Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers General => Topic started by: Ealotech on August 01, 2014, 04:10:30 AM

Title: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Ealotech on August 01, 2014, 04:10:30 AM
Hello, I have been thinking ahead of myself. US makes awesome sabers for many years, since the new Star wars Episode 7 coming soon in the galaxy far far away. What are the new Lightsabers going to look like? I hope US would be inspired to smith these new sabers into the US line and some new technology into them. That will be amazing I'm excited.

What are your thoughts on this idea?

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Darth_Phobius47 on August 01, 2014, 11:50:20 AM
Well maybe Luke might have a new saber (I'm not sure if his green on made it off the DS2 since he threw it aside) or if he'll be sporting his old green saber from RotJ. Leia might have a saber herself, and any kids from them might also be sporting some sweet sabers!

We won't know until next year's San Diego Comic Con what we'll be expecting from the new SW movie. If only I could afford to go to San Diego...

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: JEStucker on August 01, 2014, 12:19:28 PM
We won't know until next year's San Diego Comic Con what we'll be expecting from the new SW movie. If only I could afford to go to San Diego...

Pretty much anything that happens at SDCC appears online within hours of it happening, and you don't have to deal with the smell of unwashed masses wearing unwashed costumes made of materials that don't breathe for 4 days straight.  Yummy yummy con-funk!

(Yes, I'm using this to convince myself that I don't want to be their either)

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Greywalker83 on August 01, 2014, 02:52:31 PM
Check out the Disney channel. They have a new animated Star Wars show starting up soon. You may see some new designs there as well as some possible characters and story lines that may end up in the new movies. There have been some decent sabers to come from the cartoons. The gungi saber from the clone wars for example was neat and there are quite a few people that like the ventress design as well. I myself would love to see more from the games like rahm kota's and marris broods from tfu games and a few from tor.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Karmack on August 01, 2014, 03:15:21 PM
Frankly, I'm more interested to see if any US sabers show up in SW VII AS props...  :-)

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Goldleader on August 01, 2014, 04:00:21 PM
Luke was seen at the Ewok party in Ep. VI with the lightsaber on his belt, after the DS II was destroyed, some off camera shot he picked it up again I suppose, but I too asked myself that question. The new saber designs are probably going to look reminiscent of the Jedi Academy game if I had to guess, not that the saber designs would be taken from that game, but it would be a mix of original and prequel trilogy-like aesthetics. We will probably see a lot more Hero-type emitters and flanged emitters, being the two most known, and dare I saw ones with holes for light to get through. Im sure we will also see something completely off the wall that will make us all go what?! >.> like when Darth Maul first activated two blades on each end of his saber.

I just hope we dont see any hasbro inspired double bladed inquisitor-spinning sabers... I still am not sure I approve of that 100%

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Karmack on August 01, 2014, 04:09:10 PM
Ealotech: First, I love the Guardian overhaul in your sig picture.  Very nice.  :-)

Goldleader: I agree with you in hoping that we don't get a bunch of sabers that are designed to be good kids toys after the movie comes out.  The art of building sabers would have been mostly lost during the Empire years, but Luke managed to build one on his own so the basic construction principles must be fairly standard tech in the SW universe.

I am hoping that we see more individualization, as we saw in the prequal, as the saber variations are one of the better things that came out of those movies.  On the other hand, I also expect that ALL of the Jedi 30 years after the New Republic is founded will be Skywalker trained, which means the saber designs will be influenced by his own saber design. 

