Saber Forum

General Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: Zren Tobas on August 02, 2015, 12:53:32 AM

Title: Done For Awhile
Post by: Zren Tobas on August 02, 2015, 12:53:32 AM
So I'm done with sabers for awhile at least. Not for good just for awhile. Gonna focus more on other stuff. I did order me a proper inner tunic from Twin Roses tonight though. I'm happy with all the sabers I have now. Do you ever get to that point but still want a few more sabers? :P Star Wars and lightsabers will forever be in my life for sure though. I'll still post stuff though but just no new saber reviews for awhile until things get more settled down and such. I'll still only buy from Ultra Sabers as well and no one else unless its the other guys for more custom parts

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: Drahcir on August 02, 2015, 01:57:48 AM
As long as new sabers keep coming out I'm sure I'll keep buying, eventually I'll do up my office with all of them.

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: Zren Tobas on August 02, 2015, 01:59:53 AM
Yup. I just need a break for awhile. Things are still kinda tense for me x.x Personal stuff and such but I'll never quit sabering/costuming though =]

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: Stephen on August 02, 2015, 03:15:30 AM
Hang in there Zren!  No, we can't all keep buying sabers.  I haven't bought one in maybe two years, but  I still keep up with the new products and read what other people are into.  I enjoy seeing other people having a great time with their sabers and costumes.  Many of the forum participants fade after a while, but new ones come along and fill the gap.  You are a staple member of this forum and I can't imagine not seeing your comments and contributions.  You, young one, are a devoted enthusiast.  You might not be making new purchases, but like you acknowledged, the lightsaber bug will be with you, always.

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: Zren Tobas on August 02, 2015, 07:07:08 AM
True that XD I just found the OLD lightsaber construction kit and am way tempted to get it just for fun. My mom said she'd help me out later on. I want something cool looking for the new movie even though I might bring one of my Ultra Sabers too, who knows. I'm having tons of combo idea designs in mind though. Since the LED is in the hilt in those sabers I'm gonna see about adding film in the blade for a better glow, I think you can though but I could be wrong. Amazon has like 2 left but I'm hoping they're still available by the time I go to get one. I'm just getting the lightsaber kit for fun. The more better one not the toy one. But maybe next year will be better for all of us financially and I'll be able to get back into the game more. Thanks for the support though =] Life is just rough for all of us right now so yeah x.x I just had to get me an inner tunic from Twin Roses though. Love their stuff. I hope this part don't get my post deleted but I'm also a Harry Potter nut and got me a new wand also so yeah. I love both Star Wars and Harry Potter so =] I'm gonna be my Jedi for Halloween in a couple months. Can't believe its almost that time already .-. Where does time go?

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: JediXIX on August 02, 2015, 09:19:49 AM
May the Force be with you Zren....  :)

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: wargame_insomniac on August 02, 2015, 11:46:28 AM
Hi Zren Tobas

I reckon many of us go through an initial splurge on Saber buying and then settle down.

For myself I would still like to get a few more, as I would like one of each basic colour. With an RGB, a BR, a CG and a GB, I still want to get a SY and FO saber. Eventually an Emerald.

Likewise I aim to have 2-3 stunt sabers for practice, spinning and messing around, and then slowly build up collection of specific Premium Hilts.

You don't have to constantly buy a new saber to enjoy your exisiting Sabers.



Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: Noctis on August 02, 2015, 01:35:39 PM
Finances won't allow me to get my Chosen One just yet, so I feel that.  :)  The last saber I bought was back in March and I had plans to follow it up with the Chosen One, but circumstances changed and I, too, had to move on to other things for a while.

Glad you'll still be around, though!

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: Zren Tobas on August 03, 2015, 03:41:08 AM
So anyone ever use an inexpensive Darth Vader mask on a Jedi costume? Like a what if kinda thing? :P I'm thinking about doing it just for fun plus I really like the mask I got so. I know people will probably laugh and ruin the look but eh. I wouldn't really care

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: JEStucker on August 09, 2015, 04:03:23 PM
It's been a solid 2 years since I bought my first and only purchase... I've been through some serious financial woes since then, but it doesn't stop me from being here and appreciating everyone else's purchases and skills.

Title: Re: Done For Awhile
Post by: Zren Tobas on October 30, 2015, 06:13:02 AM
Since this post things have gotten kinda better. Me and my brother are getting new sabers for Christmas thanks to my mom :) I'm sure you guys already saw the post of the sabers I picked out and picked one out secretly for him :P Though were gonna have to wait until Christmas day to actually have them. She sucks u.u Lol. But my mom did say we can at least see them and maybe do a video review then we'll probably do a 2nd review after actually having them in hand. Just hope both the Bane and Consular are available still by then so leave us some. Lol. Been wanting the Bane saber for YEARS and so glad its back now. Will be my ultimate Sith weapon :P I did get my blue Liberator fixed up finally though but probably just gonna order a couple of Mid Grade blades for those two, I have a silver V2 in Consular Green so, older anyway and blue one is Guardian Blue. I need to get my brothers red one a proper set screw too and a newer blade. He also got a V2 red one in Guardian Blue. So yeah things are starting to pick back up. Me and my brother will be having new sabers soon so :) Can't wait to finally get the legendary Bane saber