Saber Forum

Ultra Sabers Discussion => Ultra Sabers Questions => Topic started by: CreepySeagulls on November 16, 2013, 04:31:12 PM

Title: Grab bags?
Post by: CreepySeagulls on November 16, 2013, 04:31:12 PM
Being the indecisive little oik that I am, I've reached a point in my quest for my first saber that has left me in a bit of a state. Anyone who has read any of my posts will know that first I wanted a catalyst in AS, then I wanted a dark initiate staff in two separate colours AND NOW I'm thinking it might be best to get a grab bag as I can't make up my mind.

Now, I've searched through the forum and YouTube a million times looking at grab bag reviews and I've seen a worrying amount of red hilts. I'm not sure what these sabers are, how common they are or anything about them. In all honesty, I don't like them very much and am absolutely terrified that if I order a grab bag, I'll get one of these red sabers in consular green and be forever known as 'the Christmas Jedi'.

My questions are, what are these sabers? (I know they're not crimson reapers) What are the chances of me getting one? And if I did get one, what are the chances I could look past it's redness and just enjoy my first saber?

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: Master Bluespike74 on November 16, 2013, 05:26:05 PM
Those reviews of older V2's like the Liberator that were Blue or Red Anodized.  I also think there were some Standard Issues that were also anodized Blue or Red.  I have not seen them in Grab Bags in nearly a year.  I have received as gift 3 grab bag sabers over the past 2 years and these are the results:

The very last of the PVC Archons; Aeon LE version 2; Liberator version 3. 

Most likely, you'll receive an Aeon, Dominix, or Liberator as those are the ones I have seen most posted on the forums. 

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: Lord Krankenhaus on November 16, 2013, 05:54:24 PM
I agree with Blue, you're safe as far as the blue and red hilts go, unless you get one of the colored Reapers. You'd most likely end up with an Aeon/Dominix, Initiate, Standard Issue, or Liberator.
And, in that .000001%chance of getting one of the red or blue Libby/SI sabers, you could always remove the anodizing later with some weathering techniques.

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: chicago.jedi on November 16, 2013, 06:11:04 PM
If you are that worried, why not just order an Initiate or an Aeon or something like that? Remember that the grab bags do not come with a blade. By the time you add that on, you might as well just order an Initiate, Aeon, Dominix, Libby, etc. and at least you know exactly what you are getting.

Just a thought.

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: ThreadJack on November 16, 2013, 07:23:22 PM
Being the indecisive little oik that I am, I've reached a point in my quest for my first saber that has left me in a bit of a state. Anyone who has read any of my posts will know that first I wanted a catalyst in AS, then I wanted a dark initiate staff in two separate colours AND NOW I'm thinking it might be best to get a grab bag as I can't make up my mind.

Now, I've searched through the forum and YouTube a million times looking at grab bag reviews and I've seen a worrying amount of red hilts. I'm not sure what these sabers are, how common they are or anything about them. In all honesty, I don't like them very much and am absolutely terrified that if I order a grab bag, I'll get one of these red sabers in consular green and be forever known as 'the Christmas Jedi'.

My questions are, what are these sabers? (I know they're not crimson reapers) What are the chances of me getting one? And if I did get one, what are the chances I could look past it's redness and just enjoy my first saber?

Those Red and Blue sabers were something Ultra tried around Christmas two years ago. They were a "limited time only" type deal, almost like a Holiday promo. No one bought them, and they wound up being relegated to the grab bag just to get rid of them. They're long gone now, so unless they randomly find one lying in a dusty corner, your chances of getting one are zero.

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: CreepySeagulls on November 16, 2013, 09:28:28 PM
Phew.I appreciate that they were probably good quality sabers and all, I was just worried that I'd get one and not like it. With regards to buying a saber like an aeon or a Dominix, the reason I was gonna go for a grab bag was because I can't decide which saber to get, and apart from the sabers I mentioned, I'll be happy with whatever I end up with. :)

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: ThreadJack on November 17, 2013, 03:54:28 AM
If you really can't decide which to get, and will be happy with anything, then a grab bag is for you sir!

