Saber Forum

General Chat => Costumes and Props => Topic started by: sedstiskyfaller on May 19, 2014, 10:53:47 PM

Title: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 19, 2014, 10:53:47 PM
So I'm working on my first costume and, therefore, want to do my take on my favorite costume...the Jedi Adventure Robes from SWTFU! I have always admired this costume and wanted to assemble one for a while now. It seems not as many people have taken this one on as I have thought, many favoring other Starkiller costumes instead. I've been busy contacting sources for various pieces of the costume and can't to have it all put together. So far I only have the main piece jacket with hood and the black gloves. I'm not working on an exact replica of it as I would like to make it my own some. I'm still working on getting the other pieces, but any input or thoughts on this are definitely welcome. I am very resourceful, but I know there are far more experienced people out there that may be of assistance!

Here is the outfit from the game for those of you who don't know:


And here is what I have so far:


Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Tal-Rin Onjo on May 19, 2014, 11:16:17 PM
Its a great costume you're going for! What pieces are you still looking for? And what are you planning for the overcoat? It looks a lot like a jin-baori... a samurai surcoat if you will.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 19, 2014, 11:36:16 PM
I've contacted someone about making that part for me. It's close to that, except the sides are left open. I want to do the arm sleeves and leg sleeves (waiting to here back on those from other sources), I've ordered some boots so I'll see if I like those or not, And I've designed a belt buckle that I'm considering getting 3D printed. I still am unsure about what to use for the black belt wrap and I haven't decided on the other pieces.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: The 97th Acolyte on May 19, 2014, 11:38:28 PM
This looks great so far, I'll look forward to see how it turns out when its done. Any chance you could keep this going as like, a progress thread? :)

Nice choice on the costume though... I'm looking at making the Medical Robes Starkiller wears in 1, after he gets killed by Vader [spoilers?] the first time...

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 19, 2014, 11:54:13 PM
This looks great so far, I'll look forward to see how it turns out when its done. Any chance you could keep this going as like, a progress thread? :)

Nice choice on the costume though... I'm looking at making the Medical Robes Starkiller wears in 1, after he gets killed by Vader [spoilers?] the first time...

Awesome! I'll definitely update this thread as I progress. Here is the model of the belt buckle I designed. Let me know what y'all think:


Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zren Tobas on May 21, 2014, 04:57:40 AM
Nice costume so far. I like the belt buckle. =] Where did you get the jacket at? :P

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zren Tobas on May 21, 2014, 05:45:12 AM
And I'm also going to be working on a Starkiller inspired costume during the summer after Comic Con. Mine will be different though but same color scheme. I found a grey hoodie I can use at Hot Topic, then I was going to get a lighter grey shirt and pants to use, then I was going to get fabric so I can make wraps, the wraps will be going around the shirt area, around the boots, and maybe in the middle somewhere. I'll post pics when my Starkiller inspired costume is done. I'm wanting mine to be inspired sine I'm a big TFU fan. =]

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 21, 2014, 12:07:24 PM
Sounds great! Which costume are you looking at?

The jacket is something I found online a while back. I'm not sure if I will order the belt buckle now because of the cost of materials to make it, but I haven't found one that looks like it yet so we'll see.i have a couple more things on order that will complete the base look and I'm still working with some people on the detail pieces.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Revan_Deschain on May 21, 2014, 08:54:19 PM
User Zephon's post shows a costume that looks really similar. Maybe he could be of some assistance. (

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 21, 2014, 10:42:16 PM
Ok, thanks for the heads up! I'll have to check it out.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 22, 2014, 03:31:22 AM

The main belt arrived today (still deciding on the buckle though) and the waist belts are on order. Also on order are the boots and pants, so those should arrive within the next couple of weeks (hopefully). I have also commissioned someone to make the arm sleeves and maybe even the boot spats for the costume. Still waiting to hear back on the tabard/cloak piece to see if the person I contacted can make it. I'm getting so excited that this seems to finally be coming together!

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 26, 2014, 03:43:31 AM

The pants, boots, and belt came in!

Here is the current state of the costume:


Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zephon on May 26, 2014, 11:55:39 PM
User Zephon's post shows a costume that looks really similar. Maybe he could be of some assistance.

[url][/url] ([url][/url])
The Force told me I was mentioned. Hello.

Sedstiskyfaller, good choice in costume. Weirdly, I had my costume created either before or right around the time of TFU2, and I never played the game so I was not aware of the likeness until after it was finished.
Also, the photos from the link above aren't necessarily the best photos of my costume due to the heat and lack of awareness in the cloak opening up (it's very humid or muggy in Hawaii, during a block party with thousands of people in a "small" area). (

One of the hardest things is to get it to sit right for long extended amounts of time. (

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Agury mcode on May 27, 2014, 01:04:54 AM
That looks like a great start! This is probably the coolest costume I've come across so far with Luke's rotj being my favorite classic

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 27, 2014, 02:27:40 AM
The Force told me I was mentioned. Hello.