I would personally like to see, in a movie, a Jedi wielding a double-bladed saber.  And be totally kick-butt with it.  But that's my personal preference/dream.  :-)

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Zren Tobas on August 01, 2014, 05:31:08 PM
Well if you noticed Luke did have his saber again at the end of ROTJ hanging on his side smiling at Obi-wan and everyone that appeared. So maybe he went back real quick like to retrieve his saber. But it will be interesting to see new saber designs for next year. Designs more Star Wars I hope. No offence but the newer Omen just isn't for me and doesn't really match the Star Wars theme Ultra Sabers has always done. Some new tech would be cool though. Like maybe a blade extender thing, like when you power your saber on it looks like the blade sort of grows like in the movies, even for stunt sabers. Just an idea on that though.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Goldleader on August 02, 2014, 02:24:46 AM

Goldleader: I agree with you in hoping that we don't get a bunch of sabers that are designed to be good kids toys after the movie comes out.  The art of building sabers would have been mostly lost during the Empire years, but Luke managed to build one on his own so the basic construction principles must be fairly standard tech in the SW universe.

I am hoping that we see more individualization, as we saw in the prequal, as the saber variations are one of the better things that came out of those movies.  On the other hand, I also expect that ALL of the Jedi 30 years after the New Republic is founded will be Skywalker trained, which means the saber designs will be influenced by his own saber design. 

I would personally like to see, in a movie, a Jedi wielding a double-bladed saber.  And be totally kick-butt with it.  But that's my personal preference/dream.  :-)

I want to see two sabers as in a jar-kai duelest, we see some in ep II, but it is so fast in that battle it is hard to appreciate. I also would like for orange or yellow(both) to make cannon! These characters would probably be in short supply though, like Mace Windu and the purple bladed saber being his only.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Ziran Le on August 02, 2014, 02:45:01 AM
Im wondering if we are going to see the Solo children in Ep. VII.  Not sure on the timeline as to where Ep VII would fall in relation to the Vong invasion, I'm assuming well before that.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Karmack on August 04, 2014, 07:20:05 PM
Ziran, if I remember correctly, the larger universe (novels, comics, cartoons, etc) that extend beyond EP VI are, from what I understand, not considered canon, so the Vong invasion may not happen at all.

That being said, the main characters are rumored to be Jacen and Jaina Solo.  We're +30 years, so these two would be in their early 20s, so we might also see (or glimpse) Anakin as a teen (in training with Uncle Luke?) and maybe Ben Skywalker and Mara Jade-Skywalker as well.

Assuming they all are canonized, anyway...  ;-) 

And don't expect any reliable rumors to leak.  JJ Abrams is fanatical about security.  We know some classic characters are returning because it was way to hard to hide the fact that they were all working on the film, and that's a huge bone to the fans, but the actual meat of the story?  Expect to see what Abrams WANTS you to see.

I mean, he managed to keep Star Trek Into Darkness secret enough that the Wrath of Khan parallel scenes (even that the main antagonist was in fact Khan) little more than wild rumors.  And not even the MAIN ones.

So this one is up for grabs.  I think we'll see the Solo kids and maybe Skywalker kid(s) but I'm not going beyond that.

As for the Vong...  Well, that would make an AMAZING series of films, wouldn't it?  ;-)

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Goldleader on August 06, 2014, 08:36:11 PM
  Expect to see what Abrams WANTS you to see.

I mean, he managed to keep Star Trek Into Darkness secret enough

You could say he kept Star Trek... Into Darkness
*puts on sunglasses  8)

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Ziran Le on August 06, 2014, 09:00:59 PM
Yeah, I wasn't expecting to actually see the Yuuzhan Vong invasion as a central story theme in any of the upcoming movies.  Honestly, while the books were pretty good I'm not sure that the Star Wars audience at large is really "up" to seeing the Vong war.  It was such a departure from "what we know."  The thing that personifies the Empire was the cold, industrial feeling to it; the fact that it was a ruthless, faceless war machine.  The Vong were a 180 departure from that, a race from deep space that ran entirely on organic materials that they engineered and grew.  Heck, the Vong even detested the people and species of the galaxy for their reliance on non-organic technology.  I'm afraid that old SW fans might react to the Vong as the new, "mean-spirited hippies" of the sci-fi world, when what they really want to see is some TIE fighters!  Also, I'm thinking that the Vong themselves may be a little more frightening in physical appearance than what filmmakers want to put on screen, what with their celebration of physical scarring, amputation and horrific body modification.  Might earn you an R rating and give the kiddies nightmares and that's a sure way to lose money.

