Saber Forum

General Chat => Costumes and Props => Topic started by: Darth Brutus on November 02, 2013, 03:02:11 AM

Title: Master Diavolos, Arctic Jedi Knight WIP over the next year
Post by: Darth Brutus on November 02, 2013, 03:02:11 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, Sith and Sithettes, Jedi and Jedi-ettes - I pose to you a question:

If a Jedi were to go into hiding on Hoth during the Jedi Purge, after the years of exile and limited resources, how would he start a fire for warmth? His lightsaber? Force Lightning?

My next build is going to be such a Jedi. He will have been exiled for at least 50 years before rejoining the world reformed by Luke Skywalker. Color scheme will be Pearl White with Ice Blue as highlights. The Saber will be Artic Blue and possibly the Azure Reaper. Alot of Wompa fur for the cape and loin cloth, with Manalorian armor to help disquise himself. The under suit will be White as will the boots and gloves, with the belt being a mix of light colored leather and Wompa fur. For the face, I'm thinking a "frozen" look on the lips and under the eyes teamed with the lightest blue contacts I can find. I'll be growing my hair back this year so of course it will "whitened" (grey cuz I'm old) as well as my eyebrows and beard.

Master Diavolos, Arctic Jedi from the planet Hoth.

I welcome any ideas, critiques, and comments.

Since I am still a Sith... DEATH TO ALL JEDI! (including Diavolos)

Title: Re: Master Diavolos, Arctic Jedi Knight WIP over the next year
Post by: CZ3RO on November 07, 2013, 10:09:48 PM
Well, here's someone who hid out on a cold planet for a while and arguably has some Jedi traits....   ;)


Title: Re: Master Diavolos, Arctic Jedi Knight WIP over the next year
Post by: chicago.jedi on November 07, 2013, 10:50:11 PM
I would go with a wrapped look to all of the wampa fur. A Jedi in such a situation is not likely to find a tailor. Field improvised would be the angle I would go with.

I like the concept. Great idea.

Title: Re: Master Diavolos, Arctic Jedi Knight WIP over the next year
Post by: Oramac on November 07, 2013, 11:06:21 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, Sith and Sithettes, Jedi and Jedi-ettes - I pose to you a question:

If a Jedi were to go into hiding on Hoth during the Jedi Purge, after the years of exile and limited resources, how would he start a fire for warmth? His lightsaber? Force Lightning?

He'd pull out his lightsaber, give it a wave, and yell "Incendio"!!    Wait, wrong universe.  I have no honest idea how he'd start a fire, other than flint and steel and all the normal survival techniques.

My next build is going to be such a Jedi. He will have been exiled for at least 50 years before rejoining the world reformed by Luke Skywalker. Color scheme will be Pearl White with Ice Blue as highlights. The Saber will be Artic Blue and possibly the Azure Reaper. Alot of Wompa fur for the cape and loin cloth, with Manalorian armor to help disquise himself. The under suit will be White as will the boots and gloves, with the belt being a mix of light colored leather and Wompa fur. For the face, I'm thinking a "frozen" look on the lips and under the eyes teamed with the lightest blue contacts I can find. I'll be growing my hair back this year so of course it will "whitened" (grey cuz I'm old) as well as my eyebrows and beard.

This is a really cool idea!  Personally, I might shy away from the Azure Reaper and an Arctic Blue blade.  I think it'd be blue overload.  I might go with a yellow blade, honestly.  Other than that, I don't think I'd change a thing. 

Title: Re: Master Diavolos, Arctic Jedi Knight WIP over the next year
Post by: Darth Brutus on December 16, 2013, 06:24:26 AM
He'd pull out his lightsaber, give it a wave, and yell "Incendio"!!    Wait, wrong universe.  I have no honest idea how he'd start a fire, other than flint and steel and all the normal survival techniques.

This is a really cool idea!  Personally, I might shy away from the Azure Reaper and an Arctic Blue blade.  I think it'd be blue overload.  I might go with a yellow blade, honestly.  Other than that, I don't think I'd change a thing. 

Good call on the colors of the blade and hilt... silver shall be the hilt, yes it shall!

Title: Re: Master Diavolos, Arctic Jedi Knight WIP over the next year
Post by: Xaeyon on December 16, 2013, 08:54:43 AM
Have a little read of this, something might help in your backstory: (