Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Questions => Topic started by: Katar Vos on May 05, 2014, 02:29:05 PM

Title: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Katar Vos on May 05, 2014, 02:29:05 PM
Hi all,

I am struggling to decide on what to do about my first Saber, I am not sure if it would be worth buying a saber with Sound option straight off the bat as cool as it would be especially for dueling i think i will struggle to find people to duel here in good old South Australia so i am also tempted to just go for a non sound saber for my first one and maybe get a sound one later on down the track.

anyone have any pros or cons to these options?


Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 05, 2014, 02:41:30 PM
It's always good to have a saber without sound for use when sound would end up being a complication. If you are just starting out and aren't sure which saber to get, you can't go wrong with getting a grab bag saber. It is a stunt saber (without sound) that is randomly chosen amongst the spare hilts they have in stock. You can choose the color for $5 extra or leave it to chance. Adding a blade is $15 as well, or you could get a $10 grab bag blade if you are unsure on blade type. It is the best way to get a quality saber for a lower price.

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Relan Tarel jedi kinght on May 05, 2014, 02:42:24 PM
My first saber was the shock le stunt that I added sound toamd heavly modified later on. Even not having any one to duel with I still enjoied having it swinging it around. As for getting one with sound you won't be disapointed. Therss nothing like having your saber ignite With the true to the movies sounds. I will add its nice to have one without sound incase there's people that you live with or have nabors close by and you don't want to disturb them in the evnings and what not. So I would say get one of each ( the saber with and a grabbag)  if you could.
I hope this helps.
By the way what sabers where you looking at, your favorites?

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: TiiRexx on May 05, 2014, 02:51:59 PM
If you won't be dueling a lot I would go for one with sound. I just got my first one with sound, nobody duels in my town and having the sound makes up for it. It's a lot more fun to swing around with sound. Plus you have the joy of changing sound fonts. Once you find people to duel go with a stunt. Also a saber with sounds makes a much better show piece and it's just awesome! However you will get addicted...

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: jyn-toar on May 05, 2014, 03:56:46 PM
I don't have any sabers (yet), but I will hopefully be getting one soon.  From some research, I think that the best starting sabers are the Bellicose, Archon, and Shock - among the distinct, higher-end models.  I myself will be getting a stunt Archon - don't know what color just yet - to start.  As for sound, I wouldn't go for it yet; I know I'm not.  I'll likely get sound later on, but I want to start with something that is a bit more inexpensive and still nice looking.  Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Choco on May 05, 2014, 06:42:06 PM
I would also agree that grab bags make for a great first saber if your unsure due to it's randomness. my 1st was a grab bag though luckily enough it was a saber I was looking at owning so quite lucky there ( BR DSI with vertical grooves ) though V3 or 2 sabers are quite common over premiums bt there have been quite a few nice grabs people have acquired

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Tal-Rin Onjo on May 06, 2014, 01:14:50 AM
;I just recently got my first saber, and it was a grab bag. I have to say its a REALLY great of deal. You get a great saber at a very reasonable price. And I don't believe there is such a thing as a bad product from Ultra Sabers. You might be skeptical of your saber at at first, but that lasts about 2 seconds after holding it and finding that "sweet spot", where it feels like it was made just for your hands alone. You'll fall in love no matter which way you go.

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Karmack on May 06, 2014, 03:12:48 PM
Let me chime in and say that whether you decide to get sound or not on your order, I would recommend getting one that is compatible with having sound.  It leaves you the option of upgrading later.  :-)
I would also say that having sound is definately worth it if you're not going to be dueling all the time.  Having the card in there to make the sounds makes the saber uber-cool and a lot of fun to swing around, and it enhances its stature as a prop.  Frequent dueling actually negates the sound somewhat, as the 'sounds of combat" tend to overwhelm the sound effects from the saber, though they are still fun to hear even as your blades clash.  :-)

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: B1ondeange1 on May 07, 2014, 06:31:33 AM
Keep in mind also, if you plan to use your saber a lot that a saber with sound will run through batteries a LOT quicker than a Li ion stunt. For ComicCon I took my stunt staff, partly because I knew I could walk around with it lit for a lot longer and need fewer spare sets of batteries (and mostly because it is really cool! :D )

Title: Re:
Post by: Brian64 on May 07, 2014, 06:51:03 AM
Katar, pm me so we can arrange a  time to catch up and you can test drive my sabers. Three of the ones in my sig haven't been shipped yet, but I have the rest.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Brian64 on May 07, 2014, 11:54:44 AM
Also Katar, something to think about when you read about the people sending their sabers back to have sound added and so on... international shipping is brutal. I'm usually paying between $37 to $84 US per order for shipping. Watch the shipping amounts change as you add items - a couple of emitters and pommels can easily double the charge.

Also when ordering, keep in mind the order is in US$, and you will be paying more in AU$. My bank charges a fee for the currency conversion, so that's an extra $16-$24 AU per order. For example, an order I placed in March totalling US$478.70, came in at AU$552.64 after adding in conversion and charges.

Hasn't stopped me ordering sabers though... :)

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: B1ondeange1 on May 07, 2014, 01:35:59 PM
Also Katar, something to think about when you read about the people sending their sabers back to have sound added and so on... international shipping is brutal. I'm usually paying between $37 to $84 US per order for shipping. Watch the shipping amounts change as you add items - a couple of emitters and pommels can easily double the charge.