I was thinking in terms of the timeline though, it appears that EP. VII would likely have to come before the Vong War, care to venture a guess as to why?

I'll give you a hint:  Peter Mayhew.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Ziran Le on August 06, 2014, 09:06:59 PM
Oh, and regarding the Solo children:  As I am guessing that Ep. VII will have to take place prior to the Vong war timeline, it would put Jacen and Jaina in their late teens to early 20"s, I believe.  I don't recall how much older they were than Anakin Solo (the youngest), but I believe that Anakin was about 12-13 when the Vong war began, and around 16 when he was killed during that same campaign, if I remember correctly.

I would love to see a storyline from Legacy make it to the big screen as I loved Jacen Solo and watching his progression to becoming Darth Caedus.  I'm not thinking that's likely, at least for Ep. VII though, mostly because of...Peter Mayhew.   ;D

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Karmack on August 06, 2014, 09:50:03 PM
OK, I'm not a massive fan, much more casual.  :-)  Peter Mayhew????

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: magik0012 on August 06, 2014, 09:54:42 PM
I *think* he is implying that since Peter Mayhew (Chewbaca) is in Episode VII, certain things cant have happened yet.. as, I think, Chewy gets killed off at some point in the near future in the EU storyline..

But I could be wrong..

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Ziran Le on August 06, 2014, 10:22:25 PM
Exactly right, my friend!  In about the 2nd or third book in the series recording the Vong invasion, and please forgive, because it's been about 14 years since I read those books, but something happens that causes a moon to be pulled out of orbit, crashing into the planet that Chewbacca is on, killing him and everyone else on the planet, I would assume.  I don't remember the specifics, just that someone "dropped a moon" on Chewie, which was a fitting way for the big, furry guy to die, since nothing else could stop him.

Since it's been revealed that Peter Mayhew will be appearing in Ep. VII, and IF Abrams sticks to cannon, or cannon+EU in the interest of not confusing diehard fans, then Ep. VII will have to take place prior to the Vong war.

And that's fine with me.  I am much more interested to see the roles of the Solo children, perhaps the early relationship between Luke and Mara Jade, maybe the introduction/birth of Ben Skywalker etc over the next 3 films.

And may I say that if you haven't read the Legacy of the Force books (taking place after the "good guys" defeat the Yuuzhan Vong), it's fantastic.  A lot of the same undertones of political unrest, scheming and consolidation of power that you saw as the Sith prepared to establish the Empire, and a very similar "downfall" of Jacen Solo as he turns to the dark side.  Great stuff, would make killer movies.

Wow, I'm more of a StarWars nerd than even I realized!

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Greywalker83 on August 06, 2014, 10:30:28 PM
I'm looking forward to the new movies too but honestly I'd rather see them do some of the earlier stories. I know that they are no longer cannon but I'd like to see more of the past of the Jedi and sith. For example let's make some movies about Bane or the old republic.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Ziran Le on August 06, 2014, 10:55:10 PM
I'm looking forward to the new movies too but honestly I'd rather see them do some of the earlier stories. I know that they are no longer cannon but I'd like to see more of the past of the Jedi and sith. For example let's make some movies about Bane or the old republic.

Agreed; I would LOVE to see a movie or three about Darth Bane.  I loved those books.  They are also doing, I believe 3 "spin off" movies between 2016 and 2020, the first of which is expected to be about Boba Fett and the Mandalorians which is something that SW fans have been wanting for a long time.  Who knows what the others will be, or whether they will follow a sequential time line.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Greywalker83 on August 06, 2014, 11:01:19 PM
My understanding was that they were going to be stand alone features so any time could work. I wouldn't be surprised if they made a few tv series too. Live action series I mean.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Ziran Le on August 07, 2014, 12:00:36 AM
Yeah, I actually posted up in another thread asking whether anyone else had heard anything about the live action series.  That idea came out a few years ago but that was before Lucas decided to sell the rights and allow more feature films to be made.  Thinking that idea may have been shelved for the thought of the billions that they will make off of producing 6 new movies over the next 10 years.