Sedstiskyfaller, good choice in costume. Weirdly, I had my costume created either before or right around the time of TFU2, and I never played the game so I was not aware of the likeness until after it was finished.
Also, the photos from the link above aren't necessarily the best photos of my costume due to the heat and lack of awareness in the cloak opening up (it's very humid or muggy in Hawaii, during a block party with thousands of people in a "small" area). [url][/url] ([url][/url])

One of the hardest things is to get it to sit right for long extended amounts of time. [url][/url] ([url][/url])

That's a funny coincidence. Your costume looks great! I know I had seen it before, but these pictures really showcase it. I like the accent of blue throughout; it compliments the other parts nicely. I'm worried about mine being too hot as well since I am using a jacket that is essentially made of sweatshirt material, and my whole body will be covered, in some areas by multiple layers. I'm trying to make up for it where I can, such as gloves that are somewhat breathable and pants that aren't very thick.

That looks like a great start! This is probably the coolest costume I've come across so far with Luke's rotj being my favorite classic

Thanks! It's coming along, but it will still be a while before it's finished.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zephon on May 27, 2014, 02:51:59 AM
That's a funny coincidence. Your costume looks great! I know I had seen it before, but these pictures really showcase it. I like the accent of blue throughout; it compliments the other parts nicely. I'm worried about mine being too hot as well since I am using a jacket that is essentially made of sweatshirt material, and my whole body will be covered, in some areas by multiple layers. I'm trying to make up for it where I can, such as gloves that are somewhat breathable and pants that aren't very thick.

Thanks! It's coming along, but it will still be a while before it's finished.
Yea, I used to wear a black t-shirt underneath the two tunics and sleeveless robe/tabard, but that many layers on my torso alone had me overheating before leaving the room. Switch to a wifebeather to let it breath a little. Works better in heat diminishing if only by a little.

Also, thank you for the comment. The robe is actually reversible so if I wanted, I could flip it inside out to make it a dark blue, with a white accent. It was made by Eiyame honestly. I know she'll still make the robe itself, but I don't know how much. After the creation of it for me, she told me she was limiting how many copies she'll make of it to a total of 5 (the one for me being #1) before she gets rid of the blueprints for it. ( (Mind that the photos have been hidden due to people posting them without her permission).

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 27, 2014, 03:08:31 AM
Yea, I used to wear a black t-shirt underneath the two tunics and sleeveless robe/tabard, but that many layers on my torso alone had me overheating before leaving the room. Switch to a wifebeather to let it breath a little. Works better in heat diminishing if only by a little.

Also, thank you for the comment. The robe is actually reversible so if I wanted, I could flip it inside out to make it a dark blue, with a white accent. It was made by Eiyame honestly. I know she'll still make the robe itself, but I don't know how much. After the creation of it for me, she told me she was limiting how many copies she'll make of it to a total of 5 (the one for me being #1) before she gets rid of the blueprints for it.
[url][/url] ([url][/url]) (Mind that the photos have been hidden due to people posting them without her permission).

I actually contacted her and am waiting to hear back. I may have someone else already lined up to make the robe/tabbard for mine, however. They have not been very good at keeping in contact with me though. Hopefully I hear back from one of them soon.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zephon on May 27, 2014, 04:56:07 AM
I actually contacted her and am waiting to hear back. I may have someone else already lined up to make the robe/tabbard for mine, however. They have not been very good at keeping in contact with me though. Hopefully I hear back from one of them soon.
Well I know she's been active as of late. Couple days of go, she repopulated all photos of her works with her watermark. Easiest way contacting her would be through email.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zren Tobas on June 07, 2014, 04:02:05 AM
Hope you don't mind me sharing on Facebook. You have the coolest homemade outfit. I'm covered on the belt because it has a buckle attached so and I got my brown costume boots I could use. What kind of shirt do you suggest to use?

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on June 07, 2014, 11:52:35 AM
Hope you don't mind me sharing on Facebook. You have the coolest homemade outfit. I'm covered on the belt because it has a buckle attached so and I got my brown costume boots I could use. What kind of shirt do you suggest to use?

What costume are you going for? Are you talking about a shirt to wear under it or as the main piece? I wasn't sure if you were talking to me or Zephon lol.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zren Tobas on June 08, 2014, 04:44:24 AM
Well, the whole thing really but the jacket obvious. :P I just don't know what else you might be using. I've never really done anything you can just buy from the stores normal clothes wise.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on June 08, 2014, 11:52:19 AM
Well, the whole thing really but the jacket obvious. :P I just don't know what else you might be using. I've never really done anything you can just buy from the stores normal clothes wise.

