Saber Forum

Way of the Saber => Saber Artistry => Topic started by: ZenVII on March 21, 2016, 04:49:21 AM

Title: Sabers at edm/techno concerts?
Post by: ZenVII on March 21, 2016, 04:49:21 AM
I have a pretty huge side of my friend group who go to raves and stuff like that. I have been to plenty and it seems like led and glow paint is the name of the game. Does anyone here bring their sabers to these types of things? I have brought my stunt to a couple and people really seem to enjoy them.

Title: Re: Sabers at edm/techno concerts?
Post by: GregG124 on March 21, 2016, 05:07:03 AM
My biggest concern would be having some jerk steal it.

Title: Re: Sabers at edm/techno concerts?
Post by: Duskheart on March 21, 2016, 05:28:19 AM
I've seen a few people with lightsabers at anime convention Raves, and I will admit, that was one of my big reasons for buying a saber in the first place - I love the music at raves, but I feel awkward just standing there listening, and I don't feel confident enough to just dance - so, a saber gives me something to do.  I may be no good at it just yet, but it's something!!

Now, GregG, I can agree with you on the concern of someone stealing it - that's generally why if I'm at a rave and spinning it, I'm towards the back, and in an open space - it's difficult to sneak up on me that way, and chances are, someone's gonna notice if someone walks up and tries to take it.  I'd definitely not bring a super-high end saber with me, though - best stick to a lower end stunt saber.  It'd still suck if someone stole it, but at least it would be something as expensive as, say, a Flamberge with Obsidian v4 or something

Title: Re: Sabers at edm/techno concerts?
Post by: BurceChuat on March 21, 2016, 05:31:03 AM
If I were to bring a saber at one of those events (probably not), I'd fasten a strap somewhere along the hilt and have a short blade, maybe like 16" or something. It'd be the coolest glowstick on the dance floor  8)

Title: Re: Sabers at edm/techno concerts?
Post by: Duskheart on March 21, 2016, 06:01:33 AM
I've actually seen someone do something rather similar!  He didn't do the wrist strap (tho that's a good idea, no doubt something could be done rather simply) but he did have what looked like an Initiate V3 in consular green with a 16" blade.  That's one of the reasons I bought a 16" blade tbh xD

Title: Re: Sabers at edm/techno concerts?
Post by: Darth Cephalus on March 22, 2016, 12:49:32 AM
I took my initiates to  a concert once or twice. I found the 24" blades were just fine as long as a stayed on the periphery and was careful not to clock anyone with them. You have to have a more active grasp of your surroundings when sabering in a moving crowd. 

Title: Re: Sabers at edm/techno concerts?
Post by: Duskheart on March 22, 2016, 05:43:33 AM
Yeah, I learned that the hard way at the first rave I brought my saber to - I sent it flying a good 15 feet towards the crowd when I lost my grip.  Thankfully, nobody was standing where it landed, but it could have been very bad, were someone there.

Title: Re: Sabers at edm/techno concerts?
Post by: ZenVII on March 23, 2016, 11:17:24 PM
The weapon chain idea would be wise. But I switch hands a lot during my spinning, not easy when there is something attaching it to my hand.

 My biggest fear would be throwing it across the room, or the blade flying out of the handle lol.