Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers General => Topic started by: ZequarX on March 15, 2012, 03:29:17 PM

Title: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 15, 2012, 03:29:17 PM
Hey guys, brand new to the forums, but uber excited to be apart of the community! SO I've finally convinced my wife to let me get an ultra saber and decided to go with the grab bag for 2 reasons: 1) It's much cheaper than the other ones, and saving money is always a good thing. 2) I feel like doing the grab bag that its like fate, or in our case, The Force, that picks out my saber. I dunno if anyone else has ever looked at it from this perspective but I'm a big nerd and try to make ever experience exciting! So once I get home tonight I will be ordering the grab bag special and hope for a speedy delivery :)

This is also the start of something cool I've wanted to do for some time now. I have convinced my brother, 2 cousins, and possibly my dad to get their own sabers so we could meet up weekly to train and make wicked videos of us sparring! My brother has already ordered his so crossing my fingers by next weeks end that we can start sparring. I will keep everyone informed on whats going on and post pictures of the saber once I get it! Wish me luck!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Luna on March 15, 2012, 03:32:17 PM
I love the grab bag! Just received one, actually, an AS (I had specified that) Liberator V2. Welcome to the foruums, and I hope you get something awesome!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Vex on March 15, 2012, 04:49:06 PM
Welcome to the forum. Grab bags are a lot of fun! And somewhat addictive. I seems to have become super popular lately. Good luck with your saber, you'll like it no matter which you get.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Niassa on March 15, 2012, 06:10:47 PM
Welcome to the community, and congratulations on your purchase! It's sooo nervewracking waiting for your delivery when you have no idea what you're getting, I know, I ordered two GB sabers a month or so ago. I ended up getting a BR Dominix v2, and a GB Liberator v2. I am SO happy with those, you have no idea. :)

So now I'm just waiting to see how I can go about converting them over to sound equipped units using the "616" or "Joe Jedi" boards from the Master Replicas Lightsaber Construction Kit. "Patience, Luke!" You'll love them, I promise - it's so worth it to be happily surprised by what shows up, and I have to say that the ones I got are just... incredible. They feel so perfect in the hand, the Liberator especially, so smooth and flawless. You'll never be disappointed by a GB saber now that they've switched over to all aluminum hilts in the GB.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Luna on March 15, 2012, 06:27:01 PM
Everybody seems to be getting Liberators or Dark Liberators from grab bags these days.... I love the one I got and I'm glad I ordered the grab bag - it was a saber/color combination that I had never really thought of before, but it looks awesome and feels even better.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 15, 2012, 08:01:41 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome you guys! I know I will love my GB no matter what, but you guys are right, it's very nerveracking! And my patience is being heavily tested right now: My wife told me Monday to wait till today, because she got paid and wanted to get it for me as a gift. (Sweet and lovely- that's why I married her. She's also a pretty big nerd as well!) Well, she tells me today that she just switched banks and withdrew all her money...AND she cant get a temporary card until the acct has been opened 24 hrs... SO, unfortunately, I now have to wait till tomorrow.. ULTIMATE SAD FACE! :(   :'(   :(   :'(

So, like I said, my patience is being heavily tested lol. I guess my excitement has grown because I dont know what I'm gonna get or what color the blade will be...I kinda just wish I could hiberante until it shipped to my house...

Any of the hilts would be awesome but a part of me wants the Standard Issue or the Liberator. I like the longer, sleeker designs on those. The Aeon would be wicked as well!