I'm gonna try to wear a light shirt underneath the jacket like Zephon suggested. The jacket I found at an online shop on amazon that has a bunch of jackets with hoods in different styles. It is all one piece even though it looks like I layered things. I originally bought it for something else, but thought it worked nicely for this costume as well. I'm am working on getting the main tabard/cloak piece made by someone, as well as the arm and leg guards by someone else. My belt buckle cover I designed will be in on Tuesday, so I will be able to post an update then. The hand-made items will take the longest to get though, obviously.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on June 10, 2014, 12:22:34 AM
UPDATE: All the belts are in, as well as the belt buckle I designed! Below is the updated look thus far. Now waiting on the last three items and it will be done! The buckle is lighter than I expected it to be so I'm painting it with the stainless steel paint I have to make it different than the jacket color. Let me know what y'all think!


Edit: Here is the newly painted buckle up close:


Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zren Tobas on June 11, 2014, 05:20:54 PM
Looks nice dude. I like. Especially the used saber in hand. :P

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on July 06, 2014, 10:30:17 PM
So I have some updates from the costume designers I commissioned the final pieces from and things should be done within the next two weeks.

There is a question I would like to pose to those here on the forum about the color I should use for my saber. I will be using my Bellicose which has a blue illuminated AV switch.

So the question is:  GB or VA?
I am leaning toward VA because I like the contrast with the blue switch, but my friend thinks GB would be more realistic to the character. Thoughts?

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on August 03, 2014, 08:53:21 PM
I have conquered my first Comic Con. Tampa Bay Comic Con was a fun, crazy, and sometimes stressful experience, but so worth it. My Starkiller Jedi Robes came together nicely in the end, and several people recognized my cosplay and asked to take pictures with me. Here is a collage of the best pics from the event:


I had a blast and definitely recommend going to an event like this if you have had it in mind, but was unsure. I saw serval people with Ultrasabers there. It was cool to see the reach that this company has within this community.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: chicago.jedi on August 03, 2014, 11:30:02 PM
The costume looks great Sedsti. It is nice to put a face with the name, too.

Glad you had a good time.


Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on August 04, 2014, 12:52:58 AM
The costume looks great Sedsti. It is nice to put a face with the name, too.

Glad you had a good time.


Thank you! It's my first costume and my favorite character so I was really excited to get a chance to do it.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zren Tobas on August 04, 2014, 06:12:41 AM
Nice nice. Lets see just you in action in your costume. =]

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Master Nero Attoru on August 04, 2014, 10:12:44 AM
That turned out great dude!  Love the Adventure Robes, and yours ended up looking incredibly accurate.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: HyouTeiGlacier on August 04, 2014, 10:54:39 AM
awesome cosplay! those robes are probably the best out of all costumes in SWTFU :3 your customization looks great as well :)

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on August 04, 2014, 11:34:33 AM
Thanks, everyone! The best feeling was when someone recognized who I was. I realized how many others like this costume from the game as well.

@Zren: I need to work on taking better (more) action pics. This was my first time. The last one on there is from when I was on stage so it's kind of blurry.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: jedi Kai-gon on August 05, 2014, 03:30:46 PM
Great photos, I love the Starkiller robes ;D

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Tobalation on August 08, 2014, 01:27:29 PM
I have conquered my first Comic Con. Tampa Bay Comic Con was a fun, crazy, and sometimes stressful experience, but so worth it. My Starkiller Jedi Robes came together nicely in the end, and several people recognized my cosplay and asked to take pictures with me. Here is a collage of the best pics from the event:


I had a blast and definitely recommend going to an event like this if you have had it in mind, but was unsure. I saw serval people with Ultrasabers there. It was cool to see the reach that this company has within this community.

WOW man that is awesome! Well done on making that costume and getting it all together yourself. You should be very proud :)

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on August 08, 2014, 01:31:18 PM
WOW man that is awesome! Well done on making that costume and getting it all together yourself. You should be very proud :)

Thank you! It was a great experience and I'm so glad I did it.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: LauraBorealis on October 05, 2014, 04:21:29 AM
Love this costume and it turned out amazing!  Awesome job....looks like you had a blast wearing it:)

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zren Tobas on October 07, 2014, 09:48:24 PM
So this certain costume. Is it the one when Starkiller goes to Degobah to talk to Yoda? Love the shot with Vader by the way. Very fitting. =]

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on October 07, 2014, 10:46:50 PM
So this certain costume. Is it the one when Starkiller goes to Degobah to talk to Yoda? Love the shot with Vader by the way. Very fitting. =]

Thank you, haha. No, this is the costume he wore on the Death Star mission.

Title: Re: My Favorite Costume in the SW Universe
Post by: Zren Tobas on October 20, 2014, 05:20:46 PM
Nice. I need that jacket so hook me up. Lol. I have something that might work so I'll have to give it a go sometime. I'll wait until I get the Raven saber though. But that jacket or something similar would be nice to have.