I haven't checked the price of Disney stock lately, but if there's a dip anytime soon, or if it's at some kind of low, may be a good time to buy and hold, if you're an investor.  Edit:  Zoinks, I just checked, DIS is up 45% in just the last year due to strong revenues from the Marvel films, haha.  Looks like I missed that boat.

Oh yeah, and The Old Republic may be the perfect subject for a stand-alone film then.  Imagine a film with Revan and Malak (sp?) on the big screen!

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Darth_Phobius47 on August 07, 2014, 01:51:53 AM

I'm looking forward to the new movies too but honestly I'd rather see them do some of the earlier stories. I know that they are no longer cannon but I'd like to see more of the past of the Jedi and sith. For example let's make some movies about Bane or the old republic.

Only things from after Return are non cannon, this DOES NOT apply to most of pre-Phantom. So Bane, Revan, Arca Jeth, Nomi Sunrider, Exar Kun, Malgus, and Satele Shan are all STILL cannon.

Things like the Yuuzahn Vong, Kyle Katarn, the Legacy of the Force events, and even Mara Jade(possibly) are all now non-cannon.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: JEStucker on August 07, 2014, 01:58:38 AM
Remember, this is still canon...





Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: magik0012 on August 07, 2014, 01:32:21 PM
Are the "Droids" & "Ewoks" cartoons cannon? ;)

Maybe a live action "Jar-Jar Binks Adventure Time Pals" tv show would be cool? Jar-jar could die at the end of every show, like Kenny from South Park.  ;D

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Greywalker83 on August 07, 2014, 02:33:57 PM
Man with Disney I'm charge I feel like we will get to have a lot more jar jar type characters. He wasn't as bad as everyone makes him out to be but he also didn't fit well in the starwars universe as we know it. If he wasn't overly done on the comic relief and didn't sound like a retarded Jamaican he might have been alright. I liked those movies. Not as much as the original trilogy but I liked seeing more Jedi and lightsaber duels. I thought neeson and mcgregor were good. My biggest gripe was that anakin was such a whiny spoiled brat. His character was done better in the clone wars cartoon but still, he didn't really fall to the dark side. He cried and was told if he helped old palpatine that he could have his wife back. Oh well.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Ziran Le on August 07, 2014, 04:17:49 PM
Maybe I don't understand exactly what "cannon" means, not sure.  I have always heard people say that there is really nothing that's completely outside of the SW "cannon" but that there are simply 2 levels of it.  There is the general "cannon" which encompasses anything and everything that is licensed by LucasArts or any of George Lucas' various companies, copyrights/trademarks etc, to use Star Wars materials in it, including the cartoons, books, comics etc.  And then there is "G-cannon" or something like that, which is material specifically written or created by G. L., and related to the original story arc.  Personally, I like most everything to do with Star Wars and never really bothered to assess how "cannon" it was.  I just like to think of it all along a logical timeline which, since the whole thing happened "a long time ago", because that's the best way to keep it at least a little bit straight in your head.

I'm hoping that we don't get too many Jar Jar type characters in the new films.  The problem with Jar Jar to me, was that he was on screen too much.  If he would have appeared in about 4 minutes worth of scenes and not tagged along, annoying the protagonists, he would probably be remembered more fondly.  It was less about the character and more about his role in the film, I think.  Unfortunately, a little Jar Jar is about all most people can take, haha.

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Karmack on August 07, 2014, 07:29:19 PM
Thanks for the enlightenment.  I had forgotten about Chewie dying in the Vong war.  :-/ 
I guess we'll just have to hang on.  With Marvel re-re-re-resetting everything NOTHING is really sacred canon anymore...

Title: Re: The Future! in 2015?
Post by: Locutis on August 08, 2014, 03:27:14 PM
OK, I'm not a massive fan, much more casual.  :-)  Peter Mayhew????

Chewbacca! What a Wookiee! (