Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Gallery => Topic started by: ktulu1347 on August 28, 2018, 04:20:21 AM

Title: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: ktulu1347 on August 28, 2018, 04:20:21 AM
I thought it would be a fun idea to take a few photos of the first lightsabers seen in a Star Wars movie if one initially experiences the saga in the intended order, as my younger cousin and I'm sure many others have over the last decade plus.  The three (or four depending on your point of view) sabers in Episode I efficiently introduce the three canon blade colors, that blue and green are 'good' while red is 'bad,' and are pretty nice looking hilts overall.  While my crusty old nerd self prefers the 1977-83 saber aesthetic, these are certainly not too shabby and the UltraSabers interpretations are quite pretty indeed.


I think the Guardian and the Consular look quite nice on their own, but crossing blades with the double Menace was quite an enjoyable composition to construct.  I also find it interesting how these images simultaneously show the advantages and disadvantages of a camera compared with the human eye.  In person, both blades on the Menace appeared the same shade of red as expected, though obviously solid colored and thus not screen accurate.  However, in the photos you will note that while the blue and red crossed blades look almost perfectly screen accurate (Advantage!) along with the green blade, the red blade crossed with green appears almost orange and lacks the brilliant whitish core of an onscreen blade (Disadvantage).  I might be the only person interested by this, but I thought it notable.  Also, in case anyone's curious, all of these sabers have V4 sound and the Consular and Menaces have quick disconnects.

As a bonus, here's my double Menace in its usual display position above the opening between my living and dining rooms.  I used a couple of hooks meant to hold shovels on a garage wall as mounts and they almost disappear when the saber is placed resulting in a cool floating effect.  I was hoping it would work that way and I was very pleased with the results.


Anyway, I hope others enjoy these photos.  Happy sabering everyone!

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: tx_tuff on August 28, 2018, 07:46:43 AM
A great trio to have indeed, nice pics.

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Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: Darth_Ravn on August 28, 2018, 08:12:43 AM
Beautiful pics ! Point for the share !

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Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: Infinit01 on August 28, 2018, 11:17:29 AM
Nice pictures there, ktulu!  I just started on my Episode 1 collection so I'm jelly you have them all including the double Menace!   Have a point.

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: scifidude79 on August 28, 2018, 11:56:44 AM
Loving the pics, I especially like how you staged the crossed pics.

Ah, the reality of how light works in the real world, vs the world of make believe. The cross of red and blue makes purple, while you get an orange color with red and green mixed. The "aura" from the LEDs blowing out the camera's lens is what causes the colors to go wonky. It results in a pinkish red on the purple side and an orangeish red on the orange side. If anything, this is how it should be in the movies, but you're seeing the fictional crossing of the colors, not the real one.

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: Samhain138 on August 28, 2018, 02:56:55 PM
I need to get a Consular at some point to finish the set too!  I was a kid when that movie came out and those are my favorite saber designs.  Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: TheDutchman on August 28, 2018, 03:29:44 PM
Beautiful sabers Ktulu!  Like you, I love the juxtaposition between the sabers in your display, the interplay of the colors (props to SFD for the insight in chromodynamics  :)). 

I'd love to see this idea continued as a companion to the movies e.g. for ANH, the Chosen One and the Graflex  :)

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: Zren Tobas on August 28, 2018, 03:47:55 PM
Nice. Now we just need a proper Episode 3-4 Obi-wan saber option am I right :P Would go perfectly with the Graflex and Chosen One

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: Infinit01 on August 28, 2018, 03:48:59 PM
Nice. Now we just need a proper Episode 3-4 Obi-wan saber option am I right :P Would go perfectly with the Graflex and Chosen One

Yes! This!  I told myself that I wouldn't want to collect all the canon ones but that went out the door really quick.  Do it, Zren!

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: Taegin Roan on August 28, 2018, 05:11:22 PM
Very nice display and great presentation as well. Colors is one of the few aspects of science that I absolutely love, so seeing others share their love of it is really great.

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: Saso Is-kor on August 28, 2018, 06:08:06 PM
Oh, those are just gorgeous! Brilliant setup.

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: ktulu1347 on August 28, 2018, 11:25:17 PM
Thanks to all for the kind words, I really enjoyed putting this together.

Loving the pics, I especially like how you staged the crossed pics.

Ah, the reality of how light works in the real world, vs the world of make believe. The cross of red and blue makes purple, while you get an orange color with red and green mixed. The "aura" from the LEDs blowing out the camera's lens is what causes the colors to go wonky. It results in a pinkish red on the purple side and an orangeish red on the orange side. If anything, this is how it should be in the movies, but you're seeing the fictional crossing of the colors, not the real one.

That was pretty much my point as well.  The relative weakness of a camera compared to the human eye when handling contrast leads to the much closer screen accuracy in photos versus in person, while the difference in how the CCD or CMOS receives and handles splitting the colors adds to the color artifacts.  I almost wish I had a film camera handy so I could see how that compares.  Of course we don't really know what the energy blades would look like in reality, but I do like that one can get close to screen accuracy relatively easily at least with one saber at a time and sometimes more depending on the combinations.

I'd love to see this idea continued as a companion to the movies e.g. for ANH, the Chosen One and the Graflex  :)

Nice. Now we just need a proper Episode 3-4 Obi-wan saber option am I right :P Would go perfectly with the Graflex and Chosen One

Excellent idea, I think I may be able to get close enough to that for my taste at least.  Hadn't thought of continuing it before, but I just might have to.  For Star Wars and Jedi that is, there are obviously wayyyy too many sabers in II and III to try this.  :)  Adding that to my list of thread ideas.  In the meantime, if anyone would like to see Anakin's sabers simply side by side (with bonus Snips) I had a previous thread here: (

Thanks again for the comments everyone.  Points back to all!

Title: Re: Lightsabers of The Phantom Menace
Post by: MNewell1 on August 30, 2018, 02:43:29 PM

As a bonus, here's my double Menace in its usual display position above the opening between my living and dining rooms.  I used a couple of hooks meant to hold shovels on a garage wall as mounts and they almost disappear when the saber is placed resulting in a cool floating effect.  I was hoping it would work that way and I was very pleased with the results.


Very cool pic of the staff! 

I would love to do this in my home with my sabers, but I don't think that my wife would approve...  LOL!