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: James Casey on November 17, 2013, 08:30:57 PM
Phew.I appreciate that they were probably good quality sabers and all, I was just worried that I'd get one and not like it. With regards to buying a saber like an aeon or a Dominix, the reason I was gonna go for a grab bag was because I can't decide which saber to get, and apart from the sabers I mentioned, I'll be happy with whatever I end up with. :)

Run a poll on here - put up the options you can afford, and we'll decide for you :)

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: CreepySeagulls on November 17, 2013, 10:36:33 PM
Sounds like a plan. :) Silly question though, how do I start a poll?

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: James Casey on November 18, 2013, 02:06:22 PM
*Smacks head*

I've never noticed there isn't a poll function here - I've never needed one, but it's always been an option on every other forum I'm a member of so I just assumed...

You'll have to do it the old fashioned way, I think - just put up a list of your options, and we'll help you decide.

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: Master Bluespike74 on November 18, 2013, 03:28:21 PM
Sounds like a plan. :) Silly question though, how do I start a poll?

I think the mods can help you with that as I have seen polls on this forum in the past.

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: CreepySeagulls on November 20, 2013, 02:32:21 AM
Haha, I thought I was just being silly. It's okay though. I've decided to go for the phantasm initiate staff. :) Thanks for all the help. :)

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: Lord Krankenhaus on November 20, 2013, 11:45:33 AM
Excellent choice, I love mine.
Glad we could help you decide(sorta ;D)!

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: Choco on November 22, 2013, 04:12:54 AM
If you can't make up your mind then I think a grab bag is an excellent choice for a first saber. A good part of the fun is not knowing what your getting hilt wise (blade color too if you decide to keep that random)

I'm quite happy with my first saber which is a grab bag it only makes me want my emerald saber with all the stuff on it that much more  ;D

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: CreepySeagulls on November 22, 2013, 01:06:36 PM
I think it'll be a good few years before I can afford an emerald saber. :( One with sound at least. Still, I'd be happy with a stunt. I also just found out that one of my friends from back home is buying a saber also, so when he comes to visit I'll have a new sparring partner. :D I'm so excited and can't wait 'til Christmas. :D

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: Master Bluespike74 on November 23, 2013, 12:05:41 PM
I think it'll be a good few years before I can afford an emerald saber. :( One with sound at least. Still, I'd be happy with a stunt. I also just found out that one of my friends from back home is buying a saber also, so when he comes to visit I'll have a new sparring partner. :D I'm so excited and can't wait 'til Christmas. :D

I am currently on a strict savings plan.  I purchase a grab bag.  Then I slowly begin to do upgrades until I get it to the point that I want it.  You can find plenty of information to do this yourself.  That is what makes the grab bags so attractive to me. 

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: CreepySeagulls on November 23, 2013, 02:12:45 PM
That's exactly what I was thinking originally. Get a grab bag and slowly customize it to make it better, I could always send it in to get sound installed. (Although that could be a bit tricky as I live in the UK) Other than that though, I could always do leather wraps, weathering, paint. I could try and make a shroud, I could work up the balls to drill holes in the emitter of my beloved first saber. There's loads I could do to it. However, the problem was that I need to get one for my girlfriend as well, and I want her to be just as happy with hers as I am with mine, and the easiest and most cost effective way to do that is to buy a staff. It also means that I can practice with a staff, dual wielding or with a single blade straight away. I won't have to sit there watching videos on the forum wishing I had a second saber to practice with. :)

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: Master Bluespike74 on November 23, 2013, 03:19:13 PM
That's exactly what I was thinking originally. Get a grab bag and slowly customize it to make it better, I could always send it in to get sound installed. (Although that could be a bit tricky as I live in the UK) Other than that though, I could always do leather wraps, weathering, paint. I could try and make a shroud, I could work up the balls to drill holes in the emitter of my beloved first saber. There's loads I could do to it. However, the problem was that I need to get one for my girlfriend as well, and I want her to be just as happy with hers as I am with mine, and the easiest and most cost effective way to do that is to buy a staff. It also means that I can practice with a staff, dual wielding or with a single blade straight away. I won't have to sit there watching videos on the forum wishing I had a second saber to practice with. :)

Of course you could also watch my DIY videos and upgrade the saber to sound yourself. 

Title: Re: Grab bags?
Post by: CreepySeagulls on November 24, 2013, 12:05:09 AM
That's a good idea actually. Gonna have to wait until I've saved some more money though. :)