Saber Forum

General Chat => Star Wars => Topic started by: Lord Canterbury on April 14, 2017, 04:04:14 PM

Title: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Lord Canterbury on April 14, 2017, 04:04:14 PM
. . . it's time for the Jedi to end."

Words spoken by Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi.


Discuss!  ;)

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Samhain138 on April 14, 2017, 04:47:14 PM
Oh good, I don't have to buy another lightsaber.

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Jediseth on April 14, 2017, 04:48:35 PM
I'm supper excited to see it! I'm sure the Jedi don't end. Disney would loose a lot of money if that were to happen. Does make for an exciting tittle though.

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Jediseth on April 14, 2017, 04:49:19 PM
Oh good, I don't have to buy another lightsaber.

Lol 😆

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Vervidian on April 14, 2017, 04:55:01 PM
I was looking for an Ep 8 trailer board, and you delivered the platform, Lord C!

First, my trailer impressions:
1)  Nifty star-to-rock fade in
2)  Glad that not too much was revealed, yet we saw a glimpse of a new world (Death Valley?)
3)  Luke SPEAKS!!! FINALLY!!!  
4)  Is Finn going to do battle with a xenomorph?  What's that spacesuit about?
5)  Are the presumably Resistance crafts at 1:18 speeders or starfighters?  And when is the Lego coming out?
6)  Shattered helmet - I think it is Kylo Ren's because it has silver accents.  Right?  Not Vader's?


1)  The movie will open with Daisy handing the saber to Luke, and as HE touches it, she sees more flashbacks just like when she first picked it up.  This will fill in the backstory of the downfall of the New Jedi Order.  
2)  The glimpse of a robed figure with R2-D2 in front of an infernal blaze is part of the flashback in (1), and Luke's escape from the Knights of Ren plays out.
3)  (More speculative than 1 or 2, this one)  Rey was on the NJO planet during Kylo's betrayal, and yet Kylo spared her life out of his light side "weakness".
4)  Therefore, Kylo hid her on Jakku, believing that her Force powers would remain hidden and she was essentially a non-threat in exile.
5)  Luke did not know that Rey had survived, but once he had fled to Ach-To, he felt her presence.  This prompted him to send R2-D2 to the Resistance with instruction to remain in low-power until Rey arrived.  Luke possibly "influenced" some very lucky events during TFA, including Han's ship encountering the Falcon by chance, or Rey regaining her Force powers under interrogation.
6)  Luke's "The Jedi must end" does not indicate that he is a Sith lord or Dark-side user now - rather, that he believes that the Jedi are responsible for the rise of Dark side users, notably Vader and Kylo Ren.  Does he desire a neutral future with no force users?  Or, just the Jedi Order is flawed?  Really not sure where this is going.  But I like the potential it has to wrap the series in Episode IX in a very monumental way.  Or maybe I don't like that potential.  :-S

Okay that's my take - others' thoughts???

- Jedi Sentinel Vervidian
Trailer Enthusiast and Time Traveller to Dec. 15th

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Vervidian on April 14, 2017, 04:59:16 PM
Oh good, I don't have to buy another lightsaber.

Haha!  But, your mask has seen better days, eh?

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Dauntless Seven on April 14, 2017, 05:11:16 PM
Really ?  I just got these yesterday.  Guess that the 2017 Galactic Convention knows something that most of us don't.  ;)


Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: LivingBrain on April 14, 2017, 05:32:03 PM


I'm so in on this. I want Johnson to examine the Jedi from the inside out and blow them to shreds. Star Wars is long overdue for some deconstruction and new philosophical ideas. ;D

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: ithekro on April 14, 2017, 05:37:07 PM
3)  (More speculative than 1 or 2, this one)  Rey was on the NJO planet during Kylo's betrayal, and yet Kylo spared her life out of his light side "weakness".
4)  Therefore, Kylo hid her on Jakku, believing that her Force powers would remain hidden and she was essentially a non-threat in exile.

These don't quite work given Rey's age seen on Jakku is so much younger than the timing for Kylo's destroying the NJO.  That couldn't be more than six years prior to the events of The Force Awakens, and Rey was quite a bit younger in her flashback on Jakku, more on the order of ten years for her.

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Vervidian on April 14, 2017, 06:00:34 PM
These don't quite work given Rey's age seen on Jakku is so much younger than the timing for Kylo's destroying the NJO.  That couldn't be more than six years prior to the events of The Force Awakens, and Rey was quite a bit younger in her flashback on Jakku, more on the order of ten years for her.

You may be right - I have not read the novelization, so I am not sure exactly when Kylo went Judas on Luke (to use a Good Friday analogy).

But, if Kylo is ~ 30 yrs old in TFA, and Rey is ~ 19 yo, Kylo would have been ~18 when Rey was 7... the perfect age for an adolescent male to throw a tantrum! :-P

Is there evidence I am missing that demonstrates that Kylo turned about six years prior to TFA?

