Saber Forum

Way of the Saber => Saber Combat => Topic started by: DarthJimmer on May 09, 2013, 01:53:33 AM

Title: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: DarthJimmer on May 09, 2013, 01:53:33 AM
Can someone help me out with some videos for training the 7 Different forms? They can be any level of difficulty.
Can be on youtube or a download somewhere etc. I would really appreciate it.

p.s. I prefer actual lightsaber training as opposed to other martial arts training videos that can be applied. But I'll take what I can get.

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: Sandtracker on May 09, 2013, 02:42:10 AM
TPLA on YouTube has videos on all of the forms, I think. (

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: DarthJimmer on May 09, 2013, 03:16:15 AM
Thank you soo much! keep um coming you guysss.

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: DarthJimmer on May 09, 2013, 03:23:01 AM
I just realized that Master Nonymous posts for them on here frequently. Not sure if he is the creator or what, but thank you Master Nonymous and anyone involved with TPLA! I'm so lucky to get into the hobby at a time where theres a channel like this that is the first free online academy videos.

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: Genkaku Sho`shyk on May 09, 2013, 08:49:55 AM
the guys at TPLA have alot of background in martial arts, and have "applied" their knowledge to the lore of the lightsaber combat in the starwars universe... witch is where the forms come into play in real lift dueling.. ... on another side note, the TPLA has a program that you can take called the "Exile in trainning" that you can earn a lightsaber instructor certification..   go to the TPLA wed page and look around, you will find the detail there....

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: DarthJimmer on May 09, 2013, 12:29:08 PM
Thanks Genkaku, they really do fill everything I was looking for. And to think, it didnt exist over a year ago.

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: kagemusha shin on May 09, 2013, 05:56:41 PM
Just YouTube TPLA and subscribe you'll see all their videos.

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: Darth Nonymous on May 10, 2013, 03:47:20 AM
Thanks Genkaku, they really do fill everything I was looking for. And to think, it didnt exist over a year ago.
Greetings! Thank you for such high praise! We aim to please.

One corection: We have six of the seven Forms up. Juyo is upcoming.

Again, I am humbled. Thank you.

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: DarthJimmer on May 10, 2013, 12:32:26 PM
I am the ones whos humbled Mast Nonymous. After actually diving in and checking out the videos and realizing people from the board as well as yourself contribute to this awesome online academy, I'm so happy to be able to have this as a resource. You can tell right away that your knowledge is legit, and I'm soaking it all up. I'll be tuning in today if there is a broadcast! (every friday right?). You're the man.

Title: Re: Some Video Recommendations?
Post by: Solinus on May 14, 2013, 05:22:05 AM
I am the ones whos humbled Mast Nonymous. After actually diving in and checking out the videos and realizing people from the board as well as yourself contribute to this awesome online academy, I'm so happy to be able to have this as a resource. You can tell right away that your knowledge is legit, and I'm soaking it all up. I'll be tuning in today if there is a broadcast! (every friday right?). You're the man.

I'm one of the Learners in Exile, though I haven't been active lately due to real life stuff. But TPLA is where I started. The program is filled with a lot of content, great instructors, and lots of support. My suggestion is to start with Form I: Shii-cho. Learn everything you can about the basic strikes, parries, and footwork. Move on to the Dulon, then finally the Velocities. Once you feel comfortable with handling a saber, take a look at each of the other forms and pick a favorite to work towards.

Or... you can just pick up the basics of each and move through them all.

But most of all, have fun! Welcome into the fold!