Well I'll still keep you guys updated on eveything, but I promise it will be ordered bright and early tomorrow  ;D

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 15, 2012, 09:17:25 PM
Sometimes, guys, something very cool happens. SO my wife txts me and tells me that if I have the money to go ahead and order it! BUT... I'm like $16 short lol. No biggie, I'll just wait till tomorrow... THEN I got an extra $20 from my pops. ( We both work at the same place.) So my GB is officially ordered! Thanks Dad, for giving me life and the extra cash to get my first saber! Two-legit-no quit!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Luna on March 15, 2012, 11:10:41 PM
I own both the DSI and the Liberator now, and they're great - although I do like the looks of the Liberator slightly better.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Manroon on March 16, 2012, 12:55:56 AM
1) Welcome! Always good to see a new face around here. :)
2) Grab Bags FTW! One of my first two sabers was a grab bag, and I landed a Guardian Blue Standard Issue V2. It's since become sort of my go to hilt and a favorite dueling saber as far as my soundless hilts go. They are super easy to customize, have a great balance and feel with heavy grade blades, and you would be amazed what a little model paint does in those rings... lol I've also done three other Grab Bags, mostly as gifts for friends, and they are really so much fun to do. You often get something you never considered ordering, and fall in love with it at first sight.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Darth_Danton on March 16, 2012, 01:22:09 AM
You often get something you never considered ordering, and fall in love with it at first sight.

that is so true!! I love my grab bag! and my little brother just ordered one!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Darth Cestual on March 16, 2012, 01:30:30 AM
My 1st saber was a grab bag for the exact same reasons.  ;D  Welcome to a great community ZequarX!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Chainmale75 on March 16, 2012, 01:35:24 AM
I don't know about the Liberator, BUT the Dark Standard issue is a awesome hilt. VERY comfy to hold and swing. Hope you get something nice, and Welcome to you new addiction. You might want to sign in here.... (   ;D

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 16, 2012, 11:58:21 AM
Thanks again to all who have givin me a warm welcome! Its not too often you join a new forum and everyone seems genuinely happy that you've joined!! I will def sign in under that topic Chainmale, cuz I am an official and I haven't even got to hold my 1st saber... That can't be good for the blood pressure lol. My excitement is looking towards the future mostly when all my other friends and family decide to join the addiction! And then there's my son. He'll be 2 in may and he's a monster of a kid already. Super smart, tall and lanky like his dad. I hope that one day when he's a tad older that he see's my saber and wants one of his own. Then I can teach him the ways of the Jedi or Sith, depending on what flavor kool-aid you like, and we can spar with each other! It's gonna be so fun to introduce him into the world of Star Wars!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Niassa on March 16, 2012, 01:33:13 PM
Be warned about the path of the Dark Side. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. And, kids have a tendency to not regulate their swings too much, and they can do some pretty good damage to you with a 36" blade and a good swing, lol. :)

Besides, how many Sith ultimately betray their own masters?

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Luna on March 16, 2012, 01:55:24 PM
Be warned about the path of the Dark Side. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. And, kids have a tendency to not regulate their swings too much, and they can do some pretty good damage to you with a 36" blade and a good swing, lol. :)

Besides, how many Sith ultimately betray their own masters?

Sith aren't the only Dark Siders.... the Manifestation of the Dark Side of the Force, otherwise known as the Son, was not a Sith 8) No masters to betray there ;)

Thanks again to all who have givin me a warm welcome! Its not too often you join a new forum and everyone seems genuinely happy that you've joined!!

You're most welcome :) This is also one of very few places I've seen where it doesn't seem like 50% of all users are trolls and flamers.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 16, 2012, 05:20:26 PM
Yessir, very true, not alot of trollers or flamers on here! I'm not worried about him trying to handle the 36" when he's older cuz I would prolly start with the smaller blade anyways. But you're right, my son would be swinging high and wide all the time lol. That's why he has me to train with. Before too long he will be handling a saber better than he can handle his own lil... well you know, lol.

Would anyone that has ordered a GB before be able to give me some time frames as to when they received their saber???

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Drahcir on March 16, 2012, 06:57:48 PM
When I did my GB I had my saber within a week.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Niassa on March 16, 2012, 07:39:02 PM
I was on the East Coast and it took about two weeks, I think.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 16, 2012, 07:41:36 PM
Well.. 1 week...2 weeks. I wont focus too much into it or I'll drive myself insane!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 17, 2012, 07:06:19 PM
So, I was thinking it would be cool to get the yellowish color one..forgot the name just to macth this badass cape my mom made for halloween last year. my son went as Batman and I was Robin lol! Its a thick material that is black on the outside and a goldish yellow lining on the inside. Just thinking it would be cool to roleplay and have the saber color match...

