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General Chat => Forum Games => Topic started by: James Casey on March 31, 2014, 08:28:50 PM

Title: One day you meet a stingy genie...
Post by: James Casey on March 31, 2014, 08:28:50 PM
...and they give you three wishes, but there's a catch:

These wishes can't change your life in any meaningful way. You can use your wishes however you want, but they can't get you anything you couldn't get yourself in, say, six months' dedicated work.

So, for example, you can't wish to be the most handsome/beautiful person in the world - you won't be able to move for modelling contracts and the like. Likewise, you can't wish to be the best guitarist in the world, or Axl Rose will try and draft you into the next Guns n Roses lineup - and nobody wants that.

For me, I'd love to be able to whistle really loudly - especially the whole 'fingers in mouth, stop cabs dead in street' type of whistle.

I'd love to be able to draw well - I can copy, but not create, and I just love the idea of being able to draw people and make them recognisable.

Finally, I'd take guitar playing - nothing fancy, just being able to reliably hit barre chords and maybe a little finger picking.

Title: Re: One day you meet a stingy genie...
Post by: The 97th Acolyte on March 31, 2014, 08:43:36 PM
This is a good concept... Interesting to see what people come up with. ;)

I'd say...

1) A decent knowledge of musical instruments. Not like, amazing, stage worthy ability. Just basic playing ability.

2) Somebody, somewhere to find a cure for cancer. Self explanatory.

3) The Force to be a real thing. I wouldn't have it or anything, but it would be awesome. ;)

Title: Re: One day you meet a stingy genie...
Post by: Master Rel on March 31, 2014, 09:47:57 PM
...and they give you three wishes, but there's a catch:

These wishes can't change your life in any meaningful way. You can use your wishes however you want, but they can't get you anything you couldn't get yourself in, say, six months' dedicated work.

So, for example, you can't wish to be the most handsome/beautiful person in the world - you won't be able to move for modelling contracts and the like. Likewise, you can't wish to be the best guitarist in the world, or Axl Rose will try and draft you into the next Guns n Roses lineup - and nobody wants that.

For me, I'd love to be able to whistle really loudly - especially the whole 'fingers in mouth, stop cabs dead in street' type of whistle.

I'd love to be able to draw well - I can copy, but not create, and I just love the idea of being able to draw people and make them recognisable.

Finally, I'd take guitar playing - nothing fancy, just being able to reliably hit barre chords and maybe a little finger picking.

Couldn't you do those three things with 6 months of dedicated effort?


Three things that are not too life changing, can't learn on my own in short order...interesting as most things of any worth could change my or anyone's life...hmmm.

These are more of a Wi than a Wish lol.


Changes must be superficial and fairly meaningless in the long run.

1. That I can understand a foreign language enough to watch a movie but not read a book in a language other than one I now only lasts long enough to complete the movie and as no lasting effects into itself.

2. That my sweat smells like a different decent cologne everyday.

3. That my eye color changes with my mood, diet, and state of health.

If slightly stronger wishes...

1. That I could breathe underwater.

2. That I could fly.

3. That I could cure cancer, by hugging people.
