Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Questions => Topic started by: Ander on February 27, 2012, 10:33:13 PM

Title: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: Ander on February 27, 2012, 10:33:13 PM
The battery packs (original US Li-Ion solution) in my Catalysts are quite a good fit, they sit very snugly at the bottom of the hilt... Sometimes so snugly that it's hard to remove them to change the batteries and I have to shake and hit with the palm the hilt before they come out. For example, after yesterday training, the GB pack is stuck, and won't come out. It will, eventually, as I have stored the saber in vertical ;) but is there anybody with any idea on how to facilitate this? Note that I don't want the packs loose in the hilt, obviously, as it's way better for stunts if they sit tight.

Title: Re: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: ed_ification on February 27, 2012, 10:40:37 PM
What I have done with my Ultrasaber (a DWG) is to place dish towels onto a countertop, and gently rap the saber against the countertop to facilitate the pack moving down.

I've been debating perhaps attaching a piece of electrical tape to the battery case that would come out over the speaker and into the pommel, so that all I have to do is pull on those to extract the battery case.

Title: Re: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: Ander on February 27, 2012, 10:49:05 PM
I have tried the electrical tape trick but it got unstuck. Will try to rap it gently... I don't want to beat on the hilt too much and break the small welds on the soundboard.

Title: Re: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: Ander on February 27, 2012, 10:56:11 PM
The "dish towel technique" worked like a charm :D

I love this saber. Only defect I can find it is that the blade tends to move after a while, despite the screw and some tape. Maybe a different emitter would change things, but I like the aesthetics of this one just fine :)

Title: Re: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: Osmethae on February 27, 2012, 10:59:06 PM
The "dish towel technique" worked like a charm :D

I love this saber. Only defect I can find it is that the blade tends to move after a while, despite the screw and some tape. Maybe a different emitter would change things, but I like the aesthetics of this one just fine :)
On my Archon v2 it looks as if someone sanded the edges around the speaker to make it fit properly. I definitely didn't do it, so someone from US must have. I'll take some pics of what I'm talking about when I get home from work.

Title: Re: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: Ander on February 27, 2012, 11:09:34 PM
Yeah, don't bother, one of mine has that sanding too. Thanks!

Title: Re: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: shyguy3000 on February 28, 2012, 12:36:50 AM
Yeah, don't bother, one of mine has that sanding too. Thanks!

All of my sabers have sanding as well. And I would suggest carefully sanding down that area a little more yourself if it still gets stuck. That what I did with my newest saber (dark shock) and it helps a lot

Title: Re: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: CZ3RO on February 28, 2012, 08:18:46 PM
Only defect I can find it is that the blade tends to move after a while, despite the screw and some tape. Maybe a different emitter would change things, but I like the aesthetics of this one just fine :)

My Catalyst doesn't feel like the blade is too secure either - it's a very shallow emitter.   :-\

It's too bad there are no other tapered emitters available in the build-your-own section.

Title: Re: Need advice to help extract battery holder
Post by: Ander on February 29, 2012, 01:23:41 PM
I opened a topic about this at ( in order not to confuse this issue. Please contribute there! I'd love the opinion of a fellow Catalyst user.