Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Questions => Topic started by: jmPlagueis on February 24, 2012, 01:40:24 AM

Title: A Few Questions About the Grab Bag Picture
Post by: jmPlagueis on February 24, 2012, 01:40:24 AM
Hello everyone!

so, just a couple questions I have out of curiosity and boredom:

1. Why are there only PVC hilts depicted in the grab bag pic on the site when US has ran out of them?

2. Could anyone enlighten me as to what the blue hilt in the pic is? did they use red also?, like they do currently with the SIs and Liberators?

3. The silver models in the pic supposed to be the early versions of the Aeons?

the pic for reference - (

Title: Re: A Few Questions About the Grab Bag Picture
Post by: Zurth on February 24, 2012, 02:20:02 AM
There are no more PVC hilts, the picture is just outdated and they don't really care to get all the sabers they have that they are selling. I believe.

Title: Re: A Few Questions About the Grab Bag Picture
Post by: Arakan Steele on February 24, 2012, 02:40:54 AM
Pay no attention to the pic... those aren't the sabers you're looking for... you can go about your ordering... move along.

Title: Re: A Few Questions About the Grab Bag Picture
Post by: jmPlagueis on February 24, 2012, 02:56:37 AM
Hmm alrighty, I figured that they just didnt bother to change the pic... still curious about the silver and blue hilt(s) ???

Title: Re: A Few Questions About the Grab Bag Picture
Post by: Arakan Steele on February 24, 2012, 03:32:33 AM
Hmm alrighty, I figured that they just didnt bother to change the pic... still curious about the silver and blue hilt(s) ???

I'm still a noob so I can't help much with that except to point you to this thread and see if you can find a match... (

Title: Re: A Few Questions About the Grab Bag Picture
Post by: Master Bluespike74 on February 24, 2012, 03:39:07 AM
Arakan beat me to it.  History of Ultra Sabers is the best way to find what the older PVC hilts were.  Kham and I got the very last 2 that they sold around Christmas.  Word has it that the V2's will soon be gone and all that will be left is the V3's.  That may account for why the picture has not changed. 

I think they are moving the business toward a saber line-up that someone can buy a hilt as a stunt saber and then if they later want to add sound, it will not be so tough as the V2's did not have the internal room to add the components they needed.  Sound has not been out that long and they just recently added the Flash option shortly after the Overlord arrived in the line-up. 

Hope this answers the bulk of your questions.