Saber Forum

General Chat => Costumes and Props => Topic started by: junkeez on August 12, 2014, 08:23:06 PM

Title: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 12, 2014, 08:23:06 PM
Hi there everyone, I need some help and you guys are (hopefully) the ones to help.

I'm in the very early stages of creating a character and need some help. I have a very basic story but I'm pretty new to cosplaying and stuff and have no idea about most stuff.

The basic character story is that when he was a teenager (roughly 17) his parents and sister were murdered by a Sith. He's just a regular guy with no alignment to either side and has no use of the force or anything special. He became hellbent on getting revenge and killing the Sith that killed his family. Years later he succeeds using his fathers blaster (haven't thought of any sort of way in which he managed but he did somehow). He takes the Siths saber (I can't possibly see myself in a costume without a saber haha) and has been roaming the galaxy as a sort of gun for hire ever since.

As far as weapons go I've ordered a Dark Mantis in VA as the Siths saber and I'm modifying a Nerf gun to make his fathers blaster.

Now, I know it's probably not a great story and I appreciate any sort of feedback whether it be positive or negative.

Cheers folks.


Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: Darth Zephyrus on August 12, 2014, 08:58:05 PM
This story actually has a bit of a Cade Skywalker vibe to it, minus the force sensitivity. You could perhaps try modelling your character on him? He acts as a bounty hunter/gun for hire throughout the Legacy series. You can check him out here: (

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: Darth Scorpious on August 12, 2014, 11:21:20 PM
I really like the idea its not something that you come across that often. Maybe your character could Stowe away with some Jedi or be on a transport with them and he gets involved in the battle, near death you manage the last shot that is never seen coming.
I like the idea of a space cowboy not Captain Reynolds  ;) what about Nico Okarr from the old republic.

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 13, 2014, 01:51:21 AM
I looked into Cade Skywalker and it does sound quite like what I had in mind, I'll definitely draw some inspiration from him.

I love that idea, I may just have to incorporate that into my back story. I love the stowaway idea and it makes perfect sense as to how an average guy could kill a Sith.

My colour scheme is black and purple as I feel that after he got his revenge he would seem kind of lost and not quite adopt the Siths personality but he'd be looking for something to cling onto and with him chasing this Sith so long it's all he remembers.

I can't wait to get my saber as it's my first one. Like I said, I got a Dark Mantis in VA which fits the colour scheme. I also painted my blaster today and I think it looks pretty sweet so far. Gotta add some details to it but it looks good so far.

I've ordered a plain black mask that I'm gonna modify using some small pieces of PVC pipe to change the shape and make it look different to just a plain mask. I also plan to paint some sort of design or something on it so it's not plain black. Any ideas for design would be greatly appreciated.

As far as clothing goes, I do have a black cloak with purple lining from an old halloween costume that fits the character quite well but I'm not sure if I'm gonna use it. Any other ideas for clothing or other parts of the costume would be great.

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: Darth Scorpious on August 13, 2014, 02:06:56 AM
That mantis is going to look amazing your idea is sounding better all the time I will say this now pictures pictures pictures  ;)
Is it a cloak or a coat, does it have a hood or cowl I found this guy on etsy ( he does some great stuff a bit pricey but good.

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 13, 2014, 02:23:41 AM
I'm super stoked to get it. I ordered a Manticore at the same time. Going crazy for my first order. Unfortunately I'm in the UK so it'll take slightly longer to arrive.

I'll take plenty pictures as It progresses. I'll start with pics of the blaster in the morning seeing as its 3:22am here and I'm about to pass out haha.

It's a cloak more than a coat as it doesn't have sleeves. It's essentially a cape that ties at the top and has a hood.

That is an amazing find, the stuff from that seller looks so cool. I can tell now I'm gonna sink a lot of time and money into this character.

I also just realised he doesn't have a name yet. Oops haha.

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: Darth Scorpious on August 13, 2014, 03:17:33 AM
That's cool mate I'm from the UK myself  ;) where about's you from

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 13, 2014, 09:03:25 AM
I'm from Perth, up in Scotland. What about yourself? Is there much of a scene for this kinda thing in the UK? I'm fairly new to it but would love to meet some like minded people.

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 13, 2014, 11:16:50 AM
Here is my blaster painted in the two base colours. I'm gonna add some silver paint and some other bits and pieces to it to make it look less like a nerf gun and more like a blaster capable of killing a Sith.


Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: jedi Kai-gon on August 13, 2014, 11:58:28 AM
Have a point. that is going to be a epic blaster!

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 13, 2014, 12:11:26 PM
Thanks very much. I'm heading to the hardware store later to pick up so,e bits  and pieces for the blaster and for my mask. Think I'm gonna buy a rotary tool too to help cut the PVC piping and I can also to use that to sand down where it says nerf. I'll post some more pics when I've done a bit more to it.

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: Molina00 on August 13, 2014, 01:01:09 PM
That is going to make a great looking blaster, and sounds like a very cool character.  I will be interested to see how this progresses.

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: Darth Scorpious on August 13, 2014, 01:44:50 PM
I live in Newcastle. The blaster looks awesome can't wait to see the rest of the project. I'm new to cos-play myself I'm trying to become part of the 99th Garrison myself but I have yet to here back from them.
My costume is complete and I'm attending Jedi-con in Düsseldorf this year as Darth Scorpious

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 13, 2014, 03:50:28 PM
That costume is really, realy awesome looking. Well done. I hope mine turns out half as good.

I'd love to go to a con and cosplay but I have no idea when my costume will be complete enough to show off haha.

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 16, 2014, 01:32:35 AM
I've got a hold of some plain black material today and some purple material to do a trim as I plan on making a loin-cloth type thing this weekend. I'll post pics when I'm done. Also, my saber got shipped today. My only problem is the estimated delivery is the 2

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 16, 2014, 01:33:20 AM
I've got a hold of some plain black material today and some purple material to do a trim as I plan on making a loin-cloth type thing this weekend. I'll post pics when I'm done. Also, my saber got shipped today. My only problem is the estimated delivery is the 21st and I go away on holiday for a week very early that day so I have to wait another week to get it haha

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: Darth Scorpious on August 16, 2014, 02:15:08 AM
You could always send it to me I'll look after it for you  ;)

Title: Re: Costume help?
Post by: junkeez on August 19, 2014, 09:40:52 AM
I checked my order tracking today and my saber was put in a delivery van in Edinburgh at 7:30 this morning meaning it'll probably be delivered today. Super excited!