Also when ordering, keep in mind the order is in US$, and you will be paying more in AU$. My bank charges a fee for the currency conversion, so that's an extra $16-$24 AU per order. For example, an order I placed in March totalling US$478.70, came in at AU$552.64 after adding in conversion and charges.

Hasn't stopped me ordering sabers though... :)

this. completely and utterly :) (incl the 'it hasn't stopped me' bit :P )
weve found it cheaper in the past to order two sabers separately as its actually cheaper on freight than ordering the two together (weirdly). and its amazing what a few things will do to the freight charge- add an emitter, the freight charge flies up. Add a blade, there it goes again.

course you could alwaysget a stunt then purchase a sound card later and install it yourself, but if you have plans to get that make sure you get the Li ion setup, so its already that bit more set up for it.

Since I have a few sabers, some stunts, some with sound, each have their advantage. I can simply choose which I want at the time :) I went a saber with sound for my first as I figured if I was going to get a lightsaber, I might as well get sound! I also had no intention then of buying two more sabers a few months down the track.... aaaannnndddd then some more a few months later, and then some more this year :P

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Brian64 on May 07, 2014, 02:16:49 PM
I ordered an Omen tonight because of the sales... I am going to have to NOT look at what the DotD is tomorrow. I'm terrified that one of the sabers I have on my list will be included. I've got 3 free grab bags in my orders now - I may already be getting one of the sabers I still have on my list, like a Dominix LE, Dark Arbiter or Dark Shock. Dom's seem to turn up fairly regularly in Grab Bags, so I figure I'm in with a chance. To be honest, I'd be happy with anything I can change the emitter on! So many sabers and hardly any of them will let me swap emitters! :)

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: B1ondeange1 on May 07, 2014, 02:26:04 PM
I ordered an Omen tonight because of the sales... I am going to have to NOT look at what the DotD is tomorrow. I'm terrified that one of the sabers I have on my list will be included. I've got 3 free grab bags in my orders now - I may already be getting one of the sabers I still have on my list, like a Dominix LE, Dark Arbiter or Dark Shock. Dom's seem to turn up fairly regularly in Grab Bags, so I figure I'm in with a chance. To be honest, I'd be happy with anything I can change the emitter on! So many sabers and hardly any of them will let me swap emitters! :)

I purposely ordered sabers that are fully MHS and use MLS so that I can swap stuff as I want ;) and then I got another as one of my raffle prizes :)

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Brian64 on May 07, 2014, 02:29:52 PM
I ordered the sabers with the styles I liked and crossed my fingers that I'd get the others from the grab bags..

I just noticed my saber is fully charged now with 500+ posts. I feel like I should qualify for a set of steak knives or a pin or secret handshake or something. ;)

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Racona Nova on May 07, 2014, 04:06:32 PM
More than that, Brian - you're allowed to join the Commander Quarters now that you achieved the Knight Commander rank ;D Congrats on that, btw

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: drtdgr2 on May 10, 2014, 02:18:30 AM
I purchased two stunt sabers before my sound. (my sound one I just ordered last night). I think its great to have at least one saber without sound. I say go with stunt now and get one with sound later on.

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Zren Tobas on May 14, 2014, 06:45:59 AM
Aeon/Dominix V3. Pros, good looking, comfy hilt, cons, can't really think of anything. Even a V2 is good. My bro has my Aeon V3 and he loves the feel of it and I have a newer Dominix V2 LE saber and also the same thoughts. Just throwing in my 2 cents. =]

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: lordhostle on May 15, 2014, 05:28:42 AM
I'm having a difficult time trying to choose a saber. I want an emerald for it's awesome hilt styles and for the sound, but I also want to be able to use it as a stunt saber. I mean anything is possible, but what would someone recommend.

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: sedstiskyfaller on May 15, 2014, 05:48:39 AM
I'm having a difficult time trying to choose a saber. I want an emerald for it's awesome hilt styles and for the sound, but I also want to be able to use it as a stunt saber. I mean anything is possible, but what would someone recommend.

The two hilts I will always recommend for Emerald are the Archon v2.1 and the Shock/Shock LE because they look great in almost any color and are the most versatile hilts IMO, especially with the customization options involved with full MHS compatibility.

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: drtdgr2 on May 15, 2014, 12:26:21 PM
When I get an emerald saber it's going to be the Bellicose.

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: dannel on May 15, 2014, 01:14:51 PM
Just a few more hours till i can order my fully loaded guardian.  ;D

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: lordhostle on May 17, 2014, 01:09:53 AM
What about the reaper hilts? Those give it a techy look to it

Title: Re: Difficulty choosing first Saber
Post by: Choco on May 17, 2014, 01:40:06 AM
I only have one emerald saber which is the Manticore and I love the features Emerald brings to the saber when it comes to customizability

I think the ones mentioned would all also make for good emerald sabers. I went for the manticore due to it being neutral in jedi/sith appearance and it looks great in many different colors one of my faves which funnily enough was the config I ordered it in was VA pulse to DVA the purple looks fantastic on it