Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers General => Topic started by: Greywalker83 on August 07, 2014, 07:26:05 PM

Title: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: Greywalker83 on August 07, 2014, 07:26:05 PM
Has anyone else noticed that some of their posts and comments are gone I know I was in certain threads that I'm no longer in

Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: magik0012 on August 07, 2014, 07:27:40 PM
'They' used the flashy thingy from MIB on the forums.

Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: Greywalker83 on August 07, 2014, 07:33:41 PM
Lol I guess so. I'm just curious if I somehow said the wrong thing and upset the mods without meaning too. I didn't think I had ever posted anything bad. At the worst maybe slightly sarcastic but that's it. Or maybe it's not just me and there's a glitch or something and other people's posts and comments etc have disappeared

Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: magik0012 on August 07, 2014, 07:37:18 PM

Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: GreySaber on August 07, 2014, 09:03:10 PM
Lol I guess so. I'm just curious if I somehow said the wrong thing and upset the mods without meaning too. I didn't think I had ever posted anything bad. At the worst maybe slightly sarcastic but that's it. Or maybe it's not just me and there's a glitch or something and other people's posts and comments etc have disappeared

Not just you.  Our couple of comments about the raffle prizes from yesterday are gone. I didn't think we were really off-topic or said anything inappropriate.

Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: Greywalker83 on August 07, 2014, 09:11:55 PM
Well I noticed that whole thread was emptied and locked but there are a few posts on here that I had replied to and now my replies are gone. I'm not worried or anything, just curious, because if my comments were wiped intentionally it makes me think I said something wrong or said something that upset the powers at be and that is never something I want to do nor was it intended if that's the case. I guess if it was just me I'd like to know what I did wrong so as to avoid doing so again but I haven't been told by anyone that I did anything and if it's other folks too then maybe the mods are just going through deleting things that are off topic or just random commentary.

Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: Master Bluespike74 on August 08, 2014, 01:43:46 AM
A little history as I noticed most of you are below 200 comments so I am assuming you are pretty new here.  Some of the first raffles were held via Facebook.  Some people went a little overboard during the competition but the staff of Ultrasabers followed the rules from my perspective.  People got their prizes and were never heard from again.  Some of the active forum members that were not active on FB complained some so the raffles were then attached to random drawings based upon saber purchases.  The first one of these was really nice and people received some really great prizes.  Then some people complained about the sabers they received even though they would have been valued at $200 to $500 if bought outright. 

After that incident, I have personally noticed that comments relating to raffle prizes are heavily scrutinized.  Even if joking, they are usually gone.  It is nothing personal, I am sure it is done to prevent a repeat of the first saber raffles.  The owners were really nice to many of us and I was super thankful for the two prizes I have received over the years.  The comments made weren't all that bad on the first raffle but when you think about the fact that people were receiving $300-$500 sabers for FREE and they were griping about it.  It is reminiscent of an old adage:  If I gave him a $100, he would complain it wasn't $101. 

I think the owners felt very betrayed in light of the fact they were trying to take care of loyal customers when many joined the "Truthers" in blasting the quality, price, and service of Ultrasabers. 

I am very certain it is nothing personally pointed at anyone.  They just have the forum equivalent to PTSD based on having people get really nasty with them when they truly went out of their way to be generous.  I honestly know of no other company that gives away free sabers as often as these guys do. 

I ran a trading card store for 6 years and the only free thing I gave away was about $100 worth of trading cards to a kid that his stolen at gun point in the parking lot. 

Just wanted to impart a little history so that you may better understand where the owners are coming.  I never saw the original comments from any of you guys so I cannot comment on the content.  It is a learning experience and shouldn't be taken too personally.

Ask Master Rel sometimes about the great forum purge in which he lost nearly 5000 posts dropping him to the rank of almost of newbie sometime.

Have a wonderful day and happy sabering.


Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: Greywalker83 on August 08, 2014, 01:59:01 AM
That does make sense and thanks for the info. The thing with some of my post the other day were in regards to the raffle and I had said how I knew or at least had a good feeling I had won a prize. Others made comments on that and some were a bit upset it seemed and those were the ones taken down. I get it really but then today I noticed a few of mine went away again but had not said anything out of the ordinary around here. For example, I'm not sure if you noticed but someone here who won't be named ;) won a prize and wasn't particularly happy about it because he already had the exact same saber. I commented that if for some reason I wasn't happy either we could swap. There were some more posts there too. But now I'm completely deleted from that particular thread. The fact is I was just going with the conversation. I don't think I'd dislike any saber here. Sure there are some I don't like as much as others but if I won a free one I wouldn't be upset with what it was. Heck I could get a pink monarch with a purple blade and wouldn't care. I'd be thrilled I won. I'm hooked on these sabers and hope to collect more as time goes by and I'm glad I found US. This community is awesome and the company is great too. Awesome products, good prices. Good value. I'm just concerned that I pissed someone off without meaning to is all. Anyway I appreciate what you've told us here. It does add some perspective. I just want to apologize for any wrong doing I may have done or unintentional harm I've caused.

Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: T-Killaz on August 08, 2014, 03:23:27 AM
A little history as I noticed most of you are below 200 comments so I am assuming you are pretty new here.  Some of the first raffles were held via Facebook.  Some people went a little overboard during the competition but the staff of Ultrasabers followed the rules from my perspective.  People got their prizes and were never heard from again.  Some of the active forum members that were not active on FB complained some so the raffles were then attached to random drawings based upon saber purchases.  The first one of these was really nice and people received some really great prizes.  Then some people complained about the sabers they received even though they would have been valued at $200 to $500 if bought outright. 

After that incident, I have personally noticed that comments relating to raffle prizes are heavily scrutinized.  Even if joking, they are usually gone.  It is nothing personal, I am sure it is done to prevent a repeat of the first saber raffles.  The owners were really nice to many of us and I was super thankful for the two prizes I have received over the years.  The comments made weren't all that bad on the first raffle but when you think about the fact that people were receiving $300-$500 sabers for FREE and they were griping about it.  It is reminiscent of an old adage:  If I gave him a $100, he would complain it wasn't $101. 

I think the owners felt very betrayed in light of the fact they were trying to take care of loyal customers when many joined the "Truthers" in blasting the quality, price, and service of Ultrasabers. 

I am very certain it is nothing personally pointed at anyone.  They just have the forum equivalent to PTSD based on having people get really nasty with them when they truly went out of their way to be generous.  I honestly know of no other company that gives away free sabers as often as these guys do. 

I ran a trading card store for 6 years and the only free thing I gave away was about $100 worth of trading cards to a kid that his stolen at gun point in the parking lot. 

Just wanted to impart a little history so that you may better understand where the owners are coming.  I never saw the original comments from any of you guys so I cannot comment on the content.  It is a learning experience and shouldn't be taken too personally.

Ask Master Rel sometimes about the great forum purge in which he lost nearly 5000 posts dropping him to the rank of almost of newbie sometime.

Have a wonderful day and happy sabering.


That makes a lot of sense thanls for the info, as i had a couple of posts deleted last week but i dont think i was even talking about the raffle lol oh well.

Title: Re: Deleted/missing comments?
Post by: magik0012 on August 08, 2014, 05:10:38 AM
Sage words from Master Bluespike74, thank you sir!

As a newb to the US forums, but aged veteran of the internet in general, I can say I don't think anything in the retconned thread was out of line.

That said, forum Mods have the final decision, and I personally have no problem with that.

I am ecstatic to have won something in the raffle, especially as a 1st timer, and I can't wait to receive my sabers! Yet, I also admit to being impatient, even though I totally understand how busy US must be with the raffle ending and convention travel pretty much at the same time.

I just want t be able to swing a lightsaber around my living room without making my own 'fwooosh' or 'swooosh' or 'pssshhhhckow!' sound effects.

And I luuurvv the Dark Prophecy I got from a random Grab Bag purchase! Even though I may have gotten ahead of myself (skill level-wise) in my attempts to customize it.. ;)  but, at least I only have to order 1 new part.. so far..