself but these guys are a bit much.

Maybe if the way they were described were the top tier, best of the best, #1 and #2 of the entire species/race...that I could get behind...and that would make some sense.

If this were a consideration for PC I would certainly consider a shapechanger but there would need to be some checks and balances...maybe something like absolutely zero force abilities, their fluid like minds are too alien to tap into the force directly (so no Jedi or sith)...the shapechange aspect would be wide open with consideration of specialty skills, such as humanoids, flora, fauna, static objects, machines (look like a machine not function like said machine), or element (look like a pile of stones or a puddle of water etc.)...regeneration would make sense with consumption of organic material...etc.  There is lots to work with there.

Fun times  :)

Well.... Shi'ido could definitely be Force-sensitive (in canon, not necessarily RP), as evidenced by Belia Darzu. However, I doubt they could transform themselves into puddles of water, as they still have bones and tendons. They are stated to be able to appear as rocks and trees, though.

A few more things that show how powerful (or OP) the Shi'ido are:

They can appear as a Whaladons (another awesome sapient species).

They possess a strange type of telepathy to cover up mistakes in their transformations.

It is very difficult to use the Force to influence them.

They can store items within their bodies and can even transform with these items inside themselves.


I have amended my list!

1. Shi'ido
2. Ssi-ruu
3. Whaladon
4. Thisspiasian
5. Pau'an

The Enzeen bit the dust as soon as I remembered about the wise Whaladons.

I suppose this brings us back to the topic as well :D

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 26, 2012, 12:29:43 AM

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Orim Nas on August 26, 2012, 04:31:45 AM
Rodians ... anyone?
I'm also partial to Jawa
And because of thier name, Ishi Tib
But really my top 5 are

6. Camaasi
5. Wookiee
4. Barabel
3. Rodian
And, a little farther out there;
2. Diathim- for thier potential (

And my # 1 favorite species

 - An overly talkative avian species.  Maybe has RP potential if I am ever settled enough for a GCW era character.
( (

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 26, 2012, 04:37:36 AM

Diathim- for their potential

Interesting group there  :D

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Orim Nas on August 26, 2012, 04:48:41 AM
Caamaasi ...
Interesting group there  :D

Thanks for the spell check/ link correct.  And the :D  One of the great things about Star Wars, the diversity of Aliens.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 26, 2012, 04:59:20 AM
:D  One of the great things about Star Wars, the diversity of Aliens.

That is the best of it...the near endless variety...something for everyone.


Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Darth Gekido on August 26, 2012, 06:40:35 PM
I think the Togorians are a very cool species. Funny how a cat person likes the cat-people.  ;D
 Also a big fan of the Yuuzhan Vong. Twisted folk.

Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 26, 2012, 07:22:24 PM
I think the Togorians are a very cool species. Funny how a cat person likes the cat-people.  ;D


Title: Re: Your favorite SW aliens?
Post by: Master Rel on August 26, 2012, 07:33:25 PM
That is a great image...i really like that one  :D