Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Reviews => Topic started by: EmpireNick on October 09, 2015, 03:00:39 AM

Title: Aeon V4 with Sound
Post by: EmpireNick on October 09, 2015, 03:00:39 AM
I bought the sabre and I'm very happy with it. Don't know who was more excited myself or my kids. The blade is amazingly bright and the heavy duty construction lends weight and authenticity to the hilt. While the Aeon 4 is a simple design it makes a great base for adding your own details like paint and weathering. The two choke points on the hilt make this sabre a natural for two handed sword play and with the smooth clean design you don't have to worry about blisters from protrusions.

The only thing I didn't like is the "vented" pommel that comes standard. It leaves the speaker vulnerable to little fingers trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. If you don't have kids it probably won't be an issue. If you do have kids I recommend you spend the extra money and get a different pommel, one not so susceptible to poking fingers.

Shipping, while expensive for international orders, was fast and dealing with Emory is great. Answers your questions promptly and fully.

I'd recommend the Aeon V4 based on my experience but more importantly Ultra Saber is producing an excellent product. Rest assured that any sabre you buy from this company is going to blow you away.

Title: Re: Aeon V4 with Sound
Post by: dasweallycool on October 09, 2015, 09:14:47 AM
PicS! Or it didn't happen! hehe.. I have Aeon V3, VERY nice saber! Great review, are you from Europe? London, UK here..

What points would you like?

Title: Re: Aeon V4 with Sound
Post by: EmpireNick on October 09, 2015, 07:22:10 PM
I used a permanent marker to colour the bands. Its a good way to experiment. It cleans off easily and it "weathers" more quickly. Once I decide on something I like I'll use paint and do it properly. I'm thinking I'll try darkening the groove to high light the rings next, the reverse of what you see here.
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The picture of the emitter shows the weathering.

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I'm not in the UK, I live in Ottawa, Canada.

As for points, I'm walking the Jedi's path. Who wants to fly a Tie Fighter?

Title: Re: Aeon V4 with Sound
Post by: EmpireNick on October 09, 2015, 07:36:25 PM

Title: Re: Aeon V4 with Sound
Post by: hazard502 on October 11, 2015, 03:43:49 AM
I have the Dominix V4 and as you said so comfortable and easy to wield. I bought a pommel with vents for my son's Prophecy V3 for looks but also to keep dirt and those curious kid fingers at bay and it's worked wonderfully. From SK here...congrats on your new lightsaber!

Title: Re: Aeon V4 with Sound
Post by: MavRick on October 13, 2015, 11:52:32 PM
I totally agree with you on the open pommel! I ordered a different pommel for my Prophecy when i ordered it for that very reason.