Saber Forum

General Chat => Videos => Topic started by: Darth Cephalus on March 10, 2014, 03:40:57 AM

Title: Candy coated crack
Post by: Darth Cephalus on March 10, 2014, 03:40:57 AM
Here is hoping that that topic title does not violate forum rules but I can't help but ask myself what kind of candy coated crack I was smoking when I thought about trying this. Based on my backwards obi/ani and backwards plum flower, this is me working on a dual wield version of the same. What you have here is an alternating proper obi/ani followed by an alternating pattern with an obi/ani with my left hand and an inverted obi/ani with my right. Finally, some work on an alternating inverted obi/ani with both hands. This is still rather rough but DARTH CH3MI5T was trying it out and I thought this might help. When it starts to feel somewhat right, the last version starts to feel like swimming the crawl. I will clean this up a lot more before I try to do a tutorial. Also worth mentioning is that I was on roller-skates while I did this. I refer you to my previous statement about candy coated crack. (

And part 2 where I have it down better and do the simultaneous version. The simultaneous version feels like the beating of wings. At the end of this move, I show it if slow motion so you can see what the synchronization is supposed to look like when sped up. I am obviously not there yet but should be in the next few days. (