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Lord Canterbury on April 14, 2017, 09:11:28 PM
I'm supper excited to see it! I'm sure the Jedi don't end. Disney would loose a lot of money if that were to happen. Does make for an exciting title though.

Mmmmmm . . . I'm not so sure about that.

The Jedi and Sith are specific Orders with their own set of dogmas.

The LucasFilm story group has been going out of the way the last 2 years to show / remind us that various types of Force Wielders exist and you don't have to be a Jedi or Sith to use the Force and wield a Lightsaber (if you choose).

Examples include:

- The Bendu

- Ahsoka Tano (with her White blades symbolizing no affiliation)

- Maul ("Formerly Darth")

- The Inquisitors

- A reminder in Rebels that the Force was a component of the Nightsisters magicks

- They've made clear that Snoke is not a Sith, though he wields the Dark Side

Basically, they seem to be preparing us for the idea that The Force isn't just about Jedi & Sith.  :)

I can see Rey, with the Graflex, becoming a protector of The Republic, just not being called a "Jedi".

I think the idea that Rey (and Luke?) could be the beginning of something new.

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: hazard502 on April 14, 2017, 11:29:29 PM
I think there's more to Luke's sentence and it was cut short through editing.

ie: "it's time for the Jedi to end ... the fear of the dark side ..." or the like.

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Lord Canterbury on April 14, 2017, 11:59:14 PM
Could be . . .

What gives me pause is, this gels with a Rumor I heard regarding that story thread.


The reason Luke wanted to find the first Jedi Temple was to find out what he could about how & why the Jedi Order was founded and what they were.

What he finds casts into doubt EVERYTHING he thought he ever knew about the Jedi and leaves him completely disillusioned with his entire life, which is why he just stayed there.

If you notice, he appears to be saying that as he leaves the room those ancient Jedi texts are from that he shows her . . . the texts that perhaps told him much of it was based on a lie.

This would also go with what Daisy Ridley said at the panel.  The one bit of info she gave on the plot was essentially what Rey finds when she meets Luke was not what she was expecting ("You know what they say about meeting your Heroes . . .)

Well, Rey is EXPECTING to meet the great Jedi Master of Legend and be trained to become a Jedi Knight herself.

What would be the opposite?  A man telling her the Jedi should no longer exist.


That said, it wouldn't shock me either if Luke has a change of heart by the end, due to Rey!

PS - I know he instructs her in the Force; doesn't mean he intends her to carry on the Jedi Order.  But we'll see!

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Majobu5 on April 15, 2017, 01:25:15 AM
Could be . . .

What gives me pause is, this gels with a Rumor I heard regarding that story thread.


The reason Luke wanted to find the first Jedi Temple was to find out what he could about how & why the Jedi Order was founded and what they were.

What he finds casts into doubt EVERYTHING he thought he ever knew about the Jedi and leaves him completely disillusioned with his entire life, which is why he just stayed there.

If you notice, he appears to be saying that as he leaves the room those ancient Jedi texts are from that he shows her . . . the texts that perhaps told him much of it was based on a lie.

This would also go with what Daisy Ridley said at the panel.  The one bit of info she gave on the plot was essentially what Rey finds when she meets Luke was not what she was expecting ("You know what they say about meeting your Heroes . . .)

Well, Rey is EXPECTING to meet the great Jedi Master of Legend and be trained to become a Jedi Knight herself.

What would be the opposite?  A man telling her the Jedi should no longer exist.


That said, it wouldn't shock me either if Luke has a change of heart by the end, due to Rey!

PS - I know he instructs her in the Force; doesn't mean he intends her to carry on the Jedi Order.  But we'll see!

If this is true, I'm okay with it, but good God there will be alot of pissed off Jedi fans, I think

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Samhain138 on April 15, 2017, 04:47:47 AM
So what's up with the Jedi crest in trailer?  That's the old Jedi order crest or is it the gray Jedi crest?

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Taegin Roan on April 15, 2017, 05:27:04 AM
Does the book shelf remind anyone else of Bendu?

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: ithekro on April 15, 2017, 06:53:08 AM
You may be right - I have not read the novelization, so I am not sure exactly when Kylo went Judas on Luke (to use a Good Friday analogy).

But, if Kylo is ~ 30 yrs old in TFA, and Rey is ~ 19 yo, Kylo would have been ~18 when Rey was 7... the perfect age for an adolescent male to throw a tantrum! :-P

Is there evidence I am missing that demonstrates that Kylo turned about six years prior to TFA?

The novel "Bloodlines" is set six years before the Force Awakens and it is said that Ben is out with Luke looking for old Jedi Temples.

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Rapine on April 15, 2017, 09:03:04 AM
My prediction: Rise of the "Grey Jedi"...

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: ithekro on April 15, 2017, 09:34:18 AM
My prediction: Rise of the "Grey Jedi"...

G-Rey Jedi

Title: Re: "I only know one truth . . .
Post by: Rapine on April 15, 2017, 09:47:33 AM
+1 ithekro. ;)