Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Reviews => Topic started by: Relan Tarel jedi kinght on February 13, 2014, 03:29:56 AM

Title: DSI & Prophacy video review
Post by: Relan Tarel jedi kinght on February 13, 2014, 03:29:56 AM
Alright now that I finally figured out how to upload to youtube here they are at long last my winter raffle entry the dsi in emerald green w/ silver foc and orange av swich
My second prize raffle winner the prophacy in vilot amathist and white av swich.
As an adendum I had said that the prophacy came with a 40in blade I had ment to say a 36in blade

Without any further adu (

Title: Re: DSI & Prophacy video review
Post by: Zren Tobas on February 13, 2014, 04:45:48 AM
Nice. I like your Emerald Green blade. Looks good on the Dark Standard Issue actually.

Title: Re: DSI & Prophacy video review
Post by: Relan Tarel jedi kinght on February 13, 2014, 05:35:20 AM
Nice. I like your Emerald Green blade. Looks good on the Dark Standard Issue actually.
Thanks it does look supprisingly good on the hilt doesn't it I like it alot
And the prophacy.... let's say I was wrong about my first impression its a beautifully crafted hilt verry light I like it its great for off hand use or single handed combat most of all my daughter loves it imeadatly after her turning it on and seeing that it was purple the thaught that i lt was hers so yah its hers what the hek it was my raffle winnings besides I sti get to play with it.

Title: Re: DSI & Prophacy video review
Post by: Zren Tobas on February 13, 2014, 10:36:27 AM
I'd put the Clone Wars or TOR font on then she'll really like the saber even more. :P

Title: Re: DSI & Prophacy video review
Post by: Meerkat on February 13, 2014, 03:19:54 PM
I do love them prophecy's. They just feel right. Grats on the grab. I hope she likes it.

Title: Re: DSI & Prophacy video review
Post by: Relan Tarel jedi kinght on February 13, 2014, 03:46:21 PM
I do love them prophecy's. They just feel right. Grats on the grab. I hope she likes it.

Its her favorite toy for sure