Saber is still processing..but expeted on the weekend, so hopefully it gets rollin on Monday :)

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 20, 2012, 12:10:11 AM
Ok, my saber did not start rollin on towards me today... Boo  :'(

Tomorrow is a new day, though. Random note, does anyone watch Spartacus?? Whew, thats a kickarse show!

Another random note, 21 Jump Street was effin hilarious!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Niassa on March 20, 2012, 02:31:34 PM
So, I was thinking it would be cool to get the yellowish color one..forgot the name

As Kham would quickly point out - Sentinel Yellow. ;)

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 20, 2012, 06:57:34 PM
Saber still processing... Hmm. Thanks alot WonderCon!!  >:(

Lol I picked a crappy weekend to order my grab bag lol. I guess my hopes for it being here by the weekend is shot... WOOOOOO SAAAAAAAAAW...

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Jaur on March 20, 2012, 10:09:27 PM
Saber still processing... Hmm. Thanks alot WonderCon!!  >:(

Lol I picked a crappy weekend to order my grab bag lol. I guess my hopes for it being here by the weekend is shot... WOOOOOO SAAAAAAAAAW...

same here.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 20, 2012, 10:41:28 PM
Awesome! Then Jaur and I shall weep in unison... It's nice not to be alone in this struggle to JUST be patient :)

But then again... it is a virtue.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 21, 2012, 01:35:29 PM
Just checked on the order status again...PROCESSING

Another day down...   :'(

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Niassa on March 21, 2012, 01:51:34 PM
Just checked on the order status again...PROCESSING

Another day down...   :'(

Frequently, the status can be "Processing" for a long time. I think my first order didn't change status until it was delivered, lol. So basically, just sit tight and be patient. Or, colloquially, "Watch your mouth, kid, or you're gonna find yourself floating home!"

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Shadowous Phantom on March 21, 2012, 03:23:45 PM
Z, I am right there with you.  Ordered last week and patiently awaiting my first sabers.  It can be a bit nerve racking, but fortunately I have had a bunch if things to help keep me busy and keep my mind off thinking about it.

I am sure the US crew has some catching up to do from having what looked to be quite a busy time for them at the Con.  They have our orders and hopefully they got quite a few fom the Con.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 21, 2012, 03:51:32 PM
Lol, I'm just being an impatient lil bas**rd :)

I hope they made a killing at WonderCon, the set up looked wicked.

I am generally pretty busy all the time, especially with my little 2 year old. But the other night I had a crazy dream. It was rather quick but my saber had arrived and I was esstatic about it. But when I opened it, inside was one of those fling out sabers made of plastic! LOL

Now I know this will not be the case, but it still freaked me out lol :)

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Shadowous Phantom on March 21, 2012, 04:03:12 PM
It is definitely hard not to think about getting yours, especially when reading the forum.  I saw that first video posted showing the Con booth, and I was in awe of all those great sabers and thinking just make mine while you are there, LOL.

Funny you mention about the plastic saber.  A week or so ago someone had just gotten their saber, and began to post pics. The initial pics were of the box and unpacking and had a comment saying here is my saber.  The last pic in the series they posted was of the packing and I thought, what a nice bubble pack saber.  Then of course a moment later the rest of the pics were posted up.  Made you kind of laugh when you mentioned plastic saber and that pic of all that bubble wrap.

Went back and found the thread: (

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 21, 2012, 05:09:04 PM
LOL, just checked it out. Thats funny though, I woulda been a smart-@$$ and said something about the pretty bubble wrap!

The Guardian does look SCHWEEET in that guardian blue though...

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Shadowous Phantom on March 21, 2012, 05:20:58 PM
I thought about it, but a moment later the other pics were there. Wonder what it would have looked like turning the saber on in the bubble wrap?

