Saber Forum

General Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: imperialknight23 on September 09, 2011, 10:15:10 PM

Title: How important is sound?
Post by: imperialknight23 on September 09, 2011, 10:15:10 PM
Its different for everyone, but how important sound fx in your saber to you?

I'm not knockin sound, but i guess it comes down to how accurate you would want your saber to feel, what you use it for etc.

Should be an interesting topic, if it hasnt already been made.....

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: darth tratus on September 09, 2011, 10:21:25 PM
this is my opinion, but i really like to have sound in sabers. it makes it feel more of i guess a real saber

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: imperialknight23 on September 09, 2011, 10:25:57 PM
this is true, wouldnt be a lightsaber without lightsaber sounds.  would just be a big flashlight, or torch. 

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on September 09, 2011, 11:29:46 PM
It's one of those things you notice once you've had it.  The higher up you go, the more snobby you become - it's tough for me to take the PVC stunt saber I have with an Ultimate FX board seriously after having the Obsidian lol.

I do, however, like the stunts for certain cases.  Sometimes it's nice to not go around with super loud lightsaber sound effects announcing your presence, makes it better for outside usage without bothering anyone when there's no sound.  Not to mention it's cheaper lol.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: RLYHYPERGUY on September 09, 2011, 11:37:54 PM
I personally think that sound boards aren't very important. I mean, we have mouths... and vocal cords...

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Manroon on September 09, 2011, 11:54:53 PM
Personally, a saber is a saber is a saber. If you can set it up with a voice, then I'd go for it because it just makes it so much better. But I would never not buy a saber just because it didn't have sound. My SI is one of my all time favorite toys, and it's silent. I'm putting sound in my Proph because I can, but that doesn't mean I'll use it more or less. I guess I'm basically a do it if I can because I know it just increases the experience, but any saber will still thrill me kind of guy. :)

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: darth tratus on September 10, 2011, 12:03:10 AM
Personally, a saber is a saber is a saber. If you can set it up with a voice, then I'd go for it because it just makes it so much better. But I would never not buy a saber just because it didn't have sound. My SI is one of my all time favorite toys, and it's silent. I'm putting sound in my Proph because I can, but that doesn't mean I'll use it more or less. I guess I'm basically a do it if I can because I know it just increases the experience, but any saber will still thrill me kind of guy. :)
same i would still get a saber without sound, its just i prefer to have one with sound. i would love to get a couple stunts to just play around with people

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Varan Folos on September 10, 2011, 02:07:21 AM
If a lightsaber without sound is just a flashlight, then it's the coolest flashlight i'd ever want to own. For me sound is the icing on the cake.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: ThreadJack on September 10, 2011, 02:59:55 AM
I look at it this way; If the saber I want has the option of sound, them I'm gonna make sure I get it with sound. But I'm not gonna not buy a certain model just because it doesn't have sound. My Dark Liberator doesn't have sound, but it's still pretty much my baby.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Darth Wraith on September 10, 2011, 05:34:42 AM
this is my opinion, but i really like to have sound in sabers. it makes it feel more of i guess a real saber

I Agree With My Dark Brother Entirely  8)

I Put Sound In Every Saber That I Can ;)

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Salvatore1971 on September 10, 2011, 05:41:58 AM
I think sound is 50% of the fun.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: imperialknight23 on September 10, 2011, 04:34:38 PM
wow good responses.  so far, the consensus seems to be that style, functionality, and sentimentality trump sound.  but if sound is an option, it's almost always good to have.  personally i would love sound, but i would love to save some monies too.  maybe when i get some reward points goin, i'll get me one with sound and the bells and whistles.

so for now i guess i will be using the ol vocal chords for some awesome sound fx.  :D 
if i get good enough might sound like the real thing....
in 5.1 dolby digital surround! 

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: RLYHYPERGUY on September 10, 2011, 11:04:39 PM
wow good responses.  so far, the consensus seems to be that style, functionality, and sentimentality trump sound.  but if sound is an option, it's almost always good to have.  personally i would love sound, but i would love to save some monies too.  maybe when i get some reward points goin, i'll get me one with sound and the bells and whistles.

so for now i guess i will be using the ol vocal chords for some awesome sound fx.  :D 
if i get good enough might sound like the real thing....
in 5.1 dolby digital surround! 

This.  ;D

I can just imagine a colony of saber addicts; all of their sabers have sound, but they can barely speak!!

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Salvatore1971 on September 11, 2011, 06:55:46 AM
This.  ;D
I can just imagine a colony of saber addicts; all of their sabers have sound, but they can barely speak!!

Imagine the scene: an arena filled with Jedis and Siths fighiting everyone versus the other.

Sith: "Come to the Dark side!".
Jedi: "Eh? What?"
Sith: "I said: come to the Dark Side!"
Jedi: "Dome's out the park site? What the heck are you saying?"
Jedi (switching off his lightsaber): "So... can you repeat, please?"

WOOOSSSHHHH! The Sith kills the Jedi.

Sith: "Let it go!"  ;D

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Master Artorius Vidnyl on September 11, 2011, 12:43:48 PM
Very nice.  Now, back on topic.

I thought I had posted this idea here but apparently I haven't.  If you want to go the "no sound" route, which is a good way to start, you can always buy a saber that is capable of having sound and just not get sound in it right away.  Imagine if all of use could easily add sound to our first sabers.  We'd all be thrilled!

Yes the sabers compatible with sound cost a little more, but trust me.  One day you will want sound.  And it will only increase your love of your first saber if you it becomes your first saber with sound.

Let us know what you choose!


Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: DirtyJersey on September 11, 2011, 09:22:40 PM
Being the owner of 7 MR/FFX sabers, I thought sound was really important for a saber. THEN, I found Ultrasabers, and that thought disappeared altogether. I like finally having a saber that I can bash around without worrying that it might break. Sound for me is totally foreshadowed by usability. When I'm outside practicing my staff spinning, the only sound I care about is the sound of the blades whooshing past my ears. I don't even mind when my great nieces come over and ask to "Play" with my lightsabers. It's not like they are going to break them.

Another big difference is in the way I "Display" my sabers now. My Replicas with sound are on Display Stands in my bedroom, and my Ultrasabers without sound are on a Weapons Rack within arms reach of my desk.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Vex on September 11, 2011, 11:03:27 PM
I started collecting sabers with MR 2007 Vader and Removable blade Obi,I then found US and got several sabers for me and my kidds with out sound. Functionality definatly outways sound! I did get the Consular with Obsidian and love it , but i still duel with my kidds with the non sound sabers when the batts get low on the Consular. Even on Energizer Rechargables they last longer. Sabers with sound and Duelable= awsome , sabers without sound and duealable = awsome!

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: imperialknight23 on September 12, 2011, 04:54:24 PM
Very nice.  Now, back on topic.

I thought I had posted this idea here but apparently I haven't.  If you want to go the "no sound" route, which is a good way to start, you can always buy a saber that is capable of having sound and just not get sound in it right away.  Imagine if all of use could easily add sound to our first sabers.  We'd all be thrilled!

Yes the sabers compatible with sound cost a little more, but trust me.  One day you will want sound.  And it will only increase your love of your first saber if you it becomes your first saber with sound.

Let us know what you choose!


made this thread as more of a gathering of opinion.  kinda wanted to see everyone elses preferences and tastes.  very nice to see its still getting some attention.

functionality seems to be very big.  when you can worry wayyy less about durability, you can focus on cutting around, sound seems to become an afterthought.

would sound then be sort of a luxury, to the saber enthusiast?

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Master Artorius Vidnyl on September 12, 2011, 06:17:39 PM
When I started out sound was absolutely a luxury I could not afford.  I was more interested with battling Nero anyway.  If you can afford sound go for it, if you can't or want to wait then do that.  Sound is something nice, not something necessary.  (This is all my own humble experience and point of view).

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: imperialknight23 on September 12, 2011, 06:27:14 PM
When I started out sound was absolutely a luxury I could not afford.  I was more interested with battling Nero anyway.  If you can afford sound go for it, if you can't or want to wait then do that.  Sound is something nice, not something necessary.  (This is all my own humble experience and point of view).

Yea, i'm hoping that when i amass some reward points i'll get my sound saber.  probably a consular, shock, or bellicose.

(sidenote. is there a thread/post explaining the reward point to store credit ratio? or is that all hush hush?)

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Master Artorius Vidnyl on September 12, 2011, 06:32:42 PM
That info is available on the website but I'll just explain it here, after all this is YOUR thread.

For every US$ you spend BEFORE SHIPPING you get 1 reward point.  Ten (10) rewards points are worth US$1 when redeemed (therefore 1 point = US$0.10)

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: imperialknight23 on September 12, 2011, 07:13:08 PM
That info is available on the website but I'll just explain it here, after all this is YOUR thread.

For every US$ you spend BEFORE SHIPPING you get 1 reward point.  Ten (10) rewards points are worth US$1 when redeemed (therefore 1 point = US$0.10)

ah thank you.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: zabrak123 on June 27, 2012, 03:48:34 PM
i recon sound is a pretty important thing to having a lightsaber with sound, everyone knows the iconic sound of a lightsaber being fired up, and then its idle hum is just godly, but i guess for people doing stunt work with them they could just stick some tape or something over the sound vents. plus why is sound bad for people who want to do stunt work with sabers???

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Veldryne on June 27, 2012, 04:38:41 PM
Well for a stunt saber, without sound you get more battery life, so you dont have to stop in the middle of a training session to replace the batteries. Some also find the sounds distracting when training.

And there is also the price consideration. While the obsidian sound offered by ultra is a great price, it still can raise the price up a fair bit beyond what some people can afford. So by offering sabers without sound, ultra is able to get his equipment to everyone, no matter what their budget is.

Plus, some people just use them for display, dont really need sound for a showpiece.

One last thing, please check the last posting date on a thread before replying. The last post on this thread was back in september, roughly 9 months ago. Your question was pertinent to the thread, just keep an eye out for necroposting.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: zabrak123 on June 28, 2012, 02:53:49 AM
oh yeah thatd make sense, wouldnt want loud hmmmmmmm swosh swosh hmm noises while trying to consentrate and train...
that last senstence you wrote, im not being a troll or anything, but i genuinely had no idea what it meant, can ya please rephrase it using more simple terms 

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Veldryne on June 28, 2012, 03:12:37 AM
Lol no problem. What I meant was, that this thread was dead. No one had posted on it in tge better part of a year. That's what I meant by necroposting.

It happens, don't worry about it. Just keep an eye on the last date of a person's post. If its more than 6 months old, consider making a new thread instead of bringing back a really old one.

Especially since when you reply to someone's post you might be replying to someone no longer active on the forums at all.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: Master VorNach on June 28, 2012, 07:38:18 AM
If I were doing any kind of public performance/demonstration sound would be a important.
Since my interest in Ultra Sabers is adapting existing martial arts for application I find that I don't miss sound. When I'm working with a saber I find I rarely even turn the light on. I'll light it up for a demo/tutorial video because it highlights the motions.
One of the reasons for this is that having sound on-board means there are a even more electronic components that get knocked around and abused. In essence it makes the saber more fragile and I don't want to worry about breaking my (borrowed at this point) practice equipment.

Title: Re: How important is sound?
Post by: zabrak123 on June 28, 2012, 12:40:24 PM
Lol no problem. What I meant was, that this thread was dead. No one had posted on it in tge better part of a year. That's what I meant by necroposting.

It happens, don't worry about it. Just keep an eye on the last date of a person's post. If its more than 6 months old, consider making a new thread instead of bringing back a really old one.

Especially since when you reply to someone's post you might be replying to someone no longer active on the forums at all.

alright ill make sure i keep an eye out next time, thanks for rephrasing