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 21, 2012, 07:05:00 PM
It would look similar to a non-HDTV...Blurry, yet visable :)

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 22, 2012, 12:16:40 AM
SO since I'm having withdraws from not having my saber, I have made use of my cold steel training gladius and wooden bokken. I love the gladius, and I've gotten really nasty with it, sparingly using my off hand as support. I'm also not bad with the bokken, which is gonna be the closest i'll come to my mysterious saber. With a great imagination I can envision a generic saber and make the legendary hum of a real light saber..or Obsidian :) 

Oh well, this will suffice for now...

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 22, 2012, 04:10:20 AM
BAM!! SHIPPED! I may have it by weeks end... SHWEEEEET!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Shadowous Phantom on March 22, 2012, 04:15:00 AM
Good deal.  I will have to continuing waiting on mine, but will be worth it.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 22, 2012, 04:42:00 AM
Thanks man. Keep me posted about yours coming in!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Shadowous Phantom on March 22, 2012, 05:12:19 AM
Oh, I will.  Will definitely be posting when I get them.  Keep us posted on what you get for your grab bag.  Interested in knowing.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 22, 2012, 01:06:39 PM
Heck yea! I'm pretty darn interested as well. I got my email notification and it's scheduled to be delivered next Tuesday  ;D

Maybe the winds of fate will bring it here by tomorrow....

The nice thing is, is that I live in an apartment so if it's delivered when i'm not there, they will just drop it off at the office. And then my happy butt is gonna leave work early just to go play :)

Apparently I was supposed to grow up a long time ago, but that is currently on hold hahaha!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Niassa on March 22, 2012, 03:34:18 PM
Heck yea! I'm pretty darn interested as well. I got my email notification and it's scheduled to be delivered next Tuesday  ;D

Maybe the winds of fate will bring it here by tomorrow....

The nice thing is, is that I live in an apartment so if it's delivered when i'm not there, they will just drop it off at the office. And then my happy butt is gonna leave work early just to go play :)

Apparently I was supposed to grow up a long time ago, but that is currently on hold hahaha!

Oh, I will.  Will definitely be posting when I get them.  Keep us posted on what you get for your grab bag.  Interested in knowing.

Shadowous Phantom and ZequarX, would you two be so kind as to post what you get in my thread here as well: (

It's curiosity, and also sort of a "what you might expect" advertisement for the guys at US. :)

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 22, 2012, 04:04:00 PM
Yessir, I would be more then happy to post and let everyone know what I got!! I definitely wanna upload some pics to go with it, too!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Shadowous Phantom on March 22, 2012, 05:22:47 PM
Ncc, I will post there when the time comes, my current order was not a GB, but may use points to get one next go around. 

Don't worry Z, my wife says I am just a big kid also.  Pretty sure we all to some extent.  That or we are just remembering our younger years when we first saw SW and the light saber.  Kind of funny, cause it was my B-Day recently and I just threw SW in the Blu-Ray player and started watching.  My wife got into it and we have been re-watching all 6 movies.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 22, 2012, 10:19:12 PM
Excellent man! Yea my wife loves my inner dork and makes fun of me at the same time :) oh well, boys and their toys lol. My next order is gonna be a Raven or a Manticore depending on if its out and the cash'ola is there  ;D

Another way I look at it when I upgrade my saber... I'll get my wife to start sparring with me and she'll fall in love! A good example of me being successfull in this besides getting her to marry me, lol, is downloading DC Universe online free for my PS3. Now, I come home from work and she barely notices I'm home when she's playing bahaha!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 22, 2012, 10:26:49 PM
My next order is gonna be a Raven or a Manticore depending on if its out and the cash'ola is there 

Or the Bellicose...a little cheaper but still nasty :)

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 23, 2012, 02:45:31 AM
So I've been looking up the different lightsaber forms and have decided to work on a mixture of form 3, 4, and 5. Primarily I wanna focus on form 5 but because I am agile and fast for a guy my size (6'2, 195lbs) I would like to utilize form 4 :)

Totally random but just thought you guys might wanna know lol. And there is a wookiepedia on all the forms describing the different stances for each form!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 23, 2012, 02:18:29 PM
So I checked my shipping status..and the darn thing got pushed back a day!!!  >:(

Oh well, whats one more day lol

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Jaur on March 23, 2012, 07:41:39 PM
same here. oh well. its scheduled for before the end of the day wednesday. that give me time to mess around with mine before the wife gets home.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 23, 2012, 08:46:26 PM
same here. oh well. its scheduled for before the end of the day wednesday. that give me time to mess around with mine before the wife gets home.

That's what I'm thinking too, Jaur! And then of course my grand finally will be later on when the Sun goes down. Practicing at night has a WHOLE new meaning!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Stephen Strange on March 24, 2012, 12:16:56 AM
So I've been looking up the different lightsaber forms and have decided to work on a mixture of form 3, 4, and 5. Primarily I wanna focus on form 5 but because I am agile and fast for a guy my size (6'2, 195lbs) I would like to utilize form 4 :)

Totally random but just thought you guys might wanna know lol. And there is a wookiepedia on all the forms describing the different stances for each form!

My problem is that there is no such thing as a descided form for each one yet! As all are undescided. I would love being sure what was the ultimate versions.

Also... I gather no-one can go without the basics.. So you need Shii-Cho at least.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Stephen Strange on March 24, 2012, 12:19:09 AM

Apparently I was supposed to grow up a long time ago, but that is currently on hold hahaha!

Ohhh... so that is what the red light is next to the 'on hold' sign!! I have that going on there for ages. Never understood what it was.... Always distracted by the many toys.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 24, 2012, 12:23:58 AM
LOL I know thats right, Stephen!

Of course form I would still be implemented. Its the foundation to the house that is the 7 forms of lightsaber combat :) I'm just making comparisons to how I already handle a bokken and such. I'm offensive aggressive. A gift and a curse  8)

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 24, 2012, 06:30:19 PM
Alright guys, I'm on the last leg of the wait for my mystery saber... and I have a feeling it will the worst part. Cuz now I know its in transit and on its way! Scheduled delivery is Wednesday but SP and I are combining our Force powers to get it here earlier, so maybe I'll get lucky :)

So close... so very close..

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 25, 2012, 12:55:13 PM
DAMN you Netflix! Out of all six movies, they don't have a single SW movie on there!

I was itching to watch one, but now I guess I'll have to get up off my lazy butt and go rent one... But which one??

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 26, 2012, 02:57:13 PM
To kinda add onto the previous post, my collection of SW was stolen from me when I had a douche roommate... and I've yet to replinish the collection. I really wanna buy the complete set for blu-ray!

On another note...I have 2.5 days left before my saber arrives!!! WOOT!

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Shadowous Phantom on March 26, 2012, 05:13:10 PM
Z, I just bought the whole collection on Blu-ray last week.  I had thrown in SW IV on DVD and my wife got into watching and wanted to see I, II, and III, but did not have them on DVD.  We are getting caught up on them awaiting the delivery of sabers too.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 26, 2012, 07:15:47 PM
Z, I just bought the whole collection on Blu-ray last week.

You lucky duck! Jealous!

Yea my wife and I just watched SW III:Revenge of the Sith, and she leans over to me.. "You know we have to watch em all now, right?" Lol.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: Shadowous Phantom on March 26, 2012, 07:19:54 PM
Our wives must related or something, mine said something very similar, hence me going to buy the whole set.

You are half a day closer Z.

Title: Re: Grab Bag: Let The Force Decide
Post by: ZequarX on March 26, 2012, 08:10:18 PM
NOW that would be a small world situation if they were related lol. I know man, its so close I can literally feel it!

And you have 4 days left man..before 3 beautiful sabers await themselves on